Chapter 487 ( Phantom Troupe - III )

"Those are strange little girls" - said Kortopi seriously as he saw how Shio and Sapphire were flying around Kyoko with expressions that did not correspond to little girls, much less to ones that were about to fight a battle to the death.

"I know, they are obviously not human" - said Bonolenov, the man who had his whole body bandaged while carefully observing the movements of his opponents, and noticing how the two little strange girls, instinctively were not showing any openness in their guard, as Kyoko was doing, proving that in terms of battles, they were much more dangerous than the adult woman - "I wonder what kind of creatures they are?"

"Shio is Shio" - Shio replied as she tilted her head - "And Sapphire is Shio's younger sister."

"That's right" - nodded Sapphire with a cold and emotionless voice, after all, she could sense the darkness in her enemies, something her older sister could not.

"Girls, I want you to be careful because they are dangerous" - said Kyoko seriously while Staravia and Kuro looked at their enemies neutrally.

"Hai hai ~!" - Shio nodded nonchalantly, after all, she was aware of how tough her body was and how hard it was to harm her.

"Relax, mom, I'll protect you" - Sapphire said as her eyes hidden in her electric blue hair, glowed slightly.

Kyoko smiled when she saw this, she was no longer so embarrassed that Sapphire called her that way, after all, the strange girl had won a small place in her heart. She quickly returned to showing a serious expression as she stroked Kuro's head - "I'm counting on you."

"Nya ~!" - Kuro nodded firmly as he jumped to the ground and started growling at the spider limbs - "Shaaa!"

"For some strange reason, I feel a deep fear running down my back" - Kortopi said as he looked the cat straight into his golden eyes - "Do you feel the same?"

"Indeed" - replied Bonolenov as he began to remove his bandages.

Kyoko took a shocked look at the man's appearance, only to frown as she saw all the holes that were around his body.

Bonolenov's appearance, was so hideous, it could cause trypophobia to any normal person who saw him.

"Let's get this celebration started" - Bonolenov muttered as he began to move, and in the process, creating a strange sound from the holes in his body.

Kyoko frowned when she heard this to prepare herself in case things went "crazy". She had read stories where characters used music to be able to affect the senses of enemies.

"Let's celebrate this battle with a blood melody" - Bonolenov said as the sound of the "music", was getting louder and louder.

Kyoko felt a shiver run down her spine, not because of the effects of the music, but because of how bizarre the situation was.

Bonolenov's movements were getting faster and faster and erratic, until there was a moment where he disappeared from his former location.

"Watch out, Mom!" - Sapphire exclaimed as he flew to where Kyoko was and with his claws, attacked a few meters away from her.

Kyoko was surprised when she saw this, but she noticed the reason for her "daughter's" actions as she saw a brown flash back at full speed.

"You are sharp and quick, little creature" - Bonolenov said seriously as he frowned because his instincts had warned him that if he continued to attack, it would be all over.

He slowly looked at the sharp claws that the little girl had instead of feet, only to notice how these were covered with a dangerous and icy blue aura - "Ice!"

Sapphire didn't respond, she just released a huge amount of hostility as the icy aura surrounding her claws, slowly began to spread around the place.

Kortopi began to shiver as she felt this, only to feel a thin layer of frost begin to create itself over her body.

"It's not just ice, it's also temperature control" - Bonolenov said as his eyes widened in surprise as he felt his body seem to go numb from such a drastic change in his body temperature.

"Gyo ~!" - Sapphire was furious at how this strange human had attacked her "mother", so without a second thought, she charged in.

Staravia followed closely behind her because she too was upset at what had happened, not to mention that since the two creatures were both winged, they understood each other almost perfectly.

Kyoko shook her head when she saw this, more so when she noticed how Kuro had disappeared.

"This is strange, things shouldn't be happening this way" - Kortopi said as she looked at the woman with a frown under her hair.

Kyoko quickly summoned a pair of pistols and looked at Kortopi seriously, after all, she had seen the notification.

[Enemies: [Ghost Brigade: Kortopi] and [Ghost Brigade: Bonolenov], have been affected by [Icy Aura], reducing their overall speed by 50%, and Stats reduction by 20%].

"This is the best time" - Kyoko said as her gaze grew sharp, after all, this wasn't her first time fighting.

She had already psyched herself up and got used to her new life.

Without a second thought, Kyoko pointed in Kortopi's direction as she watched Shio run against the small man.

"I think you're belittling me too much" - Kortopi said as he squinted his only visible eye and held out his gaunt hands.

"You're the one belittling Shio" - Shio replied as he gave his opponent a firm tackle.

Kortopi quickly caught the girl and prepared to dislocate her neck, after all, it didn't matter that he was the weakest of their group, he was still a killer, but to his growing surprise, Shio's body seemed to be made of titanium because of how difficult it was to even attempt to dismember her when using Nen - "Impossible, there can't be someone that tough."

Shio's eyes glowed slightly, time Kortopi couldn't take her gaze off the young girl's eyes.

"Now!" - Shio exclaimed.

Kyoko didn't hesitate, she quickly pulled the trigger of her gun, and fired a quick aura bullet through the spider limb's head.

Kortopi's gaze began to cloud over as her body went still.

That was Kyoko's weapon ability, [Ghost Bullet], she used much of her Nen reserves to create a bullet that when hit, caused the target to be lost in infinity for a few seconds.

The limitation of this technique was obvious, first, Kyoko had to use a large part of her aura, which made her unable to launch as many [Ghost Bullets] as she wanted, second, nothing ensured that the target could not dodge the attack, making the technique inconsistent in critical situations, although this was slightly fixed thanks to Shio's ability to cause her targets to be confused for a few seconds.

Kyoko slowly walked over to Kortopi with a knife in her hands, only to see a small shadow jump over the spider's limb.

Kuro again appeared, and without asking her owner's permission, she opened her snout and devoured much of Kortopi's shadow.

Kyoko was silent at the sight as she frowned slightly, though she quickly calmed down because this wasn't the first time Kuro had done something like that.

Kuro slowly licked his lips before looking at the Bonolenov shadow with a predatory look.

"Kuro-chan is too hungry" - Shio said while wiggling her nose in annoyance.

"Never mind, let's better end this man's life, at least then he won't have to suffer a life of bad luck" - replied Kyoko while shaking her head.

What Kuro had done, was something simple, she had devoured all of Kortopi's luck by consuming his shadow which was now much lighter.

There were many stories in different cultures about shadows, which attributed special abilities or characteristics to them, among them, there were some stories that said that shadows were a physical reflection of the owner's soul, in other words, as long as it was with its owner, he would be complete.

Kuro could consume part of these shadows to take away their fate, or as many call it, their destinies, in order to strengthen his body and that of his master.

Kyoko could feel how her strength had increased considerably, though at the same time she felt that this was not right, even though it was not the first time she had experienced it.

She was still having conflicting emotions at the thought of her snatching her fate from her opponents, though after talking a bit with Cloud, she was back to normal, or at least as normal as possible.

"Anyway, I'd better go help Sapphire-chan, she's a bit self-conscious about her opponent" - Shio said as she threw one last glance at the dwarf man, then ran to her friend.

Kyoko looked at Kortopi seriously, only to take her knife, and embed it in her opponent's skull.

The life that had returned to the short man's eyes slowly began to drain from his gaze as his body fell to the ground.

Kyoko sighed regretfully before shaking her head as she clenched her fists.

With this, she had strengthened her conviction to move on.


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