Chapter 488.( Phantom Troupe - IV )

"Kortopi" - said Bonolenov as he felt his body getting stiffer and stiffer from the icy wind Sapphire was releasing - "You are going to die."

"I'm not going to let you hurt mother" - Sapphire said with hostility as the icy air was getting stronger and stronger.

Bonolenov stood static as he felt the holes in his body, being covered by a hard layer of ice - "!"

[[Ghost Brigade: Bonolenov], is in [Frozen] state, overall speed reduced by 99%, regeneration reduced by 50%, receives 1% of his maximum health, as ice damage]

"Good job, Sapphire-chan" - Kyoko said as she walked to the young harpy, only to worry when she saw how she didn't respond to her - "Sapphire-chan?"

"I think she used more energy than she should have" - said Shio as he ran to Sapphire, and noticed how she had lost consciousness.

Bonolenov was trying to move his body by destroying the ice, but for some strange reason, he couldn't manage it.

With his level of power, breaking the ice and resisting the low temperatures was something easy to do, but the effects of Sapphire's techniques were too strong, and what made it even stranger was that this ability was not Nen.

Bonolenov had used his aura to try to defend himself, but the effects had been null, exposing that the ice had an extremely strange origin.

"What do we do with it?" - Shio asked as he pointed at the frozen criminal.

"Let's finish him off, as fast as possible" - said Kyoko as she took her knife, and embedded the knife into the criminal's skull.

The life disappeared from Bonolenov's gaze, thus ending one of the [Ghost Brigade] team.

Kyoko watched as the criminal was held static by Sapphire's ice.

The auburn-haired woman slowly withdrew the bloody knife and started to think, only to feel the strength drain from her body.

Now that it was all over, she could feel the tension making her unable to move - ". . ."

"Are you okay?" - Shio asked with concern.

"Yeah, just a little tired" - Kyoko answered, only to notice how Kuro was looking at Bonolenov's corpse with annoyance, after all, she couldn't devour his shadow.

"Are they done?" - Menchi asked as she walked over to where Kyoko and the others were.

Kurapika walked to where the two criminals were, to make sure they were dead, only to sigh with relief when she saw how they were showing no signs of life.

With that, 6 of the spider members had fallen, and there were still half of them left.

"I can't believe my wish is about to come true" - Kurapika muttered as she stared coldly at the corpses of the [Ghost Brigade] members.

"Leaving that aside, we should go help Cloud and Kyōka-chan" - said Kyoko as she tried to get up with difficulty, only to frown as her body became unresponsive - "Ugh."

"We'd better rest, bunk you can't move, and Sapphire is unconscious" - said Menchi while frowning - "Besides, I'm sure those two are fine"

"I hope so" - muttered Kyoko with concern because she didn't know how strong the remaining members of the [Ghost Brigade] were.

She was aware that the criminals they faced, were nowhere near the strongest of the group, and it also didn't help that they beat them thanks to one coincidence after another.

Kyoko sighed as she pondered the vast difference in the basic skills of her group with that of the [Ghost Brigade], only to shudder slightly at the possibility of her death.

She knew that it only took one mistake to be able to end up dead, but she hadn't thought about it because of the adrenaline that had invaded her insides.

Now that it was all over, she could think things over a little better and notice how the difference was not only in base power, but also in experience.

The members of the [Ghost Brigade] had much more years of battle experience, compared to her who had only fought for a little over a year, and against enemies that were at the same level as her, or even weaker.

Menchi had more experience, but fighting against beasts was very different from fighting against professional assassins, let alone Kurapika who only had theoretical experience.

No matter how much information they had, Kyoko had to admit that they were lucky to see how things had turned out and how quickly everything had unfolded thanks to Sapphire.

"Are you okay?" - Menchi asked again as she noticed how Kyoko's expression was constantly changing.

"Yes, it's just that now that our battle is over, I can finally understand some things that honestly it was better to keep ignoring" - answered Kyoko while sighing regretfully and caressing Sapphire's face, after all, she had been her victory condition.

"I understand what you're trying to say, and I also think the same thing" - said Kurapika while frowning with a serious expression.

"Well, leaving that aside, it's great that things turned out as we wished" - said Menchi while shaking her head - "Now all that's left is to wait for Cloud and Kyōka's outcome, but I'm not too worried after seeing how strong those two are."

* * * * *

"Where's Kurapika?" - Neon asked as she looked around seeing how the only bodyguard who was her age had disappeared - "Is she taking a break, by any chance?"

"He asked for the day off because he had to meet with an acquaintance who is visiting the city" - Melody replied with a smile - "He had worked every day without a break, so our superior allowed him to take the whole day off."

Neon frowned when she heard this because she was not happy that no one informed her.

She liked to have full knowledge of everything that happened, more so when it came to the people around her because anything could end up with bad results.

"Next time something like this happens, I want to be informed first, is that clear?" - Neon asked with irritation.

"C-Clear, I'll tell our superior" - Melody said with a forced smile.

Neon gave her one last look before returning to his room with an annoyed expression.

Not only had the auction been postponed indefinitely, but Cloud was nowhere to be found, so she couldn't try to start a relationship with him either, and to top it off, the only guy who could more or less understand her situation had disappeared without informing her.

"This day couldn't get any worse" - Neon muttered in annoyance, unaware that a group of men dressed in black, were entering the hotel while Cloud was gone.

* * * * *

Shizuku was silent as she heard the screams of the other women in her group, more so when she noticed how everything around her seemed to have gone completely silent.

Franklin had a serious expression on his face as he clenched his fists in fury because thanks to his height, he had seen the fateful destiny that his 4 teammates had suffered.

"Franklin" - Shalnark said seriously as he noticed the change in his teammate's expression.

"Dead, every one of them" - Franklin replied as his eyes turned red with fury - "Machi, Pakunoda, Bonolenov, Kortopi, they're all dead!"

"!" - Shalnark looked with surprise at his companion when he heard this, only to glare with hatred at the woman who was watching them with a smile on her face.

For the first time in their entire lives, Franklin, Shalnark, and Shizuku, were experiencing hatred so great that it could hardly be contained.

"I see you're ready to begin" - said Kyōka as he thundered his neck and looked at his opponents with a serious expression on his face - "Because I'm losing my patience."

"When we're done with you, we'll go to your friends and give them a slow and painful death for everything they've done" - said Franklin as he held out his hands, only for his fingers to open, revealing what looked like the nozzles of pistols.

Shizuku quickly pulled out her strange toothy vacuum cleaner and prepared to attack.

Shalnark for his part, just took a breath to try and calm his heart, after all, in direct battle, his ability wasn't as useful as his companions, though that didn't mean it wasn't lethal.

He just had to seize the perfect moment to gain control of Kyōka and with that, he could torture her as much as he wanted, the first step being to make her kill his companions herself.

"You are hypocritical bastards" - Kyōka said neutrally while his aura grew steadily - "You can kill everyone who gets in your way, but the moment one of you dies, you jump with desires for revenge, as if this were a sin".

"Keep quiet and die!" - Franklin roared as he launched a hail of bullets at Kyōka, only for Kyōka to extend her hands and with her Ki, block each of the projectiles.


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