Chapter 489 ( Phantom Troupe - V )

". . ." - Kyōka fell silent when she saw how easy it had been to block her opponent's attack by using her Ki and Aura at the same time, only to look down at her hands and clench her fists tightly.

This may not be much, but that she could mix two types of energy, even though they were slightly similar, was something she never thought she would do. This was a sign that she had grown in her power level, but this was no time to rest on her laurels, she had a battle to start, and she would not end it so easily.

"Shalnark, I'm not going to tell you what to do because I'm sure you understand" - Franklin said in equal parts cold and serious voice.

"Hai hai ~" - Shalnark gave him a nonchalant look before nodding simply, though his cold stare showed that things weren't as simple as he thought.

"Shizuku, the moment she attacks, I want you to run against them and engage her in close combat, just be careful because she is possibly just as strong as Uvogin" - Franklin continued as the girl with glasses nodded firmly.

"Are you guys done saying your plans yet?" - Kyōka asked while tilting her head - "Hmm, now that I see things better, I feel that the roles were reversed, I should be the good guy, and you the criminals, but if an outsider saw all this, I would think otherwise."

Kyōka continued to ramble, only to block a new wave of bullets coming in her direction - "Really? You should have a little more tact and not attack someone who's thinking!"

"Take that!" - Shizuku exclaimed as she attacked with her vacuum cleaner, as if it were a sledgehammer.

Kyōka frowned as she used one of her hands to grab the neck of the strange device, only to move quickly and grab the woman by the neck.

Shizuka quickly rotated her body to try to escape, which she succeeded by only a few millimeters.

Sweat ran down her forehead as she felt her neck was about to dislocate just by the sight of the blue-haired woman's hands, about to grab her.

"Good reflexes and speed, but you need more than that to make this battle enjoyable" - Kyōka said while shaking her head, only to continue blocking Franklin's bullets - "Don't you have something better than this?"

The expression of the huge man, was getting worse and worse because his basic skill, was useless against his opponent.

"This is ridiculous![Shotgun]!" - Franklin roared as he felt as if his efforts and desire for revenge, was nothing more than a bad joke against his opponent.

Kyōka increased the power the Ki and aura surrounding her hands as she moved them at full speed to block her opponent's shots, only to fly off a few meters backwards.

She slowly looked down at her hands and noticed how they were red from the power of the shot as a huge smile appeared on her face - "That hurt."

Franklin's expression darkened when he saw this as he felt his anger rise considerably - "[Shotgun]!"

"Calm down, Franklin!" - Shalnark shouted as he looked at his friend - "If you lose your sanity at this point, your fate will be the same as Machi and the others!"

Franklin took a breath before clenching his fists because it was humiliating that he couldn't use his ability, though this was normal.

All Nen abilities, had a natural "predator" as well as a clear weakness, so him finding someone who was his natural enemy, was normal.

"You have a huge muscle mass, I guess you are strong in close combat" - Kyōka said while squinting her eyes as she saw how Franklin's Nen skill damage, was almost negligent against her, all thanks to her energy.

She without using Nen, could resist attacks that could destroy the foundations of a building, without suffering major damage, so bullets weren't much of a problem, now we had to add the innate resistance that Nen had against techniques that used this same energy, and that explained why Franklin's attacks were practically useless against her, although that didn't mean that this would also happen if he attacked Kyoko or the others.

"Franklin, come on, let's finish her off" - Shizuku said seriously.

"You're right" - Franklin muttered before nodding - "Come on, her life is ours."

Shalnark quickly stepped back and prepared to attack at the right moment, though now he was wondering if it was better to concentrate on this woman, and quickly kill the others first.

He was struggling with this idea, but decided to stay put because he knew that the moment he moved, this woman would start attacking with everything she had, and possibly kill one of his two companions, making his overall situation more difficult because he didn't know how strong the others were.

Shalnark didn't know if she would manage to kill the others before Kyōka finished, so it was better to concentrate on her while she was showing a passive attitude because this was the best time to try to kill her.

Kyōka was aware of this, that was the very reason why she was showing such an apathetic attitude, she wanted her opponents to think that she was an idiot who only thought with her muscles, and at the right time, end the fight.

She had put aside her attitude of a martial artist, and had become a true warrior. She had blood on her hands, she had seen how life escaped from her opponents and their victims, that's why she would no longer show mercy unless it was training.

Kyōka quickly began to release more and more of her Ki.

The spider members did not feel anything strange because unlike the Nen, they could not differentiate the feeling of Ki with a change in their opponent's expression.

Kyōka's smile grew slightly when she saw this, because this was something she had been thinking about for the past few battles.

She had noticed that no matter how much Ki she released, she was still the same to the people of this world, all thanks to the fact that they had never faced this kind of energies before.

Without a second thought, she disappeared from their location and reappeared in front of Shalnark, who didn't know what was going on.

"I know you've been hiding and waiting, that's why I'd better eliminate you first" - Kyōka said neutrally while imbuing her fist with Ki.

Shalnark quickly jumped backwards, only to feel his entire chest split open by Kyōka's fist.

Slowly the blood rushed up his throat as he felt everything s become a blur.

"Shalnark!" - Franklin exclaimed as he ran to his friend, who had been sent flying by Kyōka's fist - "Are you okay?"

"Sore" - replied Shalnark as he vomited blood - "No, take that away, I feel like I'm going to die."

Shalnark could feel how all his organs had exploded, and his heart was on the verge of collapse.

He never thought a single attack would be this lethal, though this should have been a given knowing that Kyōka had similar or greater physical power than Uvogin, and it wasn't as if his body was resilient either.

Shalnark struggled to his feet, only to vomit blood as he felt everything around him seem to be starting to distort.

"Shalnark" - Franklin muttered angrily because he never thought everything would change so fast and with just one attack - "You've been playing with us."

"No, I was simply making you believe what you wished" - Kyōka replied neutrally as her expression changed to a cold and emotionless one. She had put her amused attitude aside, and was displaying the attitude of an animal that was in the midst of the hunt.

She had planted one trap after another with her carefree attitude, and now she had struck a critical blow against one of her prey.

Kyōka enjoyed a good battle, but there were times when she ignored her desires in order to finish her mission as quickly as possible.

Franklin roared in fury as he leapt at Kyōka with red eyes - "Run, Shizuku!"

"!" - Shizuku reacted when she heard this, but did not follow his instructions.

Of all the spider members, Franklin was the one she had the best relationship with, to the point of considering him as her closest friend, that's why she didn't want to abandon him.

Kyōka's silhouette trembled slightly before disappearing and reappearing below Franklin - "Dragon Bullet!"

Franklin quickly crossed his arms to block the impending attack, only to spit blood and fly away as he felt the force of the impact.

Kyōka quickly appeared behind the tall man and continued to strike every part of his body.

Blood ran down Franklin's mouth as he felt like a Pingpong ball for all that he was moving back and forth, only to groan in pain when he felt Kyōka's fist impacting against his face as he quickly fell to the ground.


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