Chapter 491 ( Phantom Troupe - VII )

"That hurt a bit, your fist is almost as strong as Kyōka's" - Cloud said as he stepped out of the smokescreen, showing that he wasn't hurt in the slightest - "Not bad."

"Not even a scratch" - Phinks muttered as he looked at his fist, only to click his tongue and start rotating his arm.

"I'm going to give you enough time to build up your power to the maximum your body can withstand" - Feitan said neutrally as he ran at Cloud.

Cloud quickly blocked the criminal's attack, only to frown as he noticed how some of his energy, seemed to have been absorbed by the boy's armor.

He was about to investigate some more, when he saw with surprise how a notification appeared on the retina of his right eye.

[Priority Mission, [Materialization: Wrath] has acquired a higher priority by finding a target with 100% compatibility].

[Initiating mission [The Call of Wrath]]

[Call of Wrath: Let hatred guide your actions. Consume the body of [Ghost Brigade: Feitan], and gain his Nen ability]

[Reward: Fragment of the 7 Sins(Wrath)(2/7)]

[Punishment for Failure: [Skill: Nen (Devour) Application], impossible to upgrade, reduces the maximum Stat by 25%].

Cloud was silent as he felt his smile grow slightly - "An interesting skill, I want to assume that your skill is activated by your anger, and that it absorbs some of the damage I caused you and accumulates it."

"That's right, my ability is called [Pain Packer], and as you say, it activates with my anger, the greater my anger, the more powerful my armor will be" - Feitan answered with a neutral voice. He had nothing to gain by hiding his ability now that Cloud had deduced how it worked - "Absorb damage, it's part of the coordinated ability I have with my second power."

"Interesting" - Cloud muttered as his eyes twinkled slightly, he now understood why the [System] had changed his mind - "I suppose your ability can also release that accumulated damage in a devastating attack?"

Feitan didn't respond to this, he just continued to advance against Cloud with an unreadable expression.

"I'll take that as a yes" - Cloud muttered with increasing interest, only to be surprised to see how the damage the man was now storing up, was getting bigger and bigger, as if he was willing his body to explode from the overload of power.

Feitan was still displaying a daring attitude as he attacked without mercy.

Cloud was beginning to frown as he blocked and counterattacked the criminal's attacks, only to notice how the damage was getting less and less.

"Do you really want to explode?" - Cloud asked as he looked at the medium-sized man, only to notice how the criminal's body was beginning to glow with great intensity.

"No, I'm fully aware of the damage I can accumulate" - Feitan replied neutrally as he used his Nen to increase his speed.

Cloud raised an eyebrow as he noticed how Feitan was glowing brighter and brighter as he continued to block his opponent's attacks.

"Attack!"Feitan exclaimed as Cloud's eyes widened in surprise as he felt as if the [Rocky Dragon] he had faced before had headbutted him in his back.

Cloud gritted his teeth as he stood his ground, only to shoot a glance back and cast an annoyed look at Phinks, who was glaring at the blonde-haired man in surprise.

"Impossible, with the power I put into that fist, you should have exploded" - Phinks said as his pupils contracted slightly.

"I admit, that did hurt" - growled Cloud as he gritted his teeth because he could feel how the blood was running down his back.

Phinks watched as the wounded blood he had caused was rapidly closing up.

"Back off, Phinks" - said Feitan as his fists glowed with an intense golden color.

Phinks nodded before backing away.

Cloud looked up and noticed how Feitan was creating what appeared to be a miniature sun.

"[Rising Sun]!" - Feitan roared as he threw the golden sphere.

Cloud was silent as a huge grin appeared on his face.

Without a second thought, he opened his mouth and absorbed the attack, all before the stunned gaze of the two criminals.

Feitan fell to the ground in pain as he felt the pressure his body had resisted in order to throw [Rising Sun], begin to take effect.

Even Phinks had his arm sore, but nothing compared to the pain his partner was enduring.

"Not bad" - said Cloud as he burped - "Delicious".

"Impossible" - muttered Feitan as he looked at Cloud with an unreadable expression.

Feitan slowly fell to the ground in pain as his armor disappeared.

"Feitan!" - Phinks exclaimed as he ran to his friend, only to increase the power of his aura and glare hatefully at the monster who was wearing the guise of a human.

"This confirms that I can consume not only magic, but all the energies I can control" - Cloud thought as he shook his head, only to focus again on his two opponents - "Anyway, let's get this over with, I still have to go see how your former partner Hisoka did".

"!" - Feitan's eyes widened in surprise when he heard this because Hisoka still being alive, meant one thing - "That bastard!"

Cloud quickly appeared in front of Feitan as he punched Phinks away from his prey, only to throw a punch that went through the tired criminal's chest.

Feitan extended his hand in the direction of his assassin as he focused all the energy he had into one last desperate attack.

Cloud let him do it as he watched Feitan's hand enter his chest.

A faint smile appeared on the criminal's face, but his expression quickly changed as he watched as not only did he feel no resistance to the attack, but Cloud's silhouette shattered into hundreds of pieces.

"A nice try, but too bad I'm not stupid enough to let you attack me so easily" - Cloud said as he extended his shadow.

Feitan saw how everything around him was surrounded by darkness, how the air started to become thin, how everything seemed to have returned to absolute nothingness.

"F-Feitan" - said Phinks as he vomited blood at the sight of how his friend had been consumed by Cloud's shadow - "B-Bastard".

Cloud gave him one last look before snorting in disdain.

The hypocrisy was too great in this group of criminals.

They had caused hundreds of murders, but now that he had annihilated their group, the survivors were roaring with fury and desire for revenge.

Cloud had decided to say no more, after all, words were unnecessary.

His shadow slowly returned to its place of origin as a notification appeared on his retina.

[Character [Ghost Brigade: Feitan], has been consumed]

[STR+ 50, DEX+ 100, INT +50, Energy +5000]

[Mission Completed, Skill [Wrath: Chaotic Armor], has been generated]

[Chaotic Armor: Increases the user's offensive power in relation to anger and damage received, immunity to mind control effects]

[Reward: Bracers of Wrath (Set of the 7 Sins) (2/7)]

* * *

[Armlet of Wrath] * * * * * [Armlet of Wrath] * * * * * * [Armlet of Wrath

Effect 1 [Wrath Unleashed]: Reduces the concentration and attention of all living beings 50 meters around the user, including him, causing the state [Wrath], attacking all nearby enemies without measuring the consequences.

Effect 2 [Extreme Rage]: Increases damage by 50%, but causes [Unbridled Rage] status in the user, causing him to attack everything within 5 meters around the user.

Effect 3 [Decay]: Mental resistance of the user is permanently reduced in relation to the time of use of [Armful of Wrath]. Upon reaching the limit, the user becomes the Avatar of Wrath, causing chaos and destruction ignoring all past relationships.

Effect 4 [Unlimited]: Uncontrollable rage causes those affected by [Armful of Wrath], to ignore the limits of their body in their quest for chaos, increases the damage caused by 25%, increases pain tolerance by 100%, but quickly reduces the target's vitality, these effects are doubled if the target is close to death.

* * *

Cloud was silent as he frowned because this was the second part of the [7 Sins Set] he had gotten, the first being, [Greed], and now [Wrath].

"This is a bit worrying" - Cloud thought, only to frown as he blocked Phinks' attack.

"You bastard, give me back my friends, every last one of them!" - Phinks roared in fury as he felt his anger grow to catastrophic levels.

Cloud raised an eyebrow when he saw this, but quickly understood what was going on.

"Die, die, die, die, die, die, die!" - Phinks roared with red eyes, veins scarred all over his body and messy hair.

He was ignoring everything around him, and was concentrating completely on the entity in front of him.

Phinks was like a flame that was igniting for the last time, releasing all the heat he had left.

"Die!" - Phinks roared in fury as he ignored the fact that his body was falling apart.

His organs were failing, his heart had stopped beating, his blood was burning, his veins looked like they were about to explode, but he was still attacking like a rabid dog.


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