Chapter 492 ( Phantom Troupe - VIII )

Phinks quickly continued his uncontrolled attack, not noticing how his body was starting to combust.

Cloud raised an eyebrow because he could instinctively feel how those flames could not control them.

[Flames of Rage: Only activate when the user is within minutes of dying from [Rage]. Effect: Ignores 50% of defense]

Cloud frowned when he saw this because this was not information that was reflected in the Skill, so he could only attribute it to it being a hidden effect, or by default, a skill that had been explained, but not in the right words.

"The [System] isn't perfect" - Cloud muttered as he blocked Phinks' attack, only to grit his teeth when he saw how the pain had drastically increased - "But now the question is, why am I not being affected by [Wrath]?"

Cloud was confused by this, but quickly put those thoughts aside because he knew it wasn't a good idea to keep getting hit.

Without a second thought, he quickly appeared in front of Phinks with his spear in hand and pierced his chest right through his heart, only to open his eyes in surprise as he was sent flying by the blow he had received.

Cloud quickly did a half flip in the air and landed carefully, only to see with Phinks' fist was once again over his face.

He quickly moved to the side as he changed the shape of his weapon to a light sword, and slashed Phinks' head, only to dilate his pupils when he saw how Phinks was still moving, as if he had stepped out of a horror movie.

"Die" - Phinks muttered as he struggled to move, only to fall to the ground with a vacant stare.

Cloud slowly approached his opponent's body in order to check that he was dead, only to be surprised to see how Phinks' body, was consumed by strange blood-colored flames.

The blond frowned when he saw this as he ordered his shadow to try to devour the body, only for it to tremble slightly when he tried to approach. It was obvious that his shadow didn't want to have contact with those flames, so he decided to ignore Phinks' body and concentrate on the battle in the distance that seemed to be over-.

Cloud kept the [Armful of Wrath] in his inventory to prevent it from taking effect anymore because it was too dangerous for everyone around him, a similar situation that had happened with [Greed].

Quickly, he ran to where Chrollo and Hisoka were fighting, only to see a scorched body.

"I see things didn't go as you wished" - Cloud said calmly while looking at the corpse - "And don't try to play dead, I can feel how your heart is beating, proving that you're still alive."

"Hardly" - answered Hisoka with difficulty - "All my organs are at their limit".

Cloud gave him a glance before using his sword to kill the man because there was no way he would survive unless Cloud used the potion he had for emergencies, but there was no way he would use it on someone unknown to him, more so for someone like Hisoka.

Slowly, he walked in the direction where he had sensed another now, and see Chrollo was sitting on the ground, possibly waiting for him.

"I knew things would end up like this when I saw that Hisoka was waiting for me in this place" - Chrollo said as he stood up wearily.

He never thought that his battle with Hisoka, would tire him so much, to the point that his Nen reserve, was at critical levels.

"You never thought it would all end this way, did you?" - Cloud asked as he looked at the ghost squad leader.

"Not in the least, I just thought everything would end as usual, maybe some dead, but us celebrating the success of our little project" - answered Chrollo honestly, after all, there was nothing left to live for, he had no hope of being able to survive either.

He still refused to believe how in just a few minutes, he had lost everything, his companions, his little group that had been by his side for years.

"Fate is uncertain" - Cloud answered calmly as he looked carefully at the black-haired man - "Now the question is, do you want to die by my hand, or would you rather commit suicide?"

". . ." - Chrollo closed his eyes as he gave his desire to survive one last chance, and started to think of a possible solution to his current situation, only to notice that no matter how hard he tried, no idea came to his mind, proving that his desire to continue living, had disappeared.

He was surprised by this because normally he would look for every possible way to survive, but now that there was no one to move forward with, his desire to continue had ended.

He slowly opened his eyes and picked up a knife.

Cloud watched this calmly as he waited for his response, only to shake his head slightly as he saw the knife pass by the side of his face.

"I can see there's still a bit of desire to survive deep inside you" - Cloud said as he saw how a small gleam had returned to Chrollo's gaze - "It's impressive, though it's a futile effort."

"I know, but just thinking about how my companions want your head, made me act impulsively, I guess I wanted them more than I thought" - Chrollo replied as he struggled to his feet and stood up on guard - "In my current state, I don't even have a 1% chance of survival, but at least it's not 0%"

"Are you seriously going to fight?" - Cloud asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"No, I'm going to try to survive so I can avenge my comrades, it's the least I can do for them as their leader" - replied Chrollo as he took a breath and circulated what little Nen he had left.

His battle with Hisoka had depleted his reserves, but he had enough to be able to fight without using any of the skills he had stolen.

"Well, if that's what you wish, I guess I'm going to have to indulge you," Cloud said calmly as he leapt against Chrollo.

The leader of the [Ghost Brigade], quickly moved to the side as he grabbed a pair of knives and disappear.

Cloud was surprised by his opponent's speed, more so when he saw that it was slightly similar to his own in his rock elemental overcharge state, though the power behind the attacks was almost negligent.

"I want to assume that you're a speed-type fighter that far from using physical strength, you use the skills you stole to be able to vary your fighting style depending on your opponent" - Cloud said calmly after analyzing the few moves he had seen from Chrollo.

The leader of the [Phantom Troupe] frowned when he saw how quickly he had read it, although this was somewhat obvious when he had given away so much information about himself.

"You are correct, it's a pity I'm slightly tired and my Nen reserves are depleted" - Chrollo replied neutrally - "Otherwise, I would have possibly given you a fight to enjoy."

"Oh?" - Cloud looked up curiously when he heard this - "Why would you say something like that?"

"Because I can see how you wish to fight opponents strong enough to feel the thrill of battle" - Chrollo replied simply - "I've known Uvogin for years, and it's an attitude he's had since his youth."

"I see, it's a pity" - nodded Cloud as he narrowed his eyes - "Let's get it over with."

"OK" - nodded Chrollo as he disappeared again, only to reappear in front of Cloud.

The blond quickly blocked Chrollo's attack with one hand as he launched a firm lunge with the other.

Chrollo quickly backed away to a safe distance, but before he could let out a sigh of relief, he saw how the blade of the sword was still in front of him.

Cloud was following his every move and was making it difficult to dodge, more so when he was constantly losing energy.

Chrollo was on the ropes after all he had fought, so he could do nothing but curse Hisoka for forcing him to fight.

"Run" - Cloud muttered as he changed the shape of his sword to the form of a spear, only to launch a barrage of thrusts.

Chrollo started sweating because the pressure was getting stronger and stronger, but he still did his best to dodge all the attacks coming in his direction, although there were times that no matter how hard he tried, he still ended up getting hurt.

He quickly picked up a book and opened it - "[Fish of the Inland]"

Chrollo felt his energy disappear, and was replaced by a pair of bonefish that swam around him.

Cloud watched this with curiosity, but his expression quickly changed when he saw how these went in his direction.

Without hesitation, he dodged them with full concentration because his instincts told him to stay away from the thing.


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