Chapter 493 ( Phantom Troupe - IX )

"That technique" - Cloud muttered while frowning - "It's lethal."

Chrollo vomited some blood, he was now using his remaining life force to be able to maintain his technique.

Nen was basically the will of the user, and he was using his life to augment his will.

"Life for power, a fair and rather cliché trade" - Cloud said as he watched the bonefish increase their speed, making it a bit harder to dodge - "Do these fish ignore the effects of [Cause and Effect]?"

Cloud could feel how those weights could devour part of his body completely, ignoring his defenses, resistances, and sense of pain.

"That's a simple way of looking at it, but it's correct" - Chrollo replied with a frown as he watched his hands shrivel slightly.

The [Inner Fish], was one of his most lethal techniques, as well as one of the most Nen consuming, which is why he could feel his body losing strength with each passing second.

"But I feel that's not all, there can't be such a strong technique without consequences or rules" - cloud said with a frown as he disappeared from his former location, and reappeared a few meters away, only to see how a third fish had appeared - ". . ."

"It obviously has limiters, but none of that matters when I'm on the verge of death" - Chrollo replied as he fell to his knees because the life force he was using, was getting bigger and bigger.

"I better give everything I have, so at least I'll take it with me to the grave" - thought Chrollo as he created 2 more fish.

With a last ditch effort, 5 bonefish were swimming in place, chasing Cloud back and forth from different directions.

Cloud was beginning to find this annoying, but he didn't complain, not when just a moment's lack of concentration, could end up leaving him without a limb, or much worse.

Chrollo was sweating uncontrollably as he watched not only his hands fill with wrinkles, but also his hair grow whiter and whiter.

Cloud quickly grabbed his spear and threw it directly at Chrollo, who quickly moved to the side, but his current state made it impossible for him to dodge the attack completely.

The spear pierced the [Ghost Brigade] leader's stomach as he felt something come from his throat.

Cloud quickly appeared in front of Chrollo and grabbed his spear, only to raise it with all his might.

Chrollo's eyes widened in surprise as he noticed how Cloud's body was glowing slightly with a blood red hue.

* * *

[Nen Application: Seven Sins (Wrath)]

Let fury cloud your mind, increase speed, offensive and defensive power, by 25%, Ignore 25% of defense, but reduce HP by 1% per second.

* * *

Cloud used all the strength he had left, and taking advantage of the fact that the spear had pierced Chrollo's body, he used it to split him in half.

Blood spurted everywhere as the two halves of Chrollo's body, fell to the ground.

The fish disappeared the moment the life had escaped its user.

Cloud slowly looked up at the sky, his entire body covered in blood.

His gaze was listless as he shook his head as he realized he had let impatience control his movements.

He had been controlling his movements so that he could continue to learn from Chrollo about his abilities, after all, he could be a good fort of experience for his ability that had a familiar concept, but seeing how the battle was getting more and more monotonous had caused him to lose patience and end the fight abruptly.

Cloud growled before having his shadow consume Chrollo's halved body, completely ignoring the notification he had received in doing so, it had even consumed the head, the same test he always gave the association when he finished his jobs.

"The stronger I get, the stronger my instincts get" - Cloud thought as he looked at his hands and noticed how they were still scaled on top, only to make them disappear and look in the direction where the others were - "I better leave this for another time because it's even possible that this will be solved when I'm 'reborn'..."

Cloud again shook his head before walking over to where the others were, ignoring the fact that his body was covered in his victim's blood.

* * * * *

"Cloud's battle, it's over too" - Kyōka said as she closed her eyes after feeling her beloved's aura calming down - "What surprises me is that it took him so long."

"Maybe he was trying to find out something" - replied Menchi while shaking her head.

Kyoko didn't say anything about it, she was sitting, taking care of Sapphire who was still unconscious. Shio was at her side, ready for anything that would get out of control, such as the only member of the [Ghost Brigade] who had survived, coming back and ambushing them.

"I still don't understand why you let that woman escape" - Kurapika said as he looked at the blue-haired woman - "She's an enemy."

"I know, but at the same time I felt empathy for her" - Kyōka replied while shrugging her shoulders - "And it's not like it's a problem that she survived either."

"She can attack us at any time to fulfill her revenge" - said Kurapika neutrally - "An enemy like that, it's better if she's dead, just like the others."

Menchi was silent while Kyoko shook her head.

"You have a point, but it was my fight, and I decide how to end it, period" - replied Kyōka, who sincerely did not wish to continue the conversation.

She had spared Shizuku's life, because she could see that she wouldn't attack them, not with the huge difference in abilities. There were other reasons, but it was better that she didn't say anything because it honestly wouldn't change the final outcome of the conversation.

Kurapika frowned before shaking his head before apologizing because he could see that he was letting his hatred for the spider, cloud his judgment.

Cloud's group had done more than enough for him, and they didn't owe him anything for him to continue to demand.

"Well, leaving that aside, at least it's all over" - said Menchi as she let out a sigh of relief at how her battle against the [Ghost Brigade], had ended with an almost complete annihilation of her enemies - "This will be explosive news for the association."

"You're right" - said Kyōka as he closed his eyes - "They may have lowered the danger level of the [Ghost Brigade] because of their almost zero activity, but they're still dangerous criminals."

"I wonder how Hisoka is" - Kurapika said while thinking about the man who had taken the hunter's exam together with him and his friends.

"Possibly dead, I don't sense any aura besides Cloud's who is walking in our direction" - answered Kyōka while opening she eyes calmly - "Possibly he died while confronting the leader of the [Ghost Brigade]"

"You mean Chrollo?" - Kyoko asked as she looked at Kyōka, who only shrugged because she honestly didn't care what his name was, much less now that he was dead.

"At least he got his wish before he died" - muttered Kurapika as he sighed regretfully because he knew Hisoka was his friend's target - "Gon won't be too happy when he hears this, as for the others, they possibly don't even care."

"What are they talking about?" - Cloud asked as he reached the place where everyone was resting - "And before you all go crazy, no, this isn't my blood."

Kyoko calmed down when she heard this, only to shake her head as she saw how brutal the end of Cloud's opponents was.

"I guess with this, it's all over" - Kurapika said as he looked up at the sky, which was now starting to darken from the rain clouds - "I'm finally free from my revenge, though now I understand what they were trying to say."

Kurapika felt relaxed now that he had seen Cloud return with his own eyes, but at the same time he felt empty. He had fulfilled his wish to see the members of the [Ghost Brigade] dead, even though it wasn't by his own hands.

"We'd better get back, I have to change my clothes and take a shower" - Cloud said as he walked to Sapphire and carried her carefully, but not before checking with relief that they were all okay.

"Sounds like a good idea" - said Kyōka as she shrugged her shoulders because she could see the tiredness in Kyoko and Menchi - "Let's go back to our hotel, I still wanted to take a dip in the pool".

"I need a vacation" - Kyoko mumbled as Menchi nodded - "I think the same"

"I just hope Neon-sama doesn't do anything weird when she comes back, she has some strange personality changes" - said Kurapika while sighing regretfully.

"Go back first, I still have some things to do" - cloud said while taking Sora and Mimi.


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