Finally Chapter 500 [ Greed Island - III ]

"What do you mean we can't go back until we finish the game!" - Kyoko exclaimed in surprise as she looked around, only to notice how she was alone.

"Sorry, that's part of the rules of the game" - replied a pretty girl with white hair and blue eyes. She was wearing a black suit, and a strange helmet - "As for other methods, there is a letter that can send you back home, but this one is extremely rare, and you can't get it this early in the game"

"Ugh" - Kyoko groaned regretfully as she sighed regretfully, unaware that the others were going through the same situation.

* * *

"Well, we'd better get on with the rules" - the girl said as she pointed out the ring's functions - "First, [Book]."

As the words came out of her mouth, a strange book - "This book, has the functionality of being able to store all kinds of cards, being 100, numbered slots ranging from 000, to 099 where only cards assigned by their number can go. In addition to all this, the book has 45 free slots where they can store any card independent of the numbering."

Kyōka was listening to all this with utmost care because these rules would be the ones governing her life for the next few days.

"In addition to these numbered cards, there are other types of spell cards that have different types of abilities, such as for example, the card that can return them to the real world" - continued the white-haired girl calmly while waiting for the new players, to ask any questions.

"That means that our goal, is to get all the numbered cards to finish the game" - said Kyōka seriously.

"Exactly, although they have to be careful because the higher the rarity, the lower the existing amount of cards, being the rarest cards, unique" - answered the white-haired girl with a smile.

"And that means that there is a card to be able to steal from other participants" - mentioned Kyōka while squinting her eyes.

"That's right, although there are also methods to be able to prevent you from being robbed, so the most advisable, it would come to be games with stakes" - answered the white-haired, blue-eyed girl - "Any other questions about the cards so we can proceed with another topic?"

"Restricted cards, can they be used as normal items?" - Kyōka asked while raising an eyebrow.

"That's right" - nodded the white-haired girl - "But that topic we'll talk about next. Any other questions regarding the usefulness of the book?"

"Is there any limit with the activation of cards?" - Kyōka asked as she looked at the woman.

"Indeed, although this one depends on the card" - answered the white-haired girl - "As I said before, some cards are unique, and others only appear in some specific events, that's why they have an activation limit with a maximum of 3, in other words, there can only be 3 physical copies of such cards active at the same time, and when these try to be activated, the system will prevent it from happening, being the only way to activate such cards, that one of the users dies, or that the object has disappeared after fulfilling its use. Any other questions regarding the book's function?"

"No" - Kyōka said while shaking her head.

"If so, let's move on to the conversation about obtaining the cards" - said the white-haired girl while making a sword appear - "Every object obtained in [Greed Island], can be transformed into a card the moment the user touches it with such intention, and in order to return to its original form, the user has to use the [Obtain] command, although with this, the object cannot return to its card form, forcing the user to obtain the card again if they want to store it in the book"

"Everything on this island?" - Kyōka asked curiously.

"That's right, food, minerals, relics, defeated monsters, everything can be turned into cards, in order to be traded more easily" - replied the white-haired girl while nodding - "As for money, this also takes the form of cards, so be careful not to be stolen"

"I see" - muttered Kyōka as she started to think.

"Going back to the point of obtaining cards, when an object transforms into a card, it has a time of one minute to be able to be stored in the book, and if not, it will return to its original form, thus making it unable to transform back into a card" - continued the white-haired girl - "That's why it's recommended that any rare cards you get, be immediately stored in your books."

"Why is this?" - Kyōka asked with a frown because she didn't understand the reason for this.

"To prevent situations like stealing the card the moment it touches the book" - replied the white-haired girl - "[Greed Island] is a game where many people participate, people who have been in this place for quite a while and haven't managed to complete the game, and that's why they are looking for people who can make it so they can steal those rare cards."

"I understand, nothing out of the ordinary" - Kyōka snorted while squinting her eyes.

"Back to the topic, you better be careful during your stay in [Greed Island] because if you die here, you will die in the real world, and all your progress will disappear" - said the white-haired woman.

"It's obvious that we will die in real life, after all, this is the real world" - replied Kyōka with a toothy smile.

The white-haired woman was surprised when she heard this, but quickly returned to normal - "When did you find out?"

"Since I came to this place" - Kyōka answered as she shrugged - "Though I have to admit, it's impressive that you guys created an area like this, a perfect simulation of a game with rules that overwrite the laws of the world"

"You're an interesting girl, participant Kyōka" - said the white-haired woman - "You even deduced that I'm one of its creators."

Kyōka didn't say anything else, she just gave her a toothy smile.

"Anyway, let me introduce myself" - said the white-haired, blue-eyed girl - "My name is Eeta, one of the creators of the game, however even if you figured it out, you don't earn anything as a reward"

"I didn't expect anything" - replied Kyōka while shrugging her shoulders.

"Well, that ends the explanation, the rest you're going to have to find out in the game, good luck, I expect many things from you, participant Kyōka" - said Eeta with a small smile as she watched the blue-haired girl walk out of the room - "Things are about to get interesting. Not only do we have participants with a lot of potential, but also a descendant of the Zoldyck clan along with Ging senpai's son. I'm sure Razor sempai and the others are going to be excited when they find this out."

* * * * *

"I guess I'm the last one" - Kyōka said as she observed how Kyoko, Shio, and Sapphire, were waiting for her.

"There's still Menchi-san missing, she's possibly showing up shortly" - Kyoko replied as she folded her arms, only to get to thinking - "Or she might take longer than we thought."

"Let's wait for half an hour and see, if he doesn't show up, let's leave some clues in the area so he knows which direction we went" - said Kyōka while shaking her head.

"Sounds like a plan" - said Kyoko while looking at the blue sky - "By the way, did you hear that we won't be able to go back until the game is over, or until we get a special card?"

"Yes, a little mishap, but it doesn't affect our plans much, in fact, this at least gives us the mentality to go ahead with this game and finish it" - replied Kyōka as she shrugged her shoulders, only to watch in surprise as a familiar silhouette appeared from the entrance of the strange construction - "I guess there's no need to wait, look who we have here."

"They could have waited for me" - Menchi said as she folded her arms, only to notice how her friends were waiting for her - "Well, at least they didn't leave me so far behind."

"You being here, means you came back a few seconds after we entered this place" - said Kyoko while trying to calm Sapphire, or at least that was what she had planned, however to her surprise, the little harpy was calm - "Strange, why isn't she upset?"

"Maybe it's because this world is still our original world, and we've just been transported to another side of the planet" - Kyōka replied calmly.

"Really?" - Menchi asked in surprise, only to nod calmly - "That would explain why this place doesn't feel so strange, though now I'm curious as to how you came to that conclusion."

"It's a secret" - Kyōka replied with a small smile as she noticed how Kyoko was thinking more carefully.


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