Chapter 499 [ Greed Island - II ]

30 minutes later, Cloud was watching as Kyōka, Kyoko, and the two [Aragami], were putting on the rings that came with the consoles.

"According to this, we now have to use our Nen on the console and the game will start" - Kyoko said as she nodded calmly.

"Nen?" - Sapphire asked with meltdown.

"Fun energy" - replied Shio as she watched her younger sister nod.

"Well, that would be all for now, see you later" - Kyōka said as she followed the instructions, only for her to disappear from the place after a few seconds.

"Uh" - Kyoko didn't know what to say in this situation because she didn't expect something like this.

"That confirms my guess, this isn't a game per se, but a method of transportation" - Cloud replied while stroking his chin - "That means that the [Greed Island] is in an area of this world and you can travel directly, no need for intermediaries, interesting"

"Then this makes things a bit easier, now I'm not afraid of being able to travel together with my little ones" - Kyoko said with a smile as she looked around - "Let's go!"

"Ok!" - Sapphire and Shio nodded as they disappeared together with Kyoko.

Cloud gave them one last look before shaking his head, and noticing how the door to his hotel room, opened, revealing Menchi.

"Huh? The others went out?" - Menchi asked as she noticed how Cloud was alone, though her expression changed when she saw how in front of the blond, were 4 consoles turned on - "Oh, they left?"

"Just now" - answered Cloud, only to see how Menchi took the ring and disappeared like the others.

Cloud could only remain silent at the sight as he grabbed the bridge of his nose, after all, he didn't expect this reaction from Menchi.

"Anyway, I'd better wait for them to come back so they can tell me how everything is" - Cloud replied while closing his eyes, but to his surprise, after a few hours, none of the girls came back, not even Sapphire - "Strange, they should have been back by now."

Cloud was really confused, but still decided to wait a little longer before investigating some more.

Two hours later, Cloud decided to investigate just a little more, only to find nothing, so he decided to call Netero because he was sure he would know something about it.

* * * * *

"I see, good thing you came to see me" - Netero said while pulling his beard - "Otherwise, you would have had to wait for at least a few months."

"Are you saying that they won't be back in all that time?" - Cloud asked as he frowned.

"Those are the rules Ging-san used for [Greed Island]." - Netero replied calmly - "There are only two ways to be able to return to this side of the world, and that's by finishing the game, or by using a special card."

"I see" - muttered Cloud as he started to think - "That also means that there are people watching that everything is still according to the rules."

"Exactly, some of the creators of [Greed Island], are on site, watching that everything is still according to their rules" - answered Netero calmly - "It's a pity there's no way to contact them unless someone wins the game, but that's easier said than done"

"I have confidence in them, although this makes it change our plans a bit" - Cloud muttered as he started to think - "I'd like you to inform me about the criminals with the highest rank of danger."

"Ok, I have no problem" - said Netero calmly as he called his secretary to do the job.

After talking some more with Netero, Cloud retreated towards his hotel room, a place he decided to rent for an indefinite period of time.

"This is going to be a long wait" - Cloud muttered as he looked out the window, not noticing how a group was watching him from a distance.

"Why are we spying on him from so far away?" - asked Clook while frowning - "We should go talk to him directly."

"I agree" - replied Saiyuu with a frown - "I don't understand why we are doing this, do you guys not have a good relationship with them after your little excursion?"

"[Monkey] is right, we should go directly, hiding is for weak people" - said Kanzai with irritation - "In fact, we should go right away."

"We have a good relationship, but let's just say we didn't show our best appearances" - said Piyon while scratching her cheek - "Menchi was better than we thought, and we acted as if his camp, was our home."

"Lack of professionalism" - muttered Gehl stoically - "But the proposal has merit."

Piyon was about to say something, when she saw how Cheadle was entering the hotel - "Oh, she beat us to it."

"Then let's follow her" - Clook said as the others nodded.

* * * * *

"Let's see, let me get this straight" - Cloud said as he looked at the [Zodiac] members who were in his room - "You want me to let you join my little crusade?"

"That's an easy way to sum it up, and while I don't think it's necessary for you to join us, it's better to be safe than sorry" - Cheadle said as she folded her arms.

Netero had asked the members of [Zodiac] who were still in the city to help the blond in his mission to hunt down high-ranking criminals in danger, not because he was afraid that something bad would happen, but to prevent things from escalating to levels they couldn't contain.

A fight between Cloud and the S-ranked criminals that were on the continent could end up causing the destruction of cities if there was no way to contain them.

"I have no problem, though I don't think it's necessary for everyone to come" - Cloud said as he looked at the 6 members of the [Zodiac] who were gathered in his room.

"Relax, I can't come because I have some projects to finish" - said Cheadle as her other teammates looked at each other.

"I can't leave my position in the [Defense Division]." - Saiyuu replied as she frowned.

"Why didn't they say that before?" - Clook asked as she frowned.

"It's Netero-sama's direct orders, it's not like we could refuse" - replied Cheadle as Saiyuu nodded - "That's why we decided to talk it over directly with Cloud and see if we could come to an agreement."

"I have no problem with going, in fact, I would be offended if they forced me to stay now that I know they want to fight those bastards" - Kanzai said while flashing a toothy grin.

"I don't have anything to do" - said Clook while tilting her head - "And with my ability, it would be easy to find our targets."

"I don't have any projects, so I can go" - Gehl said calmly as he noticed how Piyon was frowning - "Is something wrong?"

"I was just thinking that my area of work won't do any good on this mission, so I might as well stay out of the way" - Piyon replied as her ears flicked back and forth - "And while my individual strength isn't bad at all with all the training I've had with Netero-sama, I feel like I'll get bored during the trip."

Piyon wasn't like Kanzai who enjoyed fighting, in fact, she didn't enjoy violence.

"And I thought you would be the first to jump seeing that you like to draw attention to yourself" - Clook said disdainfully.

"Keep quiet, poyo brain" - Piyon said neutrally - "We're talking about a mission, not a meeting between members of the [Zodiac], it's obvious that I'm going to act accordingly"

"Putting that aside, she's right, her presence wouldn't help the mission much, no offense of course" - Gel replied as she looked at her groupmate.

"Thank you for calling me useless in such a gentle way" - replied Piyon sarcastically.

"You're welcome" - nodded Gel, not noticing her companion's look of irritation.

"Let's concentrate on our conversation, please" - said Cloud while holding the bridge of his nose because he could feel how a headache was about to start with the very casual conversation between the [Zodiac] members.

"I'm sorry that they are destroying your brain cells with their meaningless arguments, this is a normal thing for us, but I promise you that they are the best of the best" - said Cheadle as she gave a forced smile to the blond.

"Don't worry, I've had worse partners" - muttered Cloud as he reminisced about the past.

"Anyway, when are we going out to hunt those criminals?" - Kanzai asked excitedly as it had been weeks since the last time she was able to go out on a mission of this level.

"Possibly tomorrow morning" - Cloud replied calmly.

"Perfect, I'll go get everything ready for tomorrow, this will be exciting!" - Kanzai exclaimed as he ran out of the hotel.

"Well, we better go do the same" - said Clook as Gel nodded calmly.

"I better get on with my project, I'm in the last phase to find the cure to this new virus that was discovered only recently" - said Cheadle excitedly.


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