Chapter 498 [ Greed Island - I ]

"An interesting story" - Netero said as he pulled his beard and contemplated the story Menchi was telling him - "As president of the [Hunters Association], I wish to thank you for eliminating a menace like the [Ghost Brigade]."

"It's something I have to do as a hunter despite my profession as a Gourmet" - Menchi replied while moving her hands erratically to hide her embarrassment - "Besides, I did almost nothing, Cloud-san and Kyōka-san, they were the ones who did almost all the work"

"No, that you fought against them, it shows your conviction and trust in your teammates" - Netero said with a fatherly smile, only to show a serious expression - "But it's a bit worrisome that they wish to go to the dark continent"

"I know, they are not prepared to go to such a cruel place" - Menchi said with a frown.

"No, they are prepared to be able to go to such an inhospitable place like that" - replied Netero as he started to think - "In fact, I'm the one who doesn't want to take the risk"

"What do you mean?" - Menchi asked with surprise.

"Possibly I have the power to be able to survive in the [Dark Continent], but from my past experiences, I had not had the courage until recently to be able to return to that place" - replied Netero as he looked out the window of his office, only to sigh - "Let's face it, there are things I have lost over the years as payment for all the experience and strength I have gained, among them, my sense of adventure has diminished with the passage of time."

"Sir, you are still young" - Menchi said as she shook her head.

"Ha ha ha, thank you for that" - Netero said with a smile, only to sigh regretfully - "I'm old, that's why I've decided to head for my last adventure. After meeting Cloud, and seeing that there are people who are just as strong as me, I've decided to go and fulfill my dream, one that I had decided to abandon in my youth."

"Wait a minute, if you said you had abandoned your dream, why were you preparing a new expedition to the [Dark Continent]?" - Menchi asked as she frowned.

"It's a proposal from Ging-san" - Isaac Netero replied with a small smile - "As you might expect from one of the most talented hunters of the new generation."

"I don't think it's fair to call Ging-san as a member of the new generation when he has years of experience" - Menchi said with disdain.

"You have a point" - Netero replied as he tugged his beard, only to let out a laugh - "But seriously speaking, one of the greatest talents I've ever seen, is that of his son."

"Gon" - nodded Menchi as she remembered the boy.

At first he had some doubts because he looked quite similar to one of the strongest hunters in the world, but after talking to Netero, he understood that his assumptions were true.

"Back to the point, the investigation of the [Dark Continent], is being organized by Ging-san, and seeing how the current situation is, I plan to go with them, as for the presidency, I'm going to let the [Zodiac] take care of the rest" - Netero continued while closing his eyes - "I'm sure they will know what to do."

Menchi said nothing in response because it was none of her business to meddle in matters like this. She was just a [Gourmet Slayer] who wished to continue her adventures in quests for unknown ingredients.

* * * * *

"Do you think Netero-san will let us go to the [Dark Continent]?" - Kyōka asked as she watched as the blond was training with a huge rock on his back.

"I don't think so" - Cloud answered as he was sweating while doing push-ups.

On him was not an ordinary rock, but a strange mineral that had the particularity of being extremely heavy, but at the same time easy to move, perfect for the creation of blunt weapons.

The mineral was contradictory because of its strange properties, all thanks to the fact that it had the property of enchanting the user's strength when he moved it.

Cloud had thought about making his weapon devour the mineral, but after some thought he decided that he would first take the opportunity to train his body as much as he could.

"Why do you think so?" - Kyoko asked as she raised an eyebrow.

The auburn-haired woman, was petting the strange cursed doll while Mimi and Sora were resting on her shoulders. Kuro was playing in the distance next to Staravia, Shio, and Sapphire, who had woken up as if nothing had happened.

"Because they're organizing an investigation to that place, I don't think we can move before them" - Cloud replied as he continued doing push-ups - "And if I'm right, he'll probably send us to do another investigation until it's time for the operation."

"Well, that makes sense" - said Kyoko as she shrugged her shoulders because honestly it wasn't like she was too excited about the idea of going to the [Dark Continent] because that would just be extending her stay in this world.

"I think it would be best to do the missions, and at least leave the main mission almost completed" - Kyōka said as she started to think - "With that we won't have any problems if the criminals of higher danger level hide from us."

"That makes sense" - nodded Cloud as he stood up and put the stone aside.

"We could use the consoles to play the [Greed Island]" - Kyoko said as she earned a glare from her two companions - "What?"

"Honestly I'm not too attracted to the idea" - Cloud replied as he shook his head - "Although it might be a good way for you guys to get stronger while I complete the missions."

"Sounds like something interesting" - Kyōka said while stroking her chin - "It's even possible for us to help you complete the mission in that place, after all, if it's a game, then there have to be high-level enemies"

"Will they count for missions?" - Kyoko asked as she raised an eyebrow.

"We lose nothing by trying" - answered Kyōka calmly as Cloud nodded.

"We can try it" - said Cloud as Kyoko prepared herself so she could start the game, even Shio and Sapphire were excited because it was the first time they would experience something like this.

Just thinking about all the adventures they would have in this game made the girls excited, something normal for someone who had the mentality of a little girl.

"Are you sure this will work with them?" - Kyoko asked with concern because she didn't want to disappoint the girls.

"I'm sure" - Cloud answered as he wiped the sweat from his body, only to feel how Kyoko was devouring him with her eyes.

No matter how much time passed, or the situation, Kyoko had to admit that she enjoyed seeing Cloud with his naked torso, though at the same time she could only curse Olga for making her more and more perverted.

"By the way, after going over the mission rewards, and doing a few calculations, I came to the conclusion that we might be able to get enough SPs to be able to change your DNA" - Cloud said as he looked at Kyoko.

They had decided that she would be the first in their group to change her race, and the chosen race was not very expensive because it was only the base.

Kyoko had decided to transform into a Dark Elf because it was the race that best suited her abilities. With it, she would not only get a better affinity with nature, but also an improvement with skills with the dark arts, such as negative manipulation of the fate of her victims.

Olga had been excited when she heard this, and regardless of Kyoko's current race, she had been teaching her everything she needed to not be confused when the time came, as well as better manipulate her "pets".

"Really? I didn't think it would all be so fast" - Kyoko muttered as she looked at her body strangely, more so when she remembered that soon this one would be very different.

"Relax, only your physique will change, your personality won't be affected" - answered Kyōka while giving her a teasing look - "Well, you'll be much more kinky and open with your emotions, by the way, please control your voice a little, I don't want to have to listen how you moan when you have sex with Cloud, like Olga does."

"Don't say that!" - Kyoko exclaimed with a red face.

"Those are the attitudes that will disappear when you are no longer human" - said Kyōka with a small smile on her face, only to calm down and look at her hands, after all, she was aware that something similar would happen to her now that she knew that her [Bloodline] Draconian, would wake up at any moment.

"We'd better leave that for when the time is right, for now let's concentrate on what we have in front of our eyes" - Cloud said as the two women nodded - "When will you test the console?"

"Possibly right away, I want to check if the girls can enter with us" - Kyoko answered as she watched as Shio and Sapphire were running around with the consoles in their hands - "The other thing I want to test, is if my abilities to summon my little ones work as well."


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