Chapter 508 ( Medicinal Plants Vs. "Medicinal Plants". )

4 hours later, Cloud was leaving the library after gathering all the necessary information about strange diseases, treatments, and medical breakthroughs.

Cloud was surprised by the huge variety of diseases, but still gathered all the information to give to Shizuka and Sakuya.

He was getting ready to retire, when he saw how Cheadle was waiting for him next to Gel, who had finally woken up - "Do you need anything?"

"Yes, I would like you to give us your opinion of what you have read" - Cheadle answered curiously, after all, Cloud was a dragon, that is, he could have knowledge that they had no idea, as well as the possibility of knowing plants with mysterious effects that they had ignored.

Cloud was silent for a few seconds before he began to think.

He wasn't enough of a doctor to be able to lecture on the discoveries he'd read about, nor would he have tried to gather information on the subject if his team didn't need it, so he didn't think there was any way he could help Cheadle.

"Sorry, this isn't my specialty" - Cloud replied as he frowned, only to notice how the excitement in Cheadle dropped a few notches - "But, I think I can help you with some other things if you want me to"

"Like for example giving us additional information on the plants we have?" - Cheadle asked excitedly.

"Sure, although I'm going to ask you for something in return, and relax, it's not confidential information, but rather seeds" - answered Cloud calmly.

"I have no problem" - replied Cheadle while shrugging her shoulders - "A few seeds won't hurt".

Gel nodded at this because she had a similar point of view.

The vast majority of the plants they had been investigating took too long to grow, and also possessed rather strange conditions in which to grow.

"Then let's go at once," Cheadle replied as she led Cloud into the greenhouse.

When they arrived, Cloud looked around in surprise because he could see how a huge amount of information appeared on his retina.

Cheadle gave him a curious glance, to see how he reacted, only to frown as he noticed how the blond's expression hadn't changed at all.

Cloud slowly walked towards where the plants were, only to notice how in front of them was a small pedestal with information about them, along with a few blank sheets of paper so he could write down more information in case he came to a new discovery.

The blond slowly walked towards a specific plant, a strange almost transparent flower.

"We don't know exactly what kind of plant it is, nor its qualities besides being extremely good for lowering fever" - Cheadle said curiously trying to find answers to her doubts.

Cloud looked at the flower, only to open his eyes in surprise.

* * * * * *

[Hiems Ros (Winter Dew)]

A strange plant that grows in the most frozen tundras of the world, it is said that whoever manages to consume them, will be able to resist the lowest temperatures.

1- Consuming this plant increases your resistance to [Cryo (Ice)] by 50%. This effect only works the first time this plant is consumed.

2- Cures fever and diseases, regenerates 10% of the maximum life.

3- Consuming more than 5 flowers, causes the state [Cryogenia], freezing the user for 6 months. This effect can not be canceled in any way, and this time can not be reduced. While this effect is active, it reduces the resistance to [Pyro (Fire)] by 500%, and increases the resistance to [Cryo] by 200%.

* * * * * *

Cloud quickly began to explain the plant's functions to them while asking them for a few seeds from it, only to look at the next plant and wait for an explanation.

"We don't know much about this plant either, only that it can cure hypothermia, but after a few hours, people who consume it go into a state of hallucination" - Cheadle said with a frown.

Cloud watched the plant carefully, and began to talk about its functions.

* * * * * *


A strange plant that only appears in hot areas where there have been countless massacres.

1- Consuming this plant, increases blood temperature, and in the process, increasing resistance to [Pyro] by 5%. Consuming this plant more than once increases this percentage by an additional 5%, with a maximum of 50%.

2- Consuming this plant causes the effect [Blood Vision], causing the user to enter an illusion of an all-out war. The user takes no damage in this vision, but his INT is constantly reduced permanently each time he dies, with a maximum of 10 times. If the user dies the maximum number of times, he loses 25% of his remaining INT, but if he survives, he increases his other Stats by 100 points, this number is reduced by 10 points for each death.

[Additional Info: Consuming this plant often, causes the effects of [Blood Vision] to be multiplied by the number of plants consumed, this not only affects the reward for completing the [Blood Vision], but also the difficulty and the dangers the user will spend inside the illusion].

3- Consuming more than 10 times this plant, causes the permanent state of [Trauma], causing the user to see illusions every time he faces an enemy.

* * * * * *

Cloud also asked for seeds of this plant because not only did it increase fire resistance, but he could also use the illusion for the girls to train, even he could test its effects, though his expression quickly changed to a blank one when he saw the next plant.


"Is this for real?" - Cloud asked as he looked at the familiar plant, not because he had consumed it before, but because there couldn't be a more normal plant among so many exotic plants.

"What? It's a good painkiller to give to our wounded, although it has the side effect of leaving them in a lethargic state" - said Cheadle with a frown as she shook her head - "We've tried everything, but such seems that this plant releases a neurotoxin when consumed or inhaled."

". . ." - cloud gave them a blank look, only to shake his head and explain everything he knew about this "peculiar" medicinal plant.

Cheadle and Gel were silent because they never thought they would be working with a drug, although it explained why some of the people who had consumed this plant, would self-harm to have the excuse to come back for more.

Cloud continued to look at the plants and explain their functions, only to see a strange pink plant.

* * * * * *

[Heavenly Pleasure]

Plant used to be able to show your passion for someone.

1- Consuming the plant causes the user to enter a state of Excitement, increasing vitality and stamina in sex for 7 days straight. During this time, the user will not need rest, food or water, but at the end of the 7 days, the user will enter a state of extreme exhaustion.

2- Consuming this plant, makes the user gain +50 of [Charm] and get the Skill [Blessing of Aphrodite].

[Blessing of Aphrodite]: Doubles Stat [Charm], reduces the chance of being attacked by the opposite sex, but doubles the damage received by the same sex. Interacting with people of the opposite sex, makes there is a small chance of causing the [Infatuated (Lost in Love)] status, which causes the target to be under the control of the user.

3- Increases the pleasure received by the user by 50% permanently while in contact with his partner.

* * * * * *

"This is an aphrodisiac" - Cloud said as he gave the girls a blank look - "And a very potent one at that."

"H-Has it got any other effects?" - Cheadle asked with a red face because she honestly didn't know what else to say, after all, she was a virgin.

As for Gel, she was business as usual, although if one were to look more closely, one would notice how the woman's cheeks were slightly red.

"No" - Cloud replied as he shook his head, only to continue on to the other plants.

After 30 minutes, Cloud was coming out of the greenhouse with a small bag of seeds.

He had identified all the plants he could, leaving only those that were practically useless to him.

Among all those plants, at least half had interesting abilities for him and his group.

"Now what do we do with this plant?" - Cheadle asked as she looked at the [Celestial Pleasure], the one strange plant she sincerely wanted to destroy, but her professionalism wouldn't let her.

"If you want, I can keep it" - Cloud said as he shrugged his shoulders.

"What do you want this thing for?" - Gel asked with a frown because she didn't seem like the type to need to use this kind of thing to get a little bedroom action.

"I have my reasons, but if you want to know, it's because it might come in handy for a girl I know" - cloud replied calmly as he thought about how to grow more of these plants because he was sure that Miku and Yuriko would appreciate them, he could even say that in the future, it would be a popular product with some of his companions.



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