Chapter 509 ( Yorbian - I )

Cloud was returning home, when he saw a strange golden flash falling on the spot, which went unnoticed for some strange reason.

"Are they back, by any chance?" - Cloud asked as he walked a little faster to his room.

When he arrived, he opened the door, revealing Menchi, who was looking around curiously - "This place hasn't changed at all."

"It's obvious, it's not like they remodeled just because I ask them to" - Cloud said while giving her a blank look - "Anyway, I'm surprised it's only you who came back".

"What, am I not good enough for you to be happy to see me?" - Menchi asked as she rolled her eyes at him, only to shake her head - "Anyway, I just came to tell you that we'll be back in a month."

"That long?" - Cloud asked in surprise because he didn't think they would have that much trouble.

"Some events in order to complete the game, need an exact time of the year" - replied Menchi while shaking her head.

"I understand" - nodded Cloud as he started to think - "I guess I'll continue to gather information because something tells me that there will be another mission soon."

"Really?"- asked Menchi with surprise, only to nod silently and return to where the console was.

"You're leaving already?" - Cloud asked with surprise.

"Yes, I have some things to do in the "game", I just stopped by to inform you about our return date" - replied Menchi as she swayed her hips seductively before disappearing into the game.

Cloud saw the move the woman had made to seduce him, only to shake his head.

He hadn't had any action since the girls had left, so you could tell his libido was through the roof, so these kinds of attacks were extremely effective - "I'd better go take an ice cold shower."

* * * * *

Three weeks later, Cloud was in Netero's office, watching as the older man had a cold expression on his face.

"I want to assume that what you want to tell me, is something serious" - Cloud said calmly while sipping some tea.

"Yes, it has to do with a certain event that I'm sure you've heard about" - Netero said as he handed him a document.

"The incident on the Yorbian continent?" - Cloud said with a frown as he read the document more carefully, only to frown more and more - "This is obviously human."

"I know, we have suspicions that a scientist of S danger rank, made an experiment in the area that caused a huge mutation in the place" - said Netero while he handed him another document where hundreds of amorphous animals appeared - "We have managed to contain the radius in which these creatures live, but we can't assure that we have managed to stop all of them"

"Makes sense" - Cloud nodded as he frowned at the sight of all these mutated creatures - "But I still don't understand what it is you wish me to do"

"It's simple, I want you to monitor the situation" - answered Netero seriously - "Normally I would have tried to solve all this a long time ago, but for some strange reason, this idea disappeared from my head, as if someone had gotten into my brain and erased my sense of caution."

Cloud was silent when he heard this because it was obvious why this was happening.

What had happened on Yorbian, was something that had to happen, in other words, this was an event that would change many things in the world, and quite possibly influence the future of Gon and his friends.

Cloud for his part, could only think carefully because this was the next arc, one whose information was hidden deep in his subconscious, but his senses told him it was potentially dangerous.

"Why don't you use the [Zodiac]?" - Cloud asked earnestly.

"Because they have their own missions," Netero replied as he shook his head, "I may be their leader, but that doesn't mean I can control them all the time."

Cloud nodded carefully as he accepted Netero's request.

"Perfect, I ask you to leave as soon as possible because I have a bad feeling" - Netero said seriously.

"I will, although I don't think I can do much about it" - Cloud replied as he shook his head.

"Can't you transform and fly?" - Netero asked with a frown because that was one of the reasons why he had sent for him.

"I can, but let's go on that would be counterproductive for me" - Cloud answered not wanting to get into the subject any further - "Let's just say that I currently have my dragon abilities sealed and can only activate them at the most critical moments"

"Too bad" - sighed Netero as he shook his head, then turned back to normal - "Anyway, you're leaving right away."

"You could at least thank me" - Cloud snorted as he grabbed a card Isaac Netero had tossed him - "I hope this isn't a new higher ranking [Hunter] license."

"No, it's an ID that allows you to review confidential information from the medical and technology branches" - Netero replied calmly as he looked carefully at the blond man in front of him - "I hope that's more than enough payment for your services"

"Of course" - Cloud replied with a small smile, only to narrow his eyes - "It was a pleasure doing business with you, Netero."

"Go away, I don't think I can negotiate with you anymore when I'm the one who always loses" - Netero said with disdain.

"Oh, come on, don't be like that" - said Cloud while shaking his head - "I've also contributed to the [Association]. Not only have I hunted the spider, but I have also identified at least 50 plants useful to you."

"And you won seeds from those plants, don't be a saint" - Netero snorted, only to let out a laugh.

It was a funny feeling to be able to talk to someone who wasn't looking at him from below, but from in front of him.

"Anyway, better go get ready, something tells me that things are not as simple as we think" - Netero said with a frown.

"They never are" - Cloud replied as he retreated from Netero's office.

"I just hope things are not as bad as I sense" - Netero muttered as he looked out the window, unaware that little by little, his fate was changing with his every decision.

"Sir, we have received more information on the Yorbian matter" - said the secretary as he handed over a report with the new information that the assigned hunters had found, and among them was a certain document about the purpose of the experiment, as well as the creatures that the scientist had used as guinea pigs.

* * *

4 days later, Cloud was arriving at the site, a rural area with very little human presence, only to frown as he noticed how everything seemed to be too quiet - "This doesn't seem to be an area close to a mutagenic outbreak."

Slowly, Cloud walked around the place, only to notice how there was no trace of any life at all, as if something, or someone, had been consuming all the life in the place.

"This is strange, you can't even hear the birds" - Cloud said as his expression became more and more neutral - "Maybe Netero was right, this is too weird."

Cloud was silent for a few seconds as he tried to use his super-sniffer to find some clue, only to frown as he noticed how he couldn't detect anything, something that made the situation much stranger.

He had only been able to sniff the natural scent of the forest, but could find no evidence of the existence of any other creatures, except for the unmistakable scent of the feces of the forest's missing inhabitants.

"I'd better go meet up with the others to see if they found any additional information" - Cloud said before disappearing from the place and heading to the meeting point.

* * * * *

"This is not enough" - muttered a strange silhouette that was consuming the carcass of a huge boar - "These are not enough nutrients to give birth to the king."

The creature itself, appeared to be some sort of giant ant, the details of which could not be correctly identified because of the angle of the light - "Not enough!"

The huge ant was furious and wounded.

She had managed to escape after a long battle against other creatures whom she was unable to consume because of her weakness, creatures who were possibly by now dead because of the strange green smoke that had caused her current state.

"I must continue to consume, I must give birth to the king" - the ant said as she returned to her feast, only to growl as she saw that she was still hungry.

No matter how much he wanted to keep consuming, the animals were not enough to fulfill his mission.

"I need more, much more" - muttered the huge ant as she prepared to give birth to her first workers.

It didn't matter how much she had grown, nor her increased intellect, she only wished she could fulfill her mission to bring the new king into the world, no matter what it took.

A new threat had come to Yorbian, a threat that no one knew about and that if not handled carefully, could cause the end of the world.



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Current Chapter - 567

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