Chapter 532 ( Small Talk )

Cloud and the others were walking through the forest in order to save themselves the possible trouble of being detected, only to frown because it had been a few days since they had encountered some beast during their journey.

"This means one thing" - Kyōka said while frowning - "That we are on the right path".

"I think the same thing, I mean, that would be the only reason why we haven't been attacked" - said Kyoko while looking at Cloud, who was just shrugging his shoulders - "Right?"

"I'm restricting my power to the minimum" - Cloud answered while shaking his head.

"I hope that's enough, or it might ruin our plan" - Kyōka said while rolling her eyes at him.

"Hey, it's not my fault that my power is growing so fast" - Cloud said with a frown.

"Yes it is, and more so when you haven't done anything to try to control it better" - said Kyōka while snorting with disdain - "On a general level, you're the strongest of us all, but if I'm honest, you've left your control training aside, concentrating completely on your pure physical power, that can become fatal in many situations."

". . ." - Cloud was silent when he heard this as he felt Kyōka look at him neutrally - "Ok, you have a point, I haven't been training my control lately."

"Ever since you came back from the [God Eater] world." - Kyōka replied with neutrality - "All the while you've been busy with other things that are honestly useless for your current situation."

"She has a point, ever since you came back from that world, you've been only increasing the amount of weapons and skills you can use" - said Kyoko while thinking - "Your overall control is getting worse and worse, that's why your situation is getting worse and worse"

"Ok, I feel like the two of you are ganging up on me" - Cloud said as he rolled his eyes at them - "I understand what you're trying to say though. It's true that I haven't been training my control lately with all the new techniques and skills I've been learning"

"At least you're still aware of your actions" - Kyōka snorted while giving him a blank look - "That's why it's better we use this time to be able to improve our control, I've also been putting this aspect aside for increasing my offensive power."

"Fine, you guys win" - Cloud said as he shook his head, only to see the two women look at each other with a smile.

* * * * *

A week had flown by for the inhabitants of the [Hunter X Hunter] world, at least for the vast majority.

Menchi was still annoyed to still not hear from her former traveling companions, though she had to admit that her power was growing steadily thanks to the training she had alongside Kite and Isaac Netero. She was also surprised to see the innate talent Gon and Killua were showing, more so when she noticed how the two boys seemed to be getting closer and closer to the level of an intermediate rank hunter, something that should be impossible with their young age.

"As one would expect from those loved by the world" - Menchi said unconsciously as she remembered Cloud's words, and saw how true they were.

Kite didn't say anything, he just watched the two boys carefully while he was thinking about how calm he was, not like when he had come to this place.

He didn't understand why, but when he arrived in this area, he had a bad feeling, as if death was stalking him just a few meters away, although this sensation disappeared as abruptly as it had appeared.

Kite trusted his instincts, so he knew there was something odd about all this, so he tried to investigate the surroundings a bit to see if he could feel this strange feeling again, only to end up with no satisfactory results.

"What are you thinking, Kite?" - Menchi asked as she raised an eyebrow seeing how her colleague was pensive.

"On nothing important, just that everything is too quiet for my liking" - said Kite with a frown, only to slowly close his eyes. This was something he did unconsciously when trying to analyze all the information he had, and it could be considered a way to concentrate all his effort on his analytical abilities thanks to the fact that this way he was not receiving visual information, and in the worst case, he could also cut off his sense of audio.

"I know, this doesn't sound like a danger level S situation" - Menchi replied as she started to think - "We haven't received any information from the central base either, so it's quite possible that they are either ignoring us, or they just don't understand the dire situation we're in."

"That's been bothering me too, it's as if the top brass of the association, wish this operation wasn't completed, or something much worse, as if they wish all this danger to keep growing" - Kite said while snorting with disdain - "Even my master is acting out of place."

"Ging-san?" - Menchi asked curiously.

"Yes, he should have tried to contact me after receiving no information for over a week, but so far, we haven't received any kind of contact, or at least an attempt" - Kite replied with a frown.

Pyon didn't join the conversation, she was still going through all the information they had collected, even the one that had the data of all the people who had tried to escape the country to check in case Cloud and the others had escaped.

"I told you, they didn't leave, I can even assure you that they are after those things while we are still in this place" - Menchi growled with boredom as she kept looking for an answer to her question of why she was left behind.

"That doesn't change our situation at all" - said Kite as he stepped in front of the two women - "Have you managed to find out anything, Pyon-dono?"

"Nothing, it's as if all our information is useless" - said Pyon with a frown - "Even the information we gathered from the chimera ant colony."

"What about the information Colt and the others gave us?" - Menchi asked as she narrowed her eyes.

"Their information fits with what we have discovered, but it is still useless" - said Pyon as she turned her laptop around so that Kite and Menchi could see everything she had analyzed - "As you can see, this is a huge discovery, but for our operation, it is useless. The chimera ants' feeding habits, their method of reproduction after the death of the queen, as well as their living habits, are junk information for us."

"Well, you're right about that, and we don't even really know in which direction they went because we haven't been able to investigate the area" - Kite said with annoyance - "Netero-sama is being too careful with his movements"

"Waiting until we get confirmation from the association is the right move, but not in this situation where we have a potentially dangerous creature" - said Menchi with annoyance - "Maybe we should tell Netero-sama that we'd better force things a bit, especially with the association's passive attitude"

"I think you're right" - Piyon said because she too was beginning to feel that this was unbearable.

They had been in this place for over a week, not moving an inch out of caution that these things would come back and cause a disaster, or kill the [Chimera Ants] that were under their protection.

"Let's go talk to Netero-sama" - Kite said as he nodded calmly.

"No need, I'm already here" - Netero said as he calmly opened the door - "I heard that you weren't very happy with my decision."

"I'm sorry, Netero-sama, but it's impossible for us to be" - Kite said seriously as the two women nodded - "The danger that the Chimera Ant King represents, is too high for us to show a passive attitude, much less when we don't know the limit of his abilities"

"That's why I'm being careful, we can't just move without thinking about the consequences, not when each of our deaths, could end up strengthening that thing" - Netero said seriously.

"But that doesn't change the fact that it's quite possible that the Chimera Ant King is getting stronger because we don't do anything to stop it" - Menchi said seriously - "That maybe why Cloud and the others left."

"I know, but if I had to choose in sacrificing my subordinates for a moment of unfounded worry, or waiting for us to receive reinforcements and end this quickly, I prefer the latter" - replied Netero while shaking his head - "Each of the losses that their deaths entail, is too much for the [Association] and the mission, not to mention that it is possible that the Chimera Ant King will take an interest in you two, Pyon, Menchi"

The two women felt their expressions freeze because this was a possibility, after all, their power was far superior to much of the humans in this area.


Guys this world is about to end...

Cloud and his companions are going on a new journey to a different new World.

So join him nd is in this journey...


so join me nd read ahead More than 50 chapters on pat platform link is given below....

Current Chapter - 593

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