Chapter 533 ( Late Moves )

"I understand the point, but this is ridiculous, we haven't received any kind of information from our partners, and no matter how much information, or requests we send, we get no answers" - said Kite seriously as he looked at his leader - "That's why we need you to be a little firmer, Netero-sama."

"I know, I'm starting to lose my patience too" - Netero said with a frown - "I already sent a code red notice to the association and the government, I think I've given them more than enough time."

"It's good that you can still think things through analytically, Netero-sama" - Kite said as he closed his eyes.

Isaac Netero closed his eyes for a few seconds before he sighed with regret because he could feel how age was starting to affect the way he was.

He knew that if this had happened a few years ago, he would have done everything he could to resolve things as soon as possible, but now that he was in his later years of life, there was no way he would do such stupidity.

* * * * *

"Shouldn't we be trying to answer Netero-sama?" - Gel asked as she looked at her companions with a frown - "It's obvious he wants us to start moving, and honestly, I agree after reading all these reports."

"I've tried, but the government of that country won't let me in" - Kanzai said with a frown as he looked around at his companions - "They say that the [Hunter's Association] is starting to show an attitude that is not in accordance with the regulations."

"Maybe they also received the information about the chimera ants and they don't want the panic to spread in the country" - Ging said with boredom because he sincerely didn't like interacting with politicians.

"It's a possibility, a very annoying one" - said cluck with irritation - "We can still use the 24th act though."

"The one that says we can bypass government procedures if there's a worldwide danger situation?" - Pariston Hill asked as he started to think - "It's a possibility, but this will take time."

"Time we wouldn't need if we had moved when the letter arrived" - said Kanzai with hostility as he looked around - "The moment Netero-sama sent us his orders, we should have moved, but no, we didn't because a certain idiot convinced us to wait a little longer to see how it all played out, well, now we have an S-rank danger, possibly S+"

"I was just trying to keep a firm stance on the situation, we can't just invade a country on orders from our president, because if so, the Association could end up with huge legal problems" - Pariston said while shaking his head.

"I understand the point, but you have to understand that we are not politicians, those complications should not be applicable against us for labor laws" - said Saccho while shaking his head - "What do you think, Dragon?"

"That maybe, Netero-sama was right" - said Giant Botobai while frowning because he was finally seeing the seriousness of the situation - "As a public prosecutor, I cannot allow us to come into conflict with the government of a country, that's why I recommend that we immediately carry out the procedure to apply to decree 24 as soon as possible."

"That will take at least two or three days" - said Ging with a frown while shaking his head - "I propose that two of us go incognito while the others apply to the decree."

"And who do you propose?" - Pariston asked with a frown.

"Mizaistom and Gel" - said Ging as he looked at the two mentioned - "Both of us with slight changes of attire, could go unnoticed and enter the country without problems."

"You have a point" - said Botobai as he nodded - "And it also has merit, this way at least we will give them support to Netero-sama and the others while we take care of government affairs, not to mention that their skills could be useful."

"As a crime hunter, [Ox] is an expert tracker and detective, that will make the situation a bit easier for the old man and the others" - Ging said as he shrugged - "As for [Snake], she is an expert in poisons, with her help we might find a way to be able to kill the chimera ants quickly"

"I'm going to overlook the disrespect against Netero-sama, just because you have a point" - Botobai said while snorting with annoyance - "The problem is that we don't know if they are effective or not."

"Right, chimera ants are born with different genetic codes, so this makes it hard to see if a poison is effective or not" - Gel said with a frown because this mission was slightly annoying from start to finish - "I'm also not sure if normal poisons will work on those things""We can always take one of the survivors and experiment on it" - said Pariston, only to notice how everyone looked at him with a frown - "Did I say something wrong?"

"No, but that's not ethically possible, after all, those things are under Netero-sama's protection, so if we took one, not only would we be disrespecting our leader's honor, but it would make him look like a liar, and honestly, I couldn't tell you what kind of reaction those things would have if they found out what we were doing" - said Mizaistom while shaking his head.

"As much as I hate to admit it, he's right" - Kanzai said with a frown - "Not to mention that I wouldn't be too happy with the idea of knowing how we're using formerly human creatures as guinea pigs, and who are not to blame for their current situation."

"The idiot is using his head for once in his life" - said Clook sarcastically, only to smile disdainfully when he saw the boy's angry expression - "Did I tell a lie?"

"Silence" - said Botobai with a frown as he looked at his two companions, only to turn to look at the vice president of the association - "I recommend you not to propose that kind of thing with gray morals, or at least think things through before proposing that kind of act."

"I don't understand, why is everyone pointing at me as if I am the bad guy when we have done similar things in the past?" - Pariston asked in confusion.

"First, we have not done experiments on humans without their consent, and before doing so, we make sure that these do not put the lives of the participants at risk" - said Gehl with a frown - "We don't use them for experiments with poison either, so our moral code is still white"

"And what about prisoners or criminals?" - Pariston asked with a frown.

"We don't do experiments on them unless they themselves agree to it under certain conditions, like better stability for their family, or things like that" - Botobai replied calmly while squinting - "You should know that as vice president"

"Sorry, my area of work is a bit more remote than you think, besides, I don't have the time to be able to check every single experiment they perform, I only knew about the human experiments because I had seen them" - said Pariston while shaking his head - "Although now that I know the truth, I feel like I spoke out of turn"

"We'd better get back to the point" - said Botobai while shaking his head because he knew that this discussion would go on for too long for his liking - "We have already come to a conclusion, so I ask you to prepare yourselves for what is coming, especially you two, [Ox], [Snake]"

"Hai!" - [Zodiac] members exclaimed.

"Okay, meeting over" - said Botobai as he cut the video call because he too had some things to finish before he started with his preparations.

"Sorry for talking too much" - Pariston said as he ducked his head and apologized again, only to quietly withdraw with a slightly conflicted expression.

"I guess he has to be thinking that this situation will make his possible election as president, much more complicated" - said Ging with boredom because he knew his friend quite well after so many years doing missions together.

"I think he doesn't understand his priorities, although we all know how he is" - said Gehl while shaking his head - "Anyway, if you will excuse me, I have a lot of preparations to do, as well as an experiment to check before I leave."

"I have to finish my last case report" - Mizaistom said as he shook his head as well as his partner because this mission assignment had been too much of an unsuspecting one for him.

"If you need anything, you have to tell us during tonight so we can prepare everything for tomorrow" - said Ging as he looked around and nodded - "Anyway, I have some things to do, so I'm off."

"Same here, I have a lot of work to do" - muttered Kanzai with annoyance because this job was to write some reports about their latest activities.

"Gehl, I'll come and help you in a moment, let me finish with my work first" - said cluck with a small smile.

"Ok" - nodded Gel calmly as she walked out the office door.


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