Chapter 534 [Greed - I]

Two days later, Gel and Mizaistom were getting off the plane, checking the surroundings carefully because they didn't know if someone had discovered them, or not.

"I think we're being too paranoid" - said Mizaistom as he shook his head.

"It's never careful enough when we are illegally entering a country" - Gel replied quietly while keeping her expression stoic, only to look around curiously because it was her first time entering this country, mostly because this area wasn't that exotic compared to her usual places - "Do you think I manage to find a new poison in this place?"

"I haven't read about any new plants, neither about an ancient civilization in this place to be able to assure you if we will be able to find something, or not" - Mizaistom answered while giving her a blank look - "Not to mention that we didn't come here for that"

"I know, I was just trying to make the situation a little better" - said Gel as she shook her head - "Anyway, we'd better go meet up with the others, so at least we can find out some things that couldn't be communicated with the paper."

"Ok" - nodded Mizaistom as the two members of the [Zodiac] walked towards the place where they were supposed to be.

* * * * *

"What do you guys think?" - Cloud said as he looked at the two girls.

"It's an improvement, but it's still insufficient" - Kyōka replied while shaking her head, after all, she could still detect a lack of control in her lover's movements and mentality, though not as much as two days ago.

"Meditation and yoga is doing more good than I thought" - Kyōka said while nodding with a smile - "Who would think that the answer would be something as simple as Yoga?"

"Leaving that aside, your movements don't look so stiff anymore, Cloud" - said Kyoko with a small - "Don't you girls think so too?"

"Kyu!" - Mimi and Sora nodded at their master's words while Shio and Sapphire continued to investigate the surroundings, trying to detect the slightest clue as to the whereabouts of their prey.

"Well, thanks for reminding me" - Cloud said as he rolled his eyes at her, then looked around - "We've been traveling through the forest for quite a while, but we still can't find any clues to the right direction and we're just following our instincts."

"That's more than enough for now" - Kyōka answered while looking at the blond - "Not to mention that this is possibly the right path."

Cloud didn't say anything else, he just frowned as he felt his hostility for the [Will] of this dimension, growing steadily.

"Calm down, Cloud, I know you're upset, but you need to relax a bit, or you'd possibly be doing what that thing wants you to do" - Kyōka said with a frown because lately the blond has been much more temperamental.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what's wrong with me" - Cloud replied with a frown because he could feel how a deep hostility appeared in him from time to time.

"Is it the fault of the [7 Sins] set?" - Kyoko asked with a frown because this was the most logical answer.

"I don't think so, the influence of those objects should only affect me if I have all 7, but that's not the case" - Cloud replied with annoyance - "It has to be something else, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's something similar."

Cloud started to think about the possible cause, only to open his eyes in surprise as he remembered a certain item he had left in his inventory that he had practically forgotten about.

Without a second thought, he pulled out the object and looked at it carefully, only to feel his throat go dry a deep hatred invade his insides.

"What is that, and why do I feel this oppressive hatred?" - Kyōka asked as her eyes couldn't of left the strange vial - "No, I'd better ask you why I wish to drink that thing?"

"It's because of your [Bloodline]" - Cloud replied as he felt the strange liquid calling to him - "This stuff is the blood of [Nidhogg], the devourer of Yggdrasil."

"I see, I understand the motive now" - said Kyōka as she sighed apprehensively - "And I want to assume that it's because of this thing that you've been acting so tense."

"Yeah, I don't understand why, but the [Will] of this dimension also seems apprehensive about this, possibly because of the huge potential it has" - Cloud said as he looked at the vial for a few seconds before debating whether it was a good idea to consume it now, or later.

"What do you think?" - Kyōka asked with a frown - "Tell me you're not thinking, what I think you're thinking."

"If you mean drinking it, yes, that's what I'm thinking" - Cloud replied as he shook his head in an attempt to take his eyes off the bottle - "Though I'm still debating whether it's a good idea, or not."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

[Nidhogg's Blood(EX)]

The blood of the legendary dragon that rests among the roots of Yggdrasil. It is not known how it reached this dimension, but now that you have it in front of your eyes, you could take advantage of the opportunity.

1- When someone with [Bloodline: Draconic] and [Affinity: Chaotic] consumes Nidhogg's blood, there is a small chance of getting a [Bloodline] upgrade depending on the initial rarity.

2- Consume the [Blood of Nidhogg], there is a 50% chance of gaining Poison Affinity, or 200% Poison Resistance.

3- Consume the [Blood of Nidhogg], there is a 0.0001% chance to acquire [Bloodline: Dragon (Nidhogg)], if you fail to get the [Bloodline], there is a 1% chance to gain 5000 points to a random Stat, there is a 9% chance to gain 5000 Stats randomly distributed, there is a 20% chance to gain 2000 points to a random Stats, there is a 69.999% chance to gain 1000 Stats randomly distributed. The Stats increase only applies to [STR], [DEX], [INT] and [VIT].

4- Consuming the [Blood of Nidhogg], makes there is a 1% chance of getting one of the following Skills: [Knowledge of Yggdrasil], [Corruption Body], [Devourer of Divinities], [Avatar of the End]. There is a very small chance of getting more than one Skill, and if none of the aforementioned skills are obtained, the user has a 25% chance of getting an upgrade to a random Skill.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"How to say. This thing is broken, now I understand even more why she wished to drink that strange liquid" - Kyōka said while reading the description of the skills, only to fall silent as she saw that if she didn't have the body strong enough, then she would end up dying a painfully agonizing death.

"Yeah, and if I'm honest, I'd like to get all the skills, but it's practically impossible" - Cloud said while shaking his head - "What do you guys think, do you think it's a good idea?"

"I think it's better if we wait a bit, we don't need to risk it yet, not to mention that we don't know the consequences of consuming that blood" - said Kyoko with a frown because she sincerely didn't want to risk her beloved's life.

"I'm one of those people who say that he who doesn't risk, doesn't win, but even I have a limit" - muttered Kyōka while looking at the blood - "That thing is possibly the rarest and most powerful object we've seen so far, but at the same time it's a pandora's box."

Cloud nodded weakly as he put it away again, only to feel a strong impulse in his heart, as if his body was trying to tell him to ignore everything and follow his desires.

He quickly shook his head and looked around confused because this impulse was obviously not coming from him, but someone or something was influencing him.

Slowly, he walked around and saw a strange cave.

"Cloud?" - Kyōka asked in confusion as she followed the blond into the cave, only to see how the walls seemed to have some sort of cave paintings marking the history of a certain hunting tribe.

"Wait for me!" - Kyoko exclaimed in annoyance as she saw how her two companions were leaving her behind.

The trio, along with Mimi and the others, entered the cave curiously, only to notice how the blond was frowning.

"What's wrong, Cloud?" - Kyōka asked as she looked at their leader seriously.

"There's something here that's dangerously affecting me" - Cloud said with a serious frown as he kept walking with his hand on his heart because he was feeling the urge to consume the blood, it was getting stronger and stronger - "And if I'm honest, I feel like I know what we're looking for."

"What?" - Kyōka asked with a frown.

"Greed" - answered Cloud as the group moved a little further, only to reach a strange chamber where there was a huge row of armors of made of gold, but what made the place so amazing, was not the armors, but the huge amount of precious gems.

"It's beautiful" - said Kyoko excitedly, only to feel her vision turn red.

"Calm down" - said Kyōka as she put her hand on the shoulder of the auburn-haired woman.


Guys this world is about to end...

Cloud and his companions are going on a new journey to a different new World.

So join him nd is in this journey...


so join me nd read ahead More than 50 chapters on pat platform link is given below....

Current Chapter - 593

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