Chapter 540 ( Mutation - I )

Cloud was livid, furious.

He could feel his blood boiling with fury at the thought that he had let Kyoko be captured by one of his enemies.

Cloud could feel how his emotions were starting to get out of control, how his sins were starting to increase their influence on him, how his [Anger] and [Greed], were taking control of his subconscious.

He slowly picked up the vial that held the [Nidhogg's Blood] as he gritted his teeth to be able to resist the urge to drink it without thinking of the consequences.

Madness was taking over his thoughts as his willpower was getting less and less.

He could feel his hands shaking, until he could no longer when he saw that all the copies he had been chasing, were not the right ones because Kyoko was nowhere to be found.

No longer able to contain the influence of the fragments of the [7 Sins] that were in his inventory, Cloud took the vial and drank it without further thought.

His red eyes, shaped like four-pointed stars, were glowing with evil as a voice inside him told him to consume everything in his path.

* * * * *

"This is bad" - Shaiapouf muttered as he felt his body freeze at the drastic increase in pressure he felt in the distance.

For some strange reason, he felt as if he had awakened a beast from its slumber, one that he was now regretting disturbing, but what made it worse, was that he couldn't take a step because he knew that the moment he moved, his pursuer would detect him, yet at the same time he couldn't stay in the area for long because the moment the woman woke up, his life would be over.

"I think I'd better keep calm for now and think of a plan to get out of this" - Shaiapouf muttered while wiping his sweat, although his nerves were on edge because he could feel how the presence of his hunter was becoming more and more sinister.

* * * * *

"This is bad" - Kyōka said worriedly as she looked in the direction where she felt Cloud's presence, which was becoming more and more sinister.

No matter how much she thought, it was obvious that he had consumed the blood from that vial.

"Now I feel guilty, if I hadn't let my guard down, Kyoko hadn't been captured" - Kyōka muttered as she gritted her teeth because it was obvious that she had failed the one mission he had given her because of an oversight, and now he was paying the consequences.

"I'm sorry," Kyōka sighed as she concentrated on the job at hand.

If Cloud was suffering because of her, then she had to do something about it to try to remedy the situation, and the best thing she could do now, was to find the bastard responsible for kidnapping Kyoko, and who she was sure wasn't that far away.

* * * * *

"ROAR!" - the roar of a huge beast echoed through the place as Cloud felt his bones begin to constantly shatter and reassemble.

A sharp pain invaded every inch of his body as he felt everything around him turn white, but he didn't care about that.

His rage was becoming uncontainable as his desire to consume the world grew ever greater, to the point where he could barely keep his mind focused on anything other than his constant suffering.

"ROAR!" - the roar of despair the blond who was slowly beginning to undergo a draconification effect, though this one was slightly different from his normal silver scaled form. He was now beginning to show blood red scales as a pair of huge wings appeared on his back - "ARGH!"

Cloud quickly fell to his knees as he felt the pain suddenly triple as his blood seemed to be hot magma.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" - he was going through indescribable pain, as if his body was being torn apart on a cellular level.

[Warning! User has consumed a high-level DNA possessing [Divinity], it is possible that this will cause a genetic overload and overwrite the user's DNA, producing unwanted mutations, eliminating unique abilities, or simply reducing base Stats, among other possible endings!]]

Cloud's eyes snapped open as this message flashed through his head, only to roar again as he felt the skin that had not yet been transformed begin to take on a dark hue.

[Warning! The user's body is going through the [Corrosion of the Abyss] effects of the [Nidhogg's Blood]!"]

[User's maximum HP has been permanently reduced by half]].

[User's level has been reduced to 0].

[User's Stats have returned to their original value for the duration of [Corrosion of the Abyss]].

[User's Skills have been blocked, Resistances have been reduced to 0]]

[User loses 5% of total HP as damage per second and when the current HP reaches less than 6%, the user enters [Memories of Chaos] state]]

[Warning! Genetic Overload is causing massive damage to the User's genetic code!]]

[User's Bloodline has conflicted with the [Blood of Nidhogg], causing User's Bloodline to enter hibernation state].

When he read this, Cloud couldn't believe it, though he quickly put this aside because he noticed how the pain was 100 times greater, to the point that he didn't understand how he was still conscious.

"AH!" - Cloud could feel how his throat was being torn apart by his agonizing screams, how his oral cords were starting to break one after the other from the enormous overexertion he was putting them through.

* * * * *

"This is bad" - muttered Kyōka as she saw how Cloud's presence was getting less and less, as if he was about to die, something that wouldn't go unnoticed by the kidnapper, and she wasn't wrong.

Shaiapouf could feel an enormous happiness in sensing this change, more so when he could swear that his hunter was becoming more and more appetizing.

"Is this the reward for my loyalty?" - Shaiapouf asked himself as he felt his saliva start to drip out of his mouth - "No, this is the solution for my problems and my desires, with this, I will become the true king, the true heir of mother!"

Shaiapouf was thrilled, he would finally be able to fulfill his greatest and deepest wish, to become everything his mother, the ant queen chimera, always wished for.

He gave the woman a glance before throwing her to the ground and running at Cloud, not noticing how that blow had caused her to snap out of her trance.

He didn't care about anything else, Shaiapouf only wished to fulfill his greatest dream while ignoring all rationality that once made him famous among the queen's troops.

Shaiapouf only desired one thing, something that was imbued deep within his DNA, to consume other much stronger creatures to continue evolving towards perfection.

"I am the true king!" - Shaiapouf exclaimed as he displayed a lunatic look full of excitement - "Today will be the day the world meets the true heir to the queen!"

Shaiapouf continued to advance carelessly, only for after a few seconds, Kyōka to appear on the spot with a serious expression on her face because this was a bad thing, although the bright side was that Kyoko was fine.

"Kyoko, wake up" - Kyōka said while moving the reddish brown haired woman.

"Ugh, where am I?" - Kyoko asked as she slowly opened her eyes and looked at the surroundings, confused because she felt how everything around her was still blurry.

"We're in the forest, you were kidnapped by an unknown subject, but from your skills and Cloud's expression, we'd like to assume it was one of the [Royal Guards]" - Kyōka replied as she looked at her friend, only to sigh with relief when she saw that she was in perfect condition, just a bit confused with the situation.

Kyoko quickly opened her eyes when she heard this as she watched as Mimi and the others approached to make sure she was okay, even the strange doll, Elise, was touching her teacher's body in search of something strange.

"I'm fine, just a little confused" - Kyoko muttered as she shook her head with an embarrassed smile because she was once again being a burden to the group.

She thought she could finally do something for her companions, however, when she was finally gathering the necessary confidence, something like this happens.

"Where is Cloud?" - Kyoko asked as she looked worriedly at her traveling companion.

Kyōka was silent for a few seconds before explaining to her how her lover was screaming in the distance, and from the sound she could tell he was in pain.

"We have to go now!" - Kyoko exclaimed in terror when she heard this.

"Yes, but you have to go somewhere safe" - said Kyōka seriously.

"No, I've had enough of all this!" - Kyoko exclaimed angrily - "I've had enough of being the princess who needs to be rescued, the woman who is a burden to everyone, I want to help you!"

"If you go with me now, you won't be of any help!" - Kyōka exclaimed while frowning - "If you go, you might get kidnapped again!"


Guys this world is about to end...

Cloud and his companions are going on a new journey to a different new World.

So join him nd is in this journey...


so join me nd read ahead More than 50 chapters on pat platform link is given below....

Current Chapter - 593

I hope you guys join me on this platform


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