Chapter 550 ( Destination )

The next day, Cloud and the others were gathered in a nearby square.

Coco Loo had been sent to a specialized place to solve her problems, but not before telling her that if she needed anything, she could always use the card they passed to her.

The former tour guide nodded and gave a small "thank you" before leaving, after all, the group had done too much for her, though if she was honest, she was embarrassed that she couldn't thank the man who had saved her because of her trauma.

Anyway, Cloud and the others were waiting for Netero, who had informed them that he had accepted, which the blond checked as he received his notification along with a second call from the old former association president about how the flow of information had been extremely painful.

"Will we travel to another world from this place?" - Menchi asked with a frown because there were too many people around.

"Relax, this is normal" - replied Kyōka while shaking her head - "Just watch quietly and you'll understand everything."

Menchi was still a bit skeptical, but she nodded to her "senpai's" words.

After a few more minutes, Isaac Netero appeared on the scene.

"Sorry for the delay, I was making some final arrangements" - Netero said while shaking his head.

"Don't worry, the moment we leave, time will stop in this dimension until we return" - Cloud answered calmly, surprising the two new recruits.

"Interesting, your power is much greater than I thought" - Isaac Netero murmured while stroking his chin.

"It's not my power, I'm just an agent" - Cloud answered honestly - "I guess that part of the information wasn't transmitted, anyway, we'll inform you the rest at our base of operations."

Menchi was about to ask more about it, when she noticed something that left her cold.

Isaac Netero was also surprised of what was happening, after all, he could notice how the world seemed to have frozen because of the drastic change in the tonality of the surroundings.

[By user's decision, the time of stay has been reduced, initiating the transportation process.]

[Please step back a few meters while the portal is being generated].

Isaac was awed by this strange feeling of adventure that he hadn't felt in years.

Menchi could feel how his heart seemed to want to escape from his chest at the excitement of this uncertain future.

Slowly, a strange bluish portal began to materialize in front of the group.

[Portal generated, please enter carefully]

Without another word, the strange robotic voice disappeared, leaving the group staring at the portal in silence.

"Okay, it's time" - Cloud declared as he motioned Kyōka and Kyoko to enter.

The two women did so without a second thought, after all, this wasn't their first time moving between dimensions.

"Any adverse effects we need to know about traveling between worlds?" - Netero asked as he looked at the blond.

"The first time always causes dizziness, nothing out of the ordinary or lethal" - Cloud replied as he shrugged his shoulders.

"Ok" - nodded Netero as he entered the portal.

"You're next" - smiled Cloud as he noticed how Menchi kept looking at the portal silently - "Menchi?"

"Oh, sorry" - Menchi replied sheepishly before entering the portal.

cloud looked back in the direction of the distance before following his group back home.

* * * * *

"Is something wrong, Meruem?" - A young woman with messy white hair asked.

"No, it's nothing" - replied the Chimera Ant King as he looked at the girl he had met by the vagaries of fate.

They met during their escape.

He was running at full speed as far away from Cloud as possible, when he heard something about how a group of thieves had managed to capture Gungi's world champion.

At first, he was disinterested, but as he was about to retreat, the girl's shout made him think again, as if something inside him was telling him that if he didn't move now, he would regret it in the future.

Meruem gritted his teeth and quickly lunged at the thieves and killed each of them until he reached a cell where an injured girl with messy white hair and slightly battered clothes was lying.

Meruem slowly approached the girl and checked that she was okay, though outside of the clear physical abuse, she seemed to be in good condition.

Possibly, the thieves did not abuse her because the girl was not very beautiful by human standards.

Komugi slowly opened her eyes as she felt how it was all over and she was now safe, a feeling she could not explain, and "looked" at her savior.

Meruem stared at her in silence while thinking that this had been a waste of time, although he did not move from his place and helped the girl to get up.

Komugi was confused because the feeling of her savior didn't feel human, it was as if her skin was scratchy and after touching other parts of her body, like her chest and arms, she noticed that they had slight modifications that didn't look human.

Meruem said nothing because it was obvious that this girl was blind, so he waited for her to finish before he could speak.

After that strange moment, the two quickly began to talk about their lives, and it all ended with Meruem becoming what you might say, a ghost bodyguard.

He would stay hidden, protecting Komugi from all danger while he figured out why his instincts had been screaming at him to help her, even though this was stupid, nonsensical.

"Meruem?" - Komugi asked as she looked in the direction where her companion and bodyguard was standing.

"It's nothing, I was just thinking about the past" - replied Meruem as he looked in the direction of his missing arm and gritted his teeth - "I swear to god that I will never feel this weak again, I will never suffer such humiliation again."

"Meruem, you reap what you sow, if you ended up like that, it must have been for a reason" - Komugi answered while closing her eyes because in any case, she couldn't see and she didn't like to feel people's gaze on her gray eyes - "I don't know about your past because you haven't wanted to reveal it, but if someone chased you for so long, only to leave you in that state, it must have been for something, after all, the world isn't black and white"

"It's ironic that you talk about colors when you're blind, Komugi" - muttered Meruem as he looked at his protégé.

"There are things that even we blind people can see" - Komugi replied with a smile - "Things that people who can see, overlook because they are dazzled by the multiple colors of the world"

Meruem didn't answer, he remained silent, digesting the words of the girl that by her appearance and attitude, you would normally think she was a fool, although after spending a few months together with her, he understood that this was far from reality.

Komugi was a smart girl, a person who knew what to say and when to say it, she also had an uncanny sense of empathy.

"Anyway, where shall we go now?" - Meruem asked as he looked at the girl.

"Hmm, we have nothing to do for the next week, so I want you to practice with me" - smiled Komugi as she turned around.

"You just want to feel good about yourself after defeating me" - Meruem replied with a frown because no matter how hard he tried, he still couldn't defeat Komugi in Gungi.

During his journey with the girl, he had tried hundreds of activities, and in all of them he had come out a winner against many experts, but despite all this, he was still being defeated by his protégé.

"You know very well that you are the only one who can make me improve, that's why I ask you" - Komugi answered honestly - "The stronger you become, the more I have to improve in order not to be defeated by you."

Meruem clicked her tongue before agreeing - "Fine, although this I will do not because you ask me to, but because I want to defeat you"

"Then you're going to have to try harder" - Komugi smiled as the two began their game.

Meruem gave the girl a glance before telling his move to his opponent.

He had managed to understand why his instincts had told him to save the girl, after all, she was the most interesting person he had ever met in his life.

"Aren't you going to make your move?" - Komugi asked as she didn't hear her rival say anything for quite a while.

"Oh, sorry, I was thinking some things and didn't realize it was already my turn" - replied Meruem while shaking his head.

"You're someone strange, Meruem, and I'm not saying that because of your species" - mused Komugi as he made his move.

"I don't think you have the right to call me strange, when you are too weird to be a human" - Meruem replied with annoyance - "Normally, you would stay away from someone like me when you found out that I was not human, but of a dangerous species"

"Judging someone by their species or appearance, that's horrible" - Komugi snorted with annoyance - "One has to judge people by their actions."

"Then the less you would have to relate to me" - muttered Meruem as he sighed regretfully.

"Don't even think I'm going to let you go" - Komugi snorted again - "People change, why couldn't you?"

Meruem was silent before giving the girl a smile, only to resume his departure from Gungi.


Guys this world is about to end...

Cloud and his companions are going on a new journey to a different new World.

So join him nd is in this journey...


so join me nd read ahead More than 50 chapters on pat platform link is given below....

Current Chapter - 604

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