Chapter 551 ( Elves )

"This is much more normal than I thought" - Isaac Netero said as he looked around with a confused expression.

"Well, my home world is pretty simple" - Cloud replied calmly as he shook his head - "It's just evolving."

"Evolving?" - Menchi asked in surprise, though her expression changed when she saw all the people starting to gather around them, especially a group coming out of the forest.

Cloud watched all his girls and companions with a smile, but his expression changed when he saw the group walking behind Celestine and Olga - "Ok, can someone tell me how come there are so many more elves now?"

"I think it would be a good idea for me to answer myself" - said a small Elf with red hair and revealing witch costume - "My name is Nol, and I am a leader of this group of elves who have come after one of our girls was summoned in this place."

She quickly explained the general situation to him, and how she had used much of her magical power to be able to go after Lucie after they sensed the aura of the sacred tree at this site.

"The problem is that my magic power was not strong enough to be able to bring my whole clan, so I made a deal with the dark elves to be able to gather more mana and move to this place, the problem is that when we were doing the ritual, an accident happened" - sighed Nol while looking at her hands in pain.

Nol : "During the ritual, we were attacked by beasts that broke the barrier that covered our village, almost all our inhabitants fought to give us time, but when we managed to complete the ritual, there were almost no survivors left."

"Even our dark elf clan ended up almost completely wiped out" - added a tall woman with brown skin, purple hair and golden eyes. She had huge breasts and a wine-colored latex suit that barely covered her body, and armor over her shoulders and arms - "I never thought our fate would end up being tied to that of our enemies."

The few survivors only looked down at the ground in fear as they remembered what had happened while being thankful to have made it out alive.

Lucie and Evelyn, only kept silent because they felt this was all their fault.

"I understand," Cloud muttered as he nodded.

"I know this may sound heartless, however, they sacrificed themselves for a good cause" - said the dark purple-haired Elf - "Thanks to their sacrifice, we made it to a much more peaceful place, a place that we will be able to restore ourselves next to the sacred tree."

"As much as it pains me to admit it, she is right, the sacrifice of our sisters was not in vain, now we will be able to flourish and return to our golden age" - nodded Nol as she looked at Celestine adoringly - "Not to mention that we are before some deities that will guide us on the right path."

Celestine sighed, though she had to admit it was good to have devotees again, at least now she could regain some of her divine power.

"Not to mention that now we will be able to procreate with a man" - nodded Elda Ballad, a dark elven woman with messy blonde hair, well toned, big breasts and wild smile.

"Procreate?" - Cloud asked as he looked at Celestine and Olga for answers.

"Well, they can't reproduce in the traditional way of their world because their [World Tree] withered, so they evolved to do it in the traditional human way, in other words, through fornication" - replied Celestine while coughing - "Although if I'm honest, I was surprised to hear that in other worlds, elves reproduced in this way."

"Anyway, girls, introduce yourselves to my consort" - Olga said while licking her lips because not only could she feel a divine aura inside Cloud, but now she had a dark charm that contrasted with divinity, and turned her on even more.

"My name is Delva Celebrían, former leader of the army of the dark elven kingdom" - said Delva, the purple-haired dark Elf - "At my side is Elda, one of my strongest subordinates, and although she is little foul-mouthed, she is one of the most loyal women you can find."

"Thank you for your words, leader" - smiled Elda as she gave a huge smile to the blond because she could feel his latent power - "Not bad, although I can tell a mile away that you're not human."

"My name is Misery Stentrem, and although I look like this, I am the matriarch of the dark elves" - said Misery, a woman with white skin, red eyes, long blonde hair and promiscuous clothing that barely covered her private parts. Her breasts were huge, even bigger than Shizuka's - "It's a pleasure to be in your care."

Cloud nodded, though he could feel this woman devouring him with her eyes.

"As I mentioned before, my name is Nol and I am the matriarch of what's left of our survivors" - said Nol as her body glowed slightly and took on a much more adult and seductive appearance, large breasts as well as her butt - "And I had taken the former form in order to be able to store all the necessary mana."

"My name is Lucie Menelumie, I'm sorry for not having introduced myself previously" - said Lucie, the girl she had summoned along with Evelyn - "It's a pleasure"

"My name is Firis Hagerhelm, noblewoman of the elven kingdom" - replied Firis, a beautiful girl with platinum hair, red eyes, proud attitude and a body as seductive as the other elves that was in the place.

At this moment, Cloud could only wonder if all the elves in that world were genetically superior to the rest of the species, because every single one of them was beautiful, and they had the biggest breasts he had ever seen.

"My name is Evelyn Celebrían, and as you can see, I am Delva's younger sister, I was summoned to be your servant and slave, Master Cloud" - Evelyn said as she made a small bow in front of the blond - "And I promise to do all your bidding."

Cloud raised an eyebrow when he heard this because he didn't expect this kind of "loyalty".

"Well, as you can see, we got more member for our clan" - Olga could only shake her head, although now that Cloud was back and with all their problems solved, she believed it was a good time to be able to start with phase two of their plans, and without the need to delay them in order to help the blond because ironically, he had already solved their problem without them having to intervene.

"I feel like you should go talk to the others first, then we can get on with the planning" - mentioned Celestine as she looked at the blond with a smile.

"Ok" - nodded Cloud as he informed the others to follow him.

"Did I say something wrong, Olga-sama?" - Evelyn asked as she gave her queen a look.

"No, and while I'm a little annoyed that you still hold the thought of lowering yourself to being a sex slave, it's not like I can blame you after feeling his aura" - Olga replied as she bit her lip - "Just being in his presence makes me barely able to contain my desire to copulate with him."

"You're not upset with the fact that I want to reproduce with your consort?" - Evelyn asked fearfully.

"Not in the least" - replied Olga as she folded her arms - "In fact, it doesn't bother me in the least, because if you succeed in having his offspring, then our race will be much more powerful than before"

"As would be expected from Olga-sama, I completely understand your point of view" - nodded Delva excitedly - "If we get Cloud-sama's DNA, our future generations will be even stronger than our golden generation ancestors"

"Celestine-sama, we must stay behind" - said Nol seriously as she looked at her goddess and leader - "If they take the lead, we won't be able to raise our heads anymore."

"I share the opinion Nol-sama" - nodded Firis seriously - "That inferior race must not be allowed to be better than us."

"Girls, I understand your rivalry with them, but you have to understand that it is no longer necessary for you to keep having this hatred when you survived with their help" - sighed Celestine while shaking her head - "I understand your annoyance because I went through the same thing, that's why I recommend you to sit next to them and talk things over, after all, now you will live together, with Cloud being our husband, we are part of the same clan"

Nol and the other elves, could only frown before nodding, because even if they didn't want to accept the words of their goddess and leader, they had to admit that she was right.

Now that they were in a new world, and they were only a few survivors, it was better to support each other.

Delva and the other dark elves, also heard this, so they looked to Olga for answers.

"She's right, it's time for us to stop this stupid hatred" - replied Olga while nodding - "And as a fact, before coming to this place, Celestine and I were about to kill each other because we were polar opposites, but now we are best friends."


Guys this world is about to end...

Cloud and his companions are going on a new journey to a different new World.

So join him nd is in this journey...


so join me nd read ahead More than 50 chapters on pat platform link is given below....

Current Chapter - 610

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