Chapter 558 ( Moon Ritual - VI [ R-18 ] )

"I'm coming ~!" - Ema exclaimed as she felt her insides contract as she felt something hot invade the deepest part of her vagina.






Saliva began to run down her lip as she gasped for breath.

Ryōko smiled as she saw this because it was finally her turn to get some action.

Cloud quickly picked the girl up and laid her down in a safe place, then looked at Ryōko, who seemed to be barely resisting her libido.

She didn't say anything else, just pushed the blond to the ground and sat on him.

Cloud had to admit that Ryōko's breasts were no slouch to her daughter's, and being a mature adult woman, her sensuality was off the scale.

"Do you want to play with my friends, by any chance?" - Ryōko asked as she licked her lips and moved forward a bit to highlight her glorious breasts - "They're all yours, my husband ~"

Cloud thought no more, he moved his hands to those large mountains of flesh and pressed her nipples, causing the woman to tremble slightly as her breath hitched.

"Hmm, just feeling you on my breasts makes me aroused, I wonder what it will be like to have you inside me" - Ryōko purred as she moved a little and positioned her husband's penis at the entrance of her vagina - "Bon appetit ~! Ah ~!"


Ryōko's body trembled slightly as she felt her mind go blank just having a penis inside her - "It's been so long ~!"


Cloud didn't respond to her words, he just gave her a firm thrust that took the woman one step higher on her pleasure scale.

"Ah ~!" - Ryōko had to admit that after all he had done, Cloud had the experience to satisfy a woman like her, one who had experienced many things over the years - "God, just one thrust and you almost made me come, you're a bad boy, my young husband ~"

"And you haven't seen anything yet, now start moving" - Cloud ordered as he watched Kyōka's mother smiled seductively as she moved her hips.



The two blondes began to dance a dance of pleasure while the melody of Ryōko's moans were becoming more and more progressive.

The woman had to admit that every time she moved her hips, she was closer to climax, but as someone who hadn't enjoyed herself enough, she refused to accept that things would end so soon.

Cloud put his hands on her fleshy buttocks, and gave her a firm spank that made her arch her back - "Oh?"

"Do you want me to call you daddy too?" - Ryōko purred as she licked her lips - "Although if I'm honest, I'd rather you call me mommy ~"

"Do you even have incest fetishes?" - Cloud asked with a half smile.

"I don't know, I haven't had a child to be able to check if I am [soncon]" - answered Ryōko honestly - "We can try though, and who knows, maybe I might like it if you call me mommy while you penetrate my wet pussy with this delicious penis of yours."

"For a mother, you have a dirty mouth, Ryōko-san" - growled Cloud as he spanked her again



"I can be dirtier, honey" - purred Ryōko as she kissed her young husband - "That's the superpower of a woman who hasn't had sex in years, to be as seductive, dirty and passionate as possible in order to coax her lover ~"

"Then you're doing a good job" - Cloud replied as he started to move..



Ryōko smiled at this as she began to move in rhythm to the sound of his passion. She slowly moved her mouth closer to the blond's ear as she began to whisper dirty things to him, how she wished he would bathe her with his cum, how she wanted to feel his hard manhood in each of her holes, how she wished he would penetrate her until her vagina took the shape of his penis, how she wished she would give him so many sons as to make a soccer team.

Her words of lust was constantly echoing in Cloud's head as he continued to pound that glorious, meaty ass.



Ryōko was enjoying herself like never before, sex with Cloud was much better than she thought after listening to the others.

The two were extremely compatible, and her pussy knew it.

Ryōko had lost count of how many times she had resisted her orgasm so she could climax next to her young husband, longing to feel that surge of hot cum deep inside her womb, as if it had been thirsting for months.

Time continued to tick on as the two continued their act of pleasure, time that Ryōko could barely keep her sanity for having resisted her release so much.

Cloud had noticed this, so he quickly gave her one last thrust as he released his semen inside Kyōka's mother.






Ryōko let out a high-pitched moan as she felt her entire insides tremble at the sensation of her lover's hot semen. Unable to resist any longer, she too released her climax as her husband's essence completely invaded her insides.

Cloud watched as Ryōko collapsed on top of him, pressing her glorious breasts against his hard pectoral, breathing raggedly from the best climax she had ever experienced in her life.

"Ugh, I can't move" - muttered Ryōko wearily as she weakly lifted her sweat covered face - "But I have to admit it was worth it, this is the best sex I've ever had in my life."

"That's good to hear" - Cloud replied calmly.

"Now, I'd like us to stay like this for a moment, I want to savor this feeling for a few more minutes" - murmured Ryōko as she brought her face close to her young husband's face.

Cloud knew immediately that it was what she wished for, so he came closer too, and stole her lips in one last delicate kiss.

Ryōko let out a small laugh as she looked with eyes full of affection to her partner - "Not bad, you know what to do in these moments, at least I don't have to teach you anything and I just have to enjoy our relationship."

Cloud didn't answer, he just accepted the woman's request until he saw how she closed her eyes and started to snore faintly.

Slowly, he pulled away from the woman, noticing how she trembled slightly in her sleep as the mixture of fluids escaped from her vagina.

Cloud moved Ryōko to the same spot as Ema, who was also resting, and left the "room".

When he arrived back at the altar, he saw how Olga and Celestine was waiting for him in their old clothes, although if he was honest, there wasn't much difference with the clothes they had worn for the marriage.

"It's good to see you finished, my consort" - Olga said with a little smile - "How was it?"

"A bit exhausting" - Cloud answered honestly.

"Well, you chose to have so many women, so it's your responsibility to satisfy their needs" - added Celestine with a huge smile on her lips - "Anyway, you did a good job".

"Thanks, I guess" - Cloud replied sarcastically - "Anyway, there are a few things I'd like to ask, like how is it possible that it's still dark even though we've been having sex for hours?"

"It's simple, we employ a momentary temporary spell, don't worry, this spell can only be used during full moon nights because we use it as a catalyst" - replied Olga calmly - "As for the duration, you don't have to worry either, it only makes two days an hour in the real world, and it only has that long of a duration."

"I see" - nodded Cloud calmly - "That's an interesting ability".

"We were only able to do it because you unlocked our second seal, and now that we have consummated our marriage, it's only a matter of time before the last seal is released" - said Celestine with a gentle smile - "By the way, our subordinates were wondering if you could take them too, they want to be your servants, and we didn't object"

"I'm sorry, but I've had too much sex for today, I don't think I can go on any longer" - Cloud replied while shaking his head.

Far from being extremely tired, he was mentioning this because he had no more lust left inside him.

"It's a pity, Nol and the others will be disappointed to hear this, although it's understandable" - nodded Celestine with a happy smile.

"It's good to hear that you haven't changed despite having accepted the baptism of the [7 Sins]" - Olga mused as she smiled.

"Did you feel it?" - Cloud asked with surprise.

"Of course" - nodded Celestine as she watched her counterpart nod similarly - "If I'm honest, that's the only thing that can balance your power now that you have a fragment of divinity inside you."

"What do you mean?" - Cloud asked as he frowned.

"That the [7 Sins] are counteracting the influence of divinity, maintaining a delicate balance" - replied Olga as she looked closely at the blond's body - "Which makes you either a [Chaotic God] or a [Demonic God]."

"Ok, this is getting out of hand, you'd better explain it in a better way" - said Cloud seriously because something told him that this was something important.


Guys this world is about to end...

Cloud and his companions are going on a new journey to a different new World.

So join him nd is in this journey...


so join me nd read ahead More than 50 chapters on pat platform link is given below....

Current Chapter - 619

I hope you guys join me on this platform


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