Chapter 559 ( Race Change - I )

"Well, it's simple" - Celestine replied as she motioned him to come closer - "What I'm trying to say, is that in high level entities, there are two types of major "factions" so to speak, and deciding which one you belong to, depends entirely on the nature of your power."

"Right, no matter if you are neutral, or not, your "affiliation" depends entirely on the essence of your power, in our case, it is "divine" despite our different nature" - Olga added while crossing her arms - "I may be evil, a sadistic and manipulative bitch, or however you want to consider me, but my central core is "divine", just like Celestine"

"Right, however we better get back to the point, the other side of the coin, is clearly "demonic", although this does not directly refer to the demon race, but rather to the very essence of the user's power" - Celestine continued as she took a branch and started drawing on the ground - "Being a [Demon], will not exactly make you part of the [Demonic] affiliation."

"There are races that despite having a dark origin, have a divine affinity, because light and dark didn't necessarily mean good or evil" - muttered Olga with a frown - "Even, good and evil aren't necessarily different."

"Right, it's just a matter of perspectives" - smiled Celestine, only to cover her mouth - "Oh, sorry, we're not digressing again. As I was trying to say before, the [7 Sins], are a direct manifestation of the demonic origin, just as the [7 Virtues] are for the sacral origin."

"Are you saying that there hasn't been an entity with both sacral and demonic origin?" - Cloud asked with a frown - "And how come you guys know about all this?"

"Well, it's information we got when we became your recruits, the problem is that we couldn't talk about it because you didn't have the necessary "qualifications"" - answered Olga while closing her eyes - "But that's not the case now that you have a demonic and sacral origin."

"As for your question, one could say that they do exist, among them would be the [Demon Kings] controlled by the minor key of Solomon, among many other entities of equal similarities" - answered Olga while stroking her chin - "Oh, and before you ask, all those manifestations that have similar names in the different existential planes, are parts of the soul of the original demon that was destroyed centuries ago"

"Destroyed?" - Cloud repeated in surprise.

"When you're at that level, you can't die, but that doesn't mean there won't be consequences if you're defeated, in the case of the [Demon Kings], their souls were fragmented and took different forms among the multiple multiverses" - answered Celestine while shaking her head - "You could say that this is also the fate of the gods, that explains why there are so many gods with similar names among the different dimensions of the multiverse"

Cloud didn't know what to answer to this information because it was too much, although he also understood that the further he went, the more information would end up blowing his mind.

"Is there something else you're keeping from me?" - Cloud asked with a frown.

"No, that's all we know, as for if there is more information, we may have to get stronger in order to get it" - replied Celestine as Olga nodded - "But that will take years, decades, even centuries"

"I understand" - muttered Cloud as he nodded - "Well, at least now I've managed to expand my horizons with all this information"

"Anyway, I think you'd better go back to your room to rest, you still have 24 hours to sleep and catch your breath, and who knows, you might want to try the elven hospitality" - smiled Olga as she withdrew together with Celestine.

They still had some things to organize and give their "supplement" to the [World Tree].

* * * * *

A day later, the group was returning to the hotel, surprised that only two hours had passed.

Tabane was thrilled to have found something like time distortion, so the first thing she did when she saw Celestine and Olga, was to ask them as much as possible about this strange phenomenon they had tapped into.

The two goddesses nodded and explained to her everything they knew, as simply as possible, though Tabane could only sigh because she still couldn't find a way to be able to bring magical phenomena into the scientific world.

She still needed a little push, or rather, a channeler to be able to mix these two very opposite types of knowledge.

Tabane had tried to use the worlds where these two practices were connected as references, but the information she found from these stories was practically useless to her because one did not have the same scientific background to apply, nor the basis to modify this information, so for now she could only pray that one of the next worlds would be of this type, although there was not much hope with the enormous variety of dimensions in the multiverse.

Each of the girls had returned to their posts, smiling to finally be able to say that they were inseparable with their now husband. Cloud had even spent a few [System Point] to be able to get custom rings, just as they wanted them and with some simple, but beneficial effects for them.

"Hmm, I'm surprised, and grateful for all the help you've given me on my home world" - Netero mentioned as he tugged at his beard - "Who would have thought my fate would be death?"

"We all go for that place, one way or another" - Cloud replied while shaking his head.

"True, but it's interesting to know that I dodged a bullet" - smiled Netero while letting out a laugh - "Although now I understand what you meant by the "protagonists", after reading their story I'm surprised to ignore how lucky they were after all their adventures, and that I was keeping an eye on their development, I guess the [Dimensional Will] had clouded my sight so that I ignored all this."

"What do you think of the story after your death?" - Cloud asked curiously.

"Surprised at everything, really" - Isaac Netero answered as he shook his head - "Although it's a pity that the story was left unfinished because I was curious to know what was next, more so when it came to the [Dark Continent]"

"I guess that's a sentiment shared with all the other readers in this world" - Cloud said as he looked at the old president of the [Hunters' Association] - "That story was extremely popular"

"I understand" - nodded Netero as he let out a laugh, only to fall silent - "You know? After reading this, I feel unreal, as if my life is nothing but an illusion."

"You are alive, very much alive, extremely alive" - Cloud answered while looking at the old man - "If you weren't alive, you wouldn't be experiencing this existential crisis produced by your feelings, you wouldn't start thinking about so many meaningless things, you wouldn't feel melancholy for knowing about your destiny, nor happiness for knowing that you survived"

Isaac Netero was silent for a few seconds before letting out a laugh - "You're right, I guess old age is affecting me more than I thought, anyway, I thank you for this small consolation."

"Don't mention it, but if you need anything, you can call me and chat with me" - Cloud replied as he shook his head.

"I'm going to take you at your word" - smiled Netero as he walked towards the training room.

He felt that he could do a lot of things now thanks to the fact that the problem that was tormenting him, was gone for now.

"Those are interesting words" - said Rika from across the room - "I didn't think you had matured so much, boy."

"Boy? I'm older than you with all the time I've spent in the different dimensions" - Cloud replied disdainfully.

"But your physical and mental age are rejuvenated by entering a different world" - Rika replied as she rolled her eyes at him - "That doesn't make you older, it just makes you gain more experiences."

"If that's what you think" - expressed Cloud as he shook his head - "Anyway, what did you come here for?"

"I came to talk about preparations being ready for Kyoko-san's race change" - said Rika as she folded her arms - "By the way, I'm still surprised that she was the first to leave her humanity behind"

"You wouldn't be if you had lived through what she lived through" - Cloud replied in a low voice.

Rika was surprised by his words, and although she was curious, it was better to leave that for another time - "Was it difficult?"

"Not exactly difficult, but I can assure you that Kyoko is not happy with her weakness, and this change of race is perfect for her to be able to start over" - Cloud answered as he put the details aside.

Rika seemed to more or less understand the situation as the duo walked towards the place where everyone was gathered, with the exception of Isaac Netero, who had decided to hit the steel while it was hot, and start with his rigorous training.

"Are you sure you want to go ahead, Kyoko sensei?" - Saya asked with concern, after all, this would be the first time they did something like a race change.

"I'm ready" - Kyoko replied firmly - "I'm not going to let the past repeat itself."


Guys this world is about to end...

Cloud and his companions are going on a new journey to a different new World.

So join him nd is in this journey...


so join me nd read ahead More than 50 chapters on pat platform link is given below....

Current Chapter - 619

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