Chapter 560 ( Race Change - II )

"I'm ready" - Kyoko replied firmly - "I'm not going to let the past repeat itself".

"Let's trust" - Cloud said as he arrived at the place next to Rika - "The [System] hasn't failed us, and I don't think this is the first time, not to mention that this is Kyoko's decision."

Kyoko smiled when she saw the blonde take her side.

Her companions might think she was being hasty in her decision making, but no, this was the best time.

The race she had chosen after having the pros and cons explained to them, was the [Dark Elves].

Olga had been explaining to her what life is like as a member of her race, about the benefits and limitations of being an elite member of said [Bloodline], as well as some concerns.

Kyoko was adamant about this decision, even after hearing about some uncomfortable details, about how her libido and resistance to pleasure, would be modified, the former being much higher, and the latter extremely lower.

The girls looked at each other before backing away.

Cloud gave Kyoko one last look, waiting a few minutes in case she had second thoughts, however, to his surprise, her gaze was firmer with each passing second.

It was obvious that she would no longer change her mind, and as her husband, he would support her.

Cloud quickly entered the [System] tent, and went straight to the [Bloodline].

The girls were still watching silently because they didn't know what would happen next.

Would a mysterious silhouette appear and get inside Kyoko?

Would she be struck by lightning and start to change?

Maybe she would be surrounded by a thick fog and it would all be over after a few minutes?

No one was sure what this change would be like, so they waited in silence, their gazes filled with curiosity.

Kyoko frowned at this because she was starting to feel like a zoo animal, though it wasn't like she could blame them because she was curious too.

"Here it is," Cloud said as he saw that he had finally reached his target.

[System Point: 30,000,000]

[Bloodline: Dark Elf (Introductory)(25,000,000 SP)]

[Dark Elf (Introductory): Common Dark Elf Bloodline, slightly increases affinity with nature, dark magic, archery, reduces affinity with holy elements, among other side effects]

[Bloodline: Dark Elf (Warrior) (50,000,000 SP)] (Introductory Bloodline needed)

[Dark Elf (Warrior): Specialization of the dark elf bloodline. Significantly increases physical power and vitality, as well as an innate mastery of all types of swords]]

[Bloodline: Dark Elf (Hunter) (50.000.000 SP)] (Introductory Bloodline needed)

[Dark Elf (Hunter): Dark Elf bloodline specialization. Greatly increases the user's agility, as well as his affinity with nature, also drastically increases mastery with bows]

[Bloodline: Dark Elf (Mage) (50,000,000 SP)] (Introductory Bloodline needed)

[Dark Elf (Mage): Dark Elf bloodline specialization. Greatly increases magical affinity, intelligence, and the maximum amount of magic within the user's body. Increases affinity with nature and dark magics].

[Bloodline: Dark Elf (Thief) (50.000.000 SP)] (Introductory Bloodline needed)

[Dark Elf (Thief): Dark Elf bloodline specialization. Greatly increases the user's agility, as well as their affinity for dark magics, replaces mastery with bow or other weapons, with mastery of daggers].

Cloud frowned after reading this because the [Bloodline] of the [System] was much more restrictive than he thought.

It was as if the [System] itself was telling him that there were other ways he could get a much better [Bloodline] with less strings attached, though that didn't mean there weren't advantages.

Having a specialized [Bloodline], meant that they didn't need to choose what to do in their path, but rather they had to use their skills to be able to boost their [Bloodline] much more easily and efficiently.

For example, if one at base already had a huge offensive power, he could buy a specialized [Bloodline] to increase that offensive power, or simply one that boosted his shortcomings, for example, one that increased his agility to make better use of his offensive power.

"I'm ready" - Kyoko said as she sighed seriously.

Cloud nodded as he pressed on the [Bloodline] and bought it, disappearing to much of his income, though that wasn't a problem because the higher the world level, the greater the rewards.

Everyone was expectant to see the result, but the situation was disappointing when it was just a vial with a strange red liquid in it.

"That's it?" - Kyoko asked with a frown because she was expecting something more epic.

"It better be simple, and easy to perform" - Tabane replied as she reached over and took the strange vial, only to frown because she felt a strange sensation in her fingers.

"So, do I have to take that thing?" - Kyoko asked as she looked at her new "sister".

"I have no idea, but I'm sure that shouldn't be the case" - Tabane replied as she shook her head - "This is a vial of medicine, that means one thing, you have to inject this liquid."

Kyoko nodded as she rolled up the sleeve of the blouse she was wearing and stretched out her arm - "Ok."

Tabane quickly extracted the liquid from the vial, and gave her companion one last look - "Are you ready?"

"Yes, since I came back" - Kyoko replied as she nodded firmly.

Tabane didn't say anything else, she just injected the liquid into Kyoko, and stepped back a few meters, prepared for the worst.

Sakuya and Shizuka, were likewise preparing themselves as they watched the auburn haired woman, go completely mute.

"That's it?" - Asuna asked with a frown, but her expression changed as she watched Kyoko fall to her knees and begin to scream in pain.

"Kyoko sensei!" - Saya exclaimed in terror as she could hear the screams filled with pain and anguish.

"Let's go!" - Tabane exclaimed as the two nurses ran alongside her, their medical equipment in tow.

The girls quickly got to work and began checking all of their companion's vitals.

"Cloud, come, we need your help, you are the most experienced in this" - Tabane said seriously.

Cloud quickly ran to Kyoko, who was writhing on the ground, begging for the pain to end.

"Calm down, this will only be a for a second" - muttered Cloud as he watched Kyoko's skin, start to whiten, as her ears lengthened, as her brown eyes, took on a golden color and her hair began to discolor.

Kyoko's screams were getting fainter and fainter, until after a few seconds, the girl fell silent.

Tabane quickly looked at her vital signs, sighing in relief when she saw how there was nothing out of the ordinary, except for a huge increase in the vitality of her cells.

"She really changed" - muttered Shizuka in surprise as she took a close look at Kyoko's new appearance. Her reddish brown hair, had changed to a silver color, her asian skin, was now white colored, her normal ears were now pointed, and her figure was much more prominent.

"Those breasts are as big as mine" - muttered Shizuka as she looked at her friend's new breasts - "Her buttocks also seem to have grown, and she no longer looks like someone in her late 20's, but rather in her early 20's."

"Hmm, not bad for a normal Elf" - Olga said as she walked over to Kyoko and nodded in appreciation - "She would have a special place in my former realm."

"I think we'd better take her to the [World Tree]" - Celestine added as she indicated to Nol to carefully take Kyoko.

Nol nodded calmly as she used her staff to carefully levitate Kyoko.

"We'll take care of the rest, but for now, I recommend you go home, we'll let you know when she reacts" - Olga stated as she turned around and followed her subordinates.

"Can't I come with you?" - Cloud asked with a frown.

"She is awakening her dark elven instincts" - replied Olga seriously - "Seeing you will only cause her to go into a state of extreme arousal, it is even possible that she will lose control and go into an erotic frenzy that will end in her becoming a whore."

". . ." - Cloud frowned before nodding weakly.

"Relax, everything will be fine" - Celestine smiled as she retreated along with the others.

"I assure you, she's in perfect condition, just wait a few hours" - Olga added as she gave the blond one last look at him before leaving.

Cloud watched them leave with an unreadable expression on his face, although he understood what they meant because he also had to go through the same thing.

"I think we'd better go back home" - Yuriko said as she grabbed the blond's shoulder.

"Yeah" - nodded Cloud as he sighed and walked along with the others, after all, Olga had assured him that everything was fine.

"Well, at least this is a new beginning for her, that's the important thing" - Okina added as the others nodded.

"Let's leave that for another time, the crucial thing is that she's fine" - Okina nodded as she looked with a smile at the blond - "Come on, I think it's a good time to rest and think things over calmly."


Guys this world is about to end...

Cloud and his companions are going on a new journey to a different new World.

So join him nd is in this journey...


so join me nd read ahead More than 50 chapters on pat platform link is given below....

Current Chapter - 619

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