Chapter 603 ( Return )

"Oh, it's a pity, I expected more from one of the heroes" - said a male voice and from the tone you could tell he was disappointed with the performance of his last pawn - "Maybe we should have contacted another group?"

"No, that human from another world showed enormous potential despite everything, the problem is that he encountered a monster" - replied a female voice while shaking her head - "The plan was good, the problem is that we didn't count on another hero being around, one that is much more dangerous than the supposed true hero"

"This is a good time to go back and inform the others" - said the first voice as she turned around, but after a few seconds she frowned because she didn't hear her companion's voice - "Hey, are you listening to me?"

The hooded man turned around and looked with annoyance at his companion, only to see with surprise how the latter was on the ground bloodied - "!"

"I knew I had sensed the presence of some mice in the distance" - Cloud muttered as he appeared from behind a tree. He was looking closely at the hooded man as he squinted his eyes - "Hello, I need some answers, and you'll be the one to give them to me."

The hooded man was silent as he wondered how he had been discovered so quickly.

"It's simple, my level is so high, that my detection range increased considerably" - Cloud replied as he walked boredly in the direction of his victim - "Now, who are you and what do you want?"

The hooded man maintained his silence as he felt the oppressive aura of the blond man in front of him getting heavier and heavier. He could feel how a monstrous dragon was slowly walking in his direction, and he had nowhere to hide.

"Answer my question and I'll give you a quick death, if you don't, well, I have many ways I can make you talk, which I wish to apply because what's coming next will be annoying" - Cloud said with a frown - "I'm going to have to calm down a teacher worried because one of her students died at the hands of my pet."

"I won't talk" - muttered the hooded man.

"I was hoping you'd say that" - smiled Cloud as he pulled out a strange wand that released electric currents - "I don't normally get my hands dirty with things like this, but let's start with something plain and simple, meet the anal talker, I called it that because you'll talk non-stop when I shove this up your ass."

The hooded man broke into a cold sweat as the rod was not only huge, it also seemed to have spikes to embed itself more firmly and was constantly releasing electric currents.

"Last chance before my friend meets your ass" - Cloud said with a huge, sadistic grin.

The hooded man did not say a single word, although after a few seconds his screams of pain and despair, echoed in the site.

* * * * *

The sun was beginning to show itself on the horizon, showing that the night was over.

It all seemed to have passed so quickly, but in truth time had passed without anyone noticing.

"That was one tough bastard" - Cloud muttered with a frown because he didn't get the information he wanted.

The hooded man withstood hours of torture without saying a word, so after discovering he wouldn't get the answer he was looking for, Cloud decided to kill him because he wasn't thrilled with the idea of watching a red-skinned man, writhing in pain from having an electrified rod in his anal rectum.

"Are you okay?" - Yue asked as she watched the young blond man walk in the direction where the group was gathered.

Cloud nodded, only to see the emaciated and lifeless body of his former classmate - "Rest in peace, or whatever."

"I feel much better, thanks for giving me the chance to get revenge" - Tio said as she wiped her bloody hands with a white handkerchief - "Now what?"

"Go back to [Fuhren] and tell them that it's all over now" - Cloud replied while clicking his tongue - "And see to it that sensei doesn't go crazy because of her student's death"

"How will you do that?" - Yue asked with a frown.

"Simple, I just have to tell her that he died after regaining consciousness, that he had been controlled by the demons" - Cloud replied as he made up an excuse - "That will be more than enough for sensei not to suffer too much for this idiot"

Tio was silent as she looked at the human she had killed, she had a cold expression on her face that showed she wasn't sorry she had done it, not simply for revenge, but also because this was the best thing for the world.

Shimizu had gone mad and it was obvious that he would do anything to fulfill his desire to become a hero, be it murdering innocents, kidnapping civilians or even raping women, everyone in the place could see how broken the boy was.

"Let's go" - said Cloud as he summoned his vehicle, only now that they were alone, there was no need to be cramped.

"Ok" - said the three girls as they entered the vehicle.

During their trip back, they would inform the inhabitants who had escaped the town that it was all over and that they could return without problems, he had even given them a special service by maintaining the rock walls he had created to protect the town.

* * * * *

Aiko was sighing with regret at the thought of her student's situation.

She was worried and couldn't sleep all night.

"They're fine, sensei" - said a girl with a small smile - "I'm sure Strife can defend himself, he's always been that kind of person."

"Right, everything will be fine, although I'm also worried about Shimizu-kun" - Aiko replied with a frown - "Maybe I didn't do enough as his sensei, that's why he went down the wrong path."

"No, you have done more than enough for us, Aiko-chan sensei" - another girl replied firmly - "There is no need for you to blame yourself for the actions of others, after all, you don't control us with your mind"

Aiko felt a little better, but the guilt was still eating her up inside.

"Not to be rude, but how long until we get back?" - Will asked with a frown - "We've been walking all night without a break."

"Maybe we should have asked Strife for his car" - muttered another boy.

"True, but we can't cry over spilled milk, and answering your question, Will-san, in a little while we'll reach [Fuhren], even if you look a little in the distance, you can see the walls that cover the city limits."

"Oh, that's good to hear because my legs are killing me" - Will nodded as he looked around - "When we arrive, I promise to reward you for helping in my rescue, it may not be much, but it will be enough for you to live for a year without needing to work"

"Thank you so much!" - exclaimed the "heroes" as Aiko smiled slightly before sighing regretfully.

THE group continued to move forward until they heard the sound of a vehicle approaching at full speed.

"See? I told you, sensei" - the girl said as she puffed out her chest proudly.

The group began to walk slower and slower until they saw how the strange military vehicle parked next to them.

"Do you guys need a ride?" - Shea asked as she removed her sunglasses.

Aiko and the others gave her a blank look while Cloud just shook his head. Tio was looking at Shea with interest while Yue was muttering what an idiot her traveling companion was.

"I was just trying to liven things up!" - Shea exclaimed, his face red with embarrassment.

"Whatever, get in" - Cloud said as he opened the back doors. He had made a halfway stop to expand the size of his mode of transportation so he could have more passengers. This modification wasn't that difficult, he just had to use his transmutation ability and a bit of materials to be able to enlarge his car, one of the few good things about his current abilities.

"Thanks, my legs were sore from walking all night" - Will replied as he simply climbed into the vehicle.

The heroes followed him with a smile because they knew the guards would act surprised to see them get out of this monstrosity.

The group continued on their journey until they reached the entrance, and to no one's surprise, they were ready to attack, a quite normal reaction if it was the first time they had seen such an artifact.

"Stop, it's just a new float" - Will said as he peeked out.

"Will-sama!" - exclaimed one of the guards as he let out a sigh because at last they would be safe, after all, nobles were people best not to cross, more so when they were worried and furious about the disappearance of one of their heirs.



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