Chapter 604 ( Rumors )

"We are the protectors of the world, and we have to protect them even from themselves, Tio" - said a male voice.

After that, she could only hear cries of suffering, people begging for mercy and laughter full of madness.

"Remember Tio, our enemies, no, the enemies of the world, are the gods."

* * * * *

Tio quickly opened her eyes as she jerked upright, only to start gasping for breath.

"Are you okay?" - Yue asked as she looked at the dragon girl, who only remained silent - "A nightmare?"

Tio nodded weakly.

"Do you want to talk?" - Yue asked again as she watched as the girl again remained silent - "If you talk, I can talk about my situation, I'm sure between the two of us we can overcome our stormy pasts."

Tio was silent before nodding and telling her about her childhood, how she lived in peace in a remote village, protecting the humans in the area, how everything was happiness until one day a group of humans belonging to Ehit's church came and started attacking them for no reason, how she managed to escape while her parents fought to keep her safe, how she was running for her life for a week until her grandfather showed up and rescued her, how she trained to exhaustion so she could take revenge on the gods who betrayed them.

Yue was silent as she recounted her past to him, they unknowingly had become much closer with this conversation as they licked their wounds together with a sister who had gone through something similar, not noticing how Cloud was in the distance, listening as the two conversed silently and remembered what had happened.

After entering the city, Cloud left his former classmates and his teacher at a hotel and prepared to go to the adventurer's guild where Ilwa began to lecture Will for his irresponsible actions. It took 30 minutes before Will was able to return home.

Cloud just stood by until he received the information he needed about their next target, the large volcano in the middle of the desert, as well as rumors about how the heroes looked like they were about to explore the continent.

The blond was mildly interested in this when he heard this rumor, so he decided to ask a bit more about it.

After receiving their payment, as well as important information about the church, they decided to head back to the hotel so they could take a well-deserved rest, though to the group's irritation, Will and his family came to thank them personally for saving him.

Cloud greeted them with a smile while the other girls tried to show the most civilized attitude possible, which wasn't that hard knowing that Yue was the princess of the vampire clan, Tio was in a similar situation being the princess of the [Dragon Men] clan, and Shea was someone who was a quick learner if the right methods (punishments) were used.

That left us with the current situation.

Cloud was looking out the window of his room, thinking about his past experiences that transformed him into the person he was now, as well as the people he had met in this dimension.

"Etto, Cloud?" - Shea said as she walked over to the blond.

"What's wrong?" - Cloud asked calmly as he raised an eyebrow.

"I'm just saying if you'd like to go out with me tomorrow," Shea replied with her cheeks slightly red from embarrassment.

"You mean a date?" - Cloud asked with surprise.

"Hai" - nodded Yue as she prepared to receive the answer.

"Hmm, sure, I don't see why not to accept your invitation, not to mention that you've been doing a good job lately and deserve a reward" - nodded Cloud with a small and almost imperceptible smile that quickly disappeared.

"Thank you!" - exclaimed Shea excitedly - "The truth is that I heard there's an aquarium here, and no I've never been to one!"

"An aquarium?" - Cloud asked in surprise - "Well, I've never been to one either, not even in my hometown."

"Huh? Really?" - Shea asked in surprise.

"Yeah, I was never interested in that kind of thing, most of my time was spent with Hajime" - replied Cloud while shrugging his shoulders - "And I hadn't been on any dates because I honestly wasn't interested at the time."

"Oh, I see" - nodded Shea with a small smile because for the first time in their adventure, she was in a better position than Yue - "I'm going to get ready!"

"Shea, the appointment is tomorrow afternoon, it's still at least 10 hours away" - Cloud said while shaking his head.

"That's little time to get ready!" - Shea exclaimed as she ran to her room.

Cloud smiled slightly as he listened as Yue and Tio seemed to have fallen asleep after talking about their pasts.

"I feel a little bad for hiding my past from them when they're so open with theirs, but I can't do that because it's against the rules" - Cloud muttered as he shook his head, only to frown as he remembered the information he had received about his companions - "I wonder what those idiots are up to?"

Cloud shook his head as he remembered the people who were close to him before deciding that he had better go to sleep, after all, he was thinking too many stupid things that honestly shouldn't bother him, at least for now.

* * * * *

"I've already lost count of how many days it's been since we last saw each other, Cloud-kun" - Kaori muttered as she sighed regretfully. She had again come to the old room Cloud had used when he was with them, which was now empty.

"I knew you'd be here, it's like a strange ritual that I honestly should stop doing, Kaori" - said Shizuku as she shook her head at her friend's actions - "I know you love him, but I think your actions are bordering on obsession"

"I know, but that's how I feel" - Kaori muttered as she frowned - "He's the only person who has treated me as Kaori, and not as the popular girl at school, even Kouki-kun does it even if he doesn't realize it"

"I thought you didn't notice that" - Shizuku said as she let out a small smile - "Yeah, he may not show it, but he does, everyone does, the only one who treats you like a random girl despite your looks, is Cloud, I guess that makes it interesting"

"I always wanted to ask you, but you like him, don't you?" - Kaori muttered with a frown.

"Yes" - Shizuku replied as she looked at her friend with a serious expression - "I have since he entered my family's dojo and destroyed my father's best students, you could say my feelings for him started out of simple appreciation for his abilities, though those changed when my father and mother started making jokes about how he would make a good husband"

Kaori frowned even more as she remembered her father being obsessive about her, not to the point of being somewhat sick, but rather annoying.

"Do your parents annoy you too?" - Shizuku asked as she noticed her friend's expression, after all, it's the same one her parents had when Cloud was in the middle of the conversation.

"Yes, although unlike you, my father is annoying or maybe he's just worried about me and you know he's like those parents who don't want to see their daughter married" - replied Kaori with helpless smile- "My mother is the opposite, she supports me in everything and is waiting for me to bring a boyfriend home, but this makes my father lose his composure and start saying that his baby won't date any boy, that's why I couldn't ask Cloud out"

"Oh, I understand" - nodded Shizuku as she started to feel a little sorry for her friend.

The two girls were silent for a few seconds before letting out a small giggle because even though their situations were different, they were both equally annoying.

"Putting that aside, I think we'd better go rest, I know you've been training without rest, but you don't have to strain your body too much or you'll end up hurting yourself, and I'm sure Cloud won't like to see you in that state because of him" - Shizuku said as she silently retreated.

Kaori looked at her friend before sighing and walking with her towards her room, not noticing how someone else had been listening to them.

"I don't understand what it is about Cloud that makes so many people be attracted to him" - Rika muttered as she frowned and reminisced about the past - "Maybe I'll have to ask the others, because I'm sure Shizuka-chan won't be able to help me."

Rika moved her purple hair that was combed into a ponytail and looked out the window of the room, wondering where the fuck her leader could be, though something told her that when they were reunited, things would get a little strange.

"Good luck wherever you are" - Rika muttered before heading back to her room.



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