Chapter 615 ( Decision - I )

A day later, Cloud was walking around the city with his girls and Myu, completely ignoring how everyone was looking at Shea and the little sea tribe girl, after all, this city was one that was dangerously influenced by the church, in other words, the city was full of human supremacists.

"We've only been here a few days and I already hate this place" - Shea muttered with a frown because it was obvious that the vast majority of the humans in this place were observing her as a mere object, there was even an idiot who tried to buy her, again, which ended the same way as the previous idiot, getting blown away by a rubber bullet from Cloud.

"Shea Onee-chan, daddy" - Myu muttered in fear because the human's eyes were similar to those of the men who had captured her.

"Relax, everything will be fine" - smiled Cloud as he shot at a bastard that approached their group with clear bad intentions.

"Was that a good idea, Cloud?" - Yue asked as she raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, it was obvious what I was going to try to say, not to mention that I have no respect for those who follow the values enforced by the church" - replied Cloud with disdain - "Human supremacy, yeah right."

Cloud and his group, continued walking through the city, buying supplies for their journey, until they heard a group approaching.

"Strife!" - A boy exclaimed with a small smile as he waved him over.

Cloud raised an eyebrow at the sight of a small group of his former classmates, more so when he saw that there wasn't a single person who had struck up a friendship - "Do you guys need anything?"

Shea looked curiously at the group while Yue and Tio ignored them.

Myu was hiding behind Cloud, cautiously watching the strange group that had appeared.

"Actually, we'd like to talk to you" - the boy said as he looked excitedly at Shea and the others.

"Cloud, you can go, we'll keep shopping for our trip" - said Yue while putting special emphasis on the words "our trip".

Cloud nodded as he watched the girls quietly withdraw - "Ok, you can talk."

"Where did you get those girls, are there more like them?" - A boy asked as he got straight to the point because he knew Cloud didn't like it when they beat around the bush.

Cloud raised an eyebrow before thinking for a few seconds - "I met them during my trip, and I don't think there are any more girls like them."

"Literally or metaphorically?" - Another boy asked as he watched the girls talk to each other as they left.

"Literal" - Cloud answered as he gave them a blank look.

The boys were silent as it wasn't an answer they were expecting.

"Ok, if that's all, I have to get on with my travel arrangements" - Cloud said as he shook his head.

From the beginning, he hadn't had much interaction with his classmates because he knew it wasn't necessary, in fact, he had only interacted with Kaori and the others in Kouki's group because of Hajime, the only true friend he had in the old world.

The boys frowned, but didn't stop the blond because they knew they couldn't anyway.

Cloud continued his walk, when he heard someone call out to him again, only this time, it was the girls - "Hello."

"It's good to see you, Strife, you look a little different" - one of the girls said while stroking her chin.

"The only thing that has changed, is my hair color which is now paler, and my eyes" - Cloud replied while rolling his eyes at her - "Anyway, is there anything you need to tell me?"

"How did you meet those girls?" - Another girl asked as the others looked at the blond with glitter in their eyes because they wanted to know more about the mysterious and beautiful girls that accompanied their former classmate.

Cloud was silent as he shook his head.

"Oh, come on, we want to know a bit of gossip" - the girl said while puffing out her cheeks.

"If that's all, I'll take my leave, I have some preparations to finish" - Cloud said as he shook his head.

The girls looked at each other before clicking their tongues because it was obvious that the blond didn't want to talk.

Cloud again resumed walking, but when 15 minutes passed, he heard someone else call out to him - "Seriously..."

"Cloud!" - Kaori exclaimed with a smile as she ran to the blond.

"Hello, Kaori" - replied Cloud as he raised an eyebrow - "You too, Shizuku, Rika."

"Hi" - nodded Shizuku as she coughed away the memories of yesterday.

"What's wrong?" - Cloud asked as he looked at Rika.

"We came to talk to you about what happened, in fact, we were on our way to your hotel to talk" - replied Rika as she folded her arms.

"Oh, I see" - nodded Cloud as he looked around and noticed how there was a restaurant in the vicinity - "Let's go talk at that place."

"Ok" - nodded the three women as they followed the blond.

Cloud called the waiter to order something as he looked at the two girls with a calm look - "I see you guys have improved a lot in all these months we haven't seen each other."

"Don't change the subject" - Kaori snorted as she narrowed her eyes - "Why didn't you come back, how come you're married now?"

Cloud raised an eyebrow because the second question was strange.

He understood that they were worried about their well being for all this time without seeing each other.

"I'm sorry" - Kaori muttered after taking a breath - "It's just that I'm an emotional mess."

"Don't worry" - Cloud shook his head before looking at the other girls - "Though I think it's better if I start from the beginning."

Kaori nodded weakly as she listened to how the blond managed to kill the [Behemoth] as they fell thanks to him having built a gun strong enough to pierce its skin, how he managed to survive in the abyss and go deep into [Orcus] again, how he found Yue on one of the floors of the great labyrinth, how he met Shea after escaping from [Orcus].

"What about Tio-san?" - Shizuku asked as she raised an eyebrow because he hadn't talked about this girl.

"Sorry, that's a story for another time" - Cloud replied as he looked up at the sky and noticed how the sun had moved quite a bit - "I guess that would be all for now, I have to go back to the others because something tells me they're in slight trouble."

Kaori tried to say something to him, but kept silent when she saw how Shizuku shook her head.

"We can keep talking longer" - Cloud said before he shook his head, paid what little they had ordered, and withdrew.

"I feel like something changed inside him" - Shizuku said as he started to think.

"No, he went back to how he was" - Rika replied as she shook her head - "Cloud is the kind of person that it's hard to get into a relationship because he doesn't make the effort to do it, you have to go through a lot of things with him so that he can accept you, and it's only just there that he opens up enough to be able to express how he feels."

Of all the people waiting for him, each and every one of them had gone through hundreds of situations to be able to come to an end, even many of them had to make a huge effort to stay by the blond's side until he accepted them.

Cloud had known Kaori and Shizuku for a while, but they didn't spend much time together like he did with Hajime, in fact, the most interaction they had, was at school because the girls had their worries and families.

"Are you saying that the only way forward now, would come to be for us to join his journey?" - Kaori asked as she looked at the blond's "sister".

"That's a quick way to sum it up" - nodded Rika as she started to think - "In fact, I'm sure that's why those three are so close to Cloud, they've been with him during countless battles."

Rika closed her eyes and recalled their life in the world of [Highschool of the Dead], as well as how they had fought side by side to survive alongside each other.

"It makes sense" - muttered Shizuku as she thought at full speed - "Cloud has always had the mentality of a warrior, which is strange because according to my father, it's a personality that only soldiers who have been in war, or people who have trained the art of combat for decades, possess."

Rika only smiled when she heard this because that description fit Cloud's situation, only it was impossible for people to understand for obvious reasons.

"What do you think, Kaori?" - Shizuku asked as she raised an eyebrow.

"Isn't it obvious, I'm going with him!" - Kaori exclaimed as she looked seriously at her friend - "I just hope he won't leave until I'm sure Kouki-kun is okay!"



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