Chapter 618 ( Decision - IV )

Kouki was surprised when he heard this - "Days!!! What happened while he was unconscious!"

"A high-level adventurer accepted the request of one of your companions, he was the one who saved them along with his companions" - replied the doctor as he carefully checked the boy's body to see if there was anything unusual about him - "As for the rest of your companions, they're all safe!"

Kouki let out a sigh of relief before remembering all the knights who died trying to save them, only for a forlorn expression to appear on his face.

"That happens because you're weak, if you were strong, this wouldn't have happened."

"!" - Kouki opened his eyes and looked around, confused because this strange voice appeared out of nowhere - "Did they say anything?"

"No" - replied the doctor as he looked at the nurse, who quickly shook her head in denial.

Kouki remained silent as he attributed this voice to a side effect of being unconscious for so long.

"Your weakness killed all those men, it was your fault that even their bodies weren't left after saving your pathetic life."

Kouki gritted his teeth as he looked around in search of the source of the voice, but the more he observed his surroundings, the more aware he became that this voice was only in his head.

"You're weak, you're no good as a hero, and what's worse, they had to save your ass, once, if not hundreds of times."

Kouki grabbed his head as he tried to ignore that voice that seemed to be driving him crazy.

"You seek the approval of others, instead of doing everything for the common good, what a shitty hero, I guess this is why the girl you love, loves another man."

"Shut up!" - Kouki exclaimed as his eyes turned red.

Kaori and Cloud's relationship was something that infuriated him because he knew that the blond had the looks and skills to be able to be with someone like the girl he likes, that's why he considered Cloud as his greatest rival, but as time went by, he understood that there was no way to surpass Cloud. In academics and sports, Cloud was superior to him, in popularity with girls, he only beat him because the blond was like a distant mountain, they could only see him from a distance.

"Patient Kouki?" - The doctor asked with concern because Kouki was starting to act strange and screaming furiously for a reason unknown to him.

"My words are true, you are not a hero, you just want to feel good about yourself so that the girl you love, will chase after you instead of that boy you sincerely didn't want to rescue."

"You're lying!" - Kouki exclaimed as he released some of his mana.

"Patient Kouki!" - exclaimed the nurse fearfully as she saw how the boy's mana was starting to get out of control.

"Did I hit a nerve, did I touch a nerve, did you just not want to accept the truth because of how hypocritical you are?"

"Shut up, shut up, shut up!" - Kouki roared as he looked around for his weapon, only to let out a roar of fury.

"And you know what's the funniest thing? That that woman is going to leave you because the person who saved you, is the same person you didn't want to save!"

"!" - Kouki's eyes dilated when he heard this as he felt his breathing stop - "That's a lie!"

"Oh, why should I lie to you, what's in it for me besides having fun watching you squirm?"

Kouki gritted his teeth as his eyes seemed to become bloodshot along with the appearance of scarred veins on his face.

"Doctor, the patient's mana is starting to become erratic," the nurse said, only to let out a cry of pain and anguish as she felt something pierce her stomach. She slowly ducked her gaze and noticed a black blade penetrating her body before falling unconscious.

"Patient Kouki!" - The doctor exclaimed as he saw how Kouki had killed his nurse.

"Keep quiet!" - Kouki growled as he grabbed his head, only to let out a cry of anguish when he noticed what he had done - "No! I didn't do this!"

"Yes, you did, admit it, you enjoyed taking out that weak woman!"

"No, I didn't enjoy it, I didn't mean to!" - Kouki exclaimed as he ran into a wall to smash his head against it, and in the process, releasing a huge amount of blood.

"You did, enjoy seeing that worthless girl's expression of anguish!"

"No, I'm a hero!" - Kouki exclaimed as he kept banging his head against the wall - "Get out of my head!"

"A hero? You really think you're a hero after showing your weakness and killing an innocent woman? Don't make me laugh, you're a hypocrite who only wants self benefit, a horrible person who only seeks the praises of others and to feel superior to the rest of trash!"

Kouki let out a howl of fury as he felt the veins in his body mark.

"Why don't you just accept what you are? Then you can fulfill all your desires."

Kouki was silent as he bit his lip.

"Think about it, if you're strong enough, you can force that woman to love you, you can even take all the beautiful women in this world."

Kouki kept his silence as the voice continued to tell him about the benefits.

"Come on, show your true self, I know you wish to accept my proposal."

"Who are you" - Kouki murmured because it was obvious that this voice was not a figment of his imagination - "And how did you get into my head?"

"My name is not important, and what I do in your head, is not important either. The only important thing, is to know if you accept my proposal or not, and if I speak sincerely, I recommend you to decide quickly because a certain young lady is coming to see how you are doing."

Kouki looked towards the door seriously as he looked at the nurse he had killed, then looked at the doctor he was using.

"Well? You already killed one, why not do it again and save yourself some trouble?"

Kouki gritted his teeth before grabbing his black sword.

"W-Wait!" - The terrified doctor exclaimed as he watched the sword pierce his heart.

Kouki looked at his sword before wiping it on the white sheets that had previously covered him, then walking over to the window to see that he could escape without much trouble.

"Perfect, I'm going to help you now that you've decided to show your true self, follow my instructions and you'll be able to escape without anyone seeing you."

"Ok" - Kouki nodded as he looked at the doctor before gritting his teeth. He had already made his decision, so there was no turning back. He quickly climbed out the window and ran into a nearby dark alley, without looking back.

After a few minutes, the sound of someone knocking on the door was heard in the room.

"Doctor!" - Kaori exclaimed as she knocked on the door for a few when seconds - "Doctor?"

The girl waited a few more minutes for an answer, but after not receiving one for about 10 minutes, she decided to open the door, only to let out a terrified scream when she felt the scent of blood pierce her nose. She quickly entered the room, only to let out a second terrified scream at the sight before her - "No!"

She quickly left the room to look for help, completely unaware that Kouki had disappeared.

* * * * *

"This went better than I thought, and with a little more intervention, the situation will be even again" - Ehit said as she let out a laugh at the image of Kouki running through the city streets - "Though he still doesn't compare to those Irregulars!"

Ehit was thinking about sending his strongest troops against Cloud's group, but quickly decided against it because that wouldn't be fun, more so when they reminded him of the first group that faced him.

"I guess that's why, they remind me of the [Liberators]." - Ehit muttered as a huge grin appeared on his face - "I guess that explains why I wish to see them squirm as they watch all their efforts go in vain."

Ehit continued to laugh madly, when he remembered something - "Speaking of [Liberators], where's my little pawn?"

The mad god started looking around for Belta, but his expression changed when he noticed how he didn't feel her presence anywhere - "Did she die, by any chance? No, impossible, she's not that weak to die like that, not when I modified her body to be like one of my apostles!"

Ehit started to search more carefully, but his expression was getting worse and worse, after all, Belta was his favorite toy.

"No, she's not dead, I still feel this faint connection" - Ehit muttered while narrowing his eyes - "That can mean only one thing, and that is that Belta entered one of the mazes, that would explain why I can't feel her presence, but the faint bond I have with her"

Ehit frowned when he thought about this because his pawn being inside one of the mazes, was a dangerous thing, after all, he didn't know what kind of things those bastards created, or if Belta's presence affected the overall situation of the [Liberators] at all.



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