Chapter 619 ( Decision - V )

Kaori returned to the hospital room after a few minutes along with Cloud, Shizuku, Rika and the others of the blond's group, only to frown when she noticed how Kouki was nowhere to be found.

Cloud looked around neutrally at the surroundings of the room as he approached the doctor and checked his condition - "Hmm."

"Did you find anything?" - Yue asked as she raised an eyebrow.

"Death caused by a sharp weapon, a dark sword from the residual aura left on the corpse" - Cloud replied as he frowned.

He slowly walked to the nurse and noticed that unlike the doctor, she didn't have a terrified expression on her face, which showed that she was attacked by surprise - "Death from the same causes, only the attack was straight to the stomach, the sword is possible to have an effect of draining the vitality of the victims because I noticed on the two corpses that they had a lot of gray hairs."

Yue frowned as she thought things through carefully.

Cloud finally walked to the stretcher that was bloodied, but his expression changed when he noticed a small peculiarity - "Amanogawa wasn't kidnapped, he wasn't attacked either."

"Huh?" - Kaori and Shizuku were shocked when they heard this because it didn't make sense.

"What do you mean?" - Shizuku asked with a frown.

"The blood on the stretcher, it's not Amanogawa's, the way it's spread on the sheets, it shows that they used it to clean the sword, that means Amanogawa was already awake" - Cloud answered honestly as he looked around - "Not to mention that there doesn't seem to be any evidence of a struggle, that shows that idiot went willingly, which is worrying"

Kaori's expression changed when she heard this as Shizuku's face paled.

"How true do you think your assumption is?" - Shizuku asked seriously, because she didn't want to think about the consequences that Kouki's betrayal would bring to their group

"Honestly, I'd say I'm 75%, the other 25% is that Amanogawa was still unconscious and someone used some technique to control his body" - Cloud answered simply.

Kaori was silent as she bit her lip because she didn't want to believe it. She trusted Cloud because he had no need to lie when they were about to leave, but for something like that to happen, it didn't make sense, unless....

"Wait, we left Kouki alone in the maze" - Kaori said while looking around - "Maybe someone took advantage to do something to him?"

"It's a possibility, though we won't be able to tell because Amanogawa is nowhere to be found" - Cloud answered as he started to think - "Now we have a problem though."

"Which one?" - Shizuku asked as she raised an eyebrow.

"That Amanogawa is nowhere to be found, and we don't know if he really betrayed them, or not" - replied Rika as she frowned - "I guess now there's more reason to stay here, and wait for him to come back."

"Yes" - nodded Cloud as he shook his head before handing her a ring.

"Marriage proposal?" - Rika asked sarcastically.

"You wish" - Cloud replied as he rolled his eyes at her, only to let out a laugh along with the purple haired girl - "Ok, enough with the jokes, inside the ring is everything you need."

"Perfect" - smiled Rika as she put on the ring - "With this my job will be much easier."

"I don't need to tell you what to do because I'm sure you already know" - said Cloud seriously.

"Yes, though I'm not promising much because those idiots are pretty discreet" - Rika replied with a frown as she shook her head - "I'm going to need to make a few moves for them to be interested in me enough to contact me."

"Ok" - Cloud nodded as he focused on Kaori and Shizuku - "I understand if you don't want to go through with this, but Amanogawa's disappearance isn't going to affect our plans."

Kaori frowned while Shizuku didn't know what to do for a few seconds before shaking her head.

Cloud retreated along with his group, leaving Kaori, Shizuku, and Rika.

"What do you guys think?" - Rika asked as she looked at the two girls.

"Let's better talk somewhere else, I'm not very comfortable with being chatting in this room" - replied Kaori as she shivered at the sight of the nurse and the doctor.

"Sure" - nodded Rika as the three of them headed to their room, but not before informing the guard about the murder.

* * * * *

"What do you think, Cloud?" - Shea asked as she looked at the blond.

"I could feel a huge dark influence in Amanogawa's room, that makes me think of two possible situations, one, someone like Shimizu entered the room and did something, or something broke inside that idiot" - Cloud answered while frowning.

"Humans are easily manipulated, so I wouldn't be surprised if something made that guy change" - Yue said as he started thinking - "Even, I wouldn't be surprised if that human girl's words were true and the demons were responsible for corrupting him while the other heroes(lol) were distracted."

Cloud nodded when he heard this before squinting his eyes because he felt as if someone was spying on them. He quickly expanded his mana range so he could try to detect the spy, but to his annoyance, he couldn't find anything.

"Cloud?" - Shea asked as she frowned.

"Shea, I want you to try to sense if anyone is nearby" - Cloud ordered seriously.

"Hai!" - Shea exclaimed as she bristled her bunny ears and started to listen to everything around her.

After a few seconds, she looked at Cloud and shook her head - "Sorry, I don't sense anyone in the vicinity, in fact, I don't hear anything in general."

Cloud's expression changed when he heard this as he ran in the direction where he felt the look, only to see how a strange mark was on the ground, possibly a form of escape from his spy - "Shea, I want you to try listening now."

Shea nodded and followed his instructions, only to frown as she began to hear the sound of people murmuring in the distance - "Cloud"

"You don't have to say anything, Shea, I understand what's going on" - Cloud replied with a frown - "Whoever was spying on us, was prepared to go undetected"

"But it's strange, it shouldn't be possible because there aren't many people who are stronger than us, unless..." - Yue muttered with a frown, only to look in the direction of a huge church.

"It's possible, but we don't gain anything by breaking our heads thinking when it's not even them" - Cloud replied while looking at his companions - "Come on, we can't leave Myu-chan with the perverted dragon."

"You have a point" - nodded Yue as the trio continued their journey towards their hotel.

"You almost screwed up, good thing I was attentive or I wouldn't have saved your human ass."

Kouki didn't respond, he just frowned when he saw a person he honestly didn't want to see, mostly because it verified the words of the strange voice in his head.

"Listen, I'm just helping you to unleash your full potential because you have the necessary talent to be able to be the strongest, but for now you're a worm that can be crushed at any moment if you do something stupid, so I'm going to order you to follow my instructions if you want to fulfill your deepest desires."

Kouki frowned before gritting his teeth and nodding.

"Well, for now we have to leave this city because they have no use for my plans for you, and as for where we will go, for now we will concentrate on the demon realm, there you can grow enough to be able to fulfill your desires"

"Ok" - nodded Kouki as he looked with a frown in the direction of where the blond and his group had walked.

* * * * *

"I guess I'm going to have to work a bit more with this human, but I'm sure when I'm done with him, he'll be the perfect weapon to be able to stand against those new [Liberators]" - Ehit smiled as he got to thinking about the situation a little better - "As for the other "heroes", I honestly don't care about them, they don't have good potential and are weak both physically, and mentally."

Ehit had thought about having them play against each other as they fought with the idea that there were traitors among them, but after seeing what had happened, he decided against it because that was no fun now that he had the best piece of the group, though it was a shame that the pieces he had been waiting for his little game, had been a disappointment, except for a few who were talented.

"At least I still have the irregular one" - Ehit muttered as he created an illusory image of Cloud and his group - "With a little more time, he'll be strong enough that I can get serious about my attempts to cause him distress and suffering."

For Ehit, there was nothing more amusing than watching the people who opposed him, writhe in failure as they watched everything they had destroyed, shatter into a thousand pieces - "Let's see how far they can go."



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