Chapter 565 [ Tortus - II ]

"This is not good, we can't just enter a war that has nothing to do with us" - said Aiko with regret - "Isn't there a way to send us back home?"

"I'm sorry, but that will only be possible when the war is over, it was a direct message from Ehit-sama" - replied Ishtar while shaking his head.

"If so, then we just have to end this war, we are heroes after all" - smiled Kouki, and in the process, making much of her companions sigh.

"Things aren't that simple, Kouki-kun" - replied Kaori with a frown - "This isn't a game, our lives are at stake."

"She's right, we can't just throw ourselves into danger just because some people ask us to" - muttered Shizuku while shaking her head - "What do you think, Cloud?"

Kouki frowned, but also looked in the blond's direction to find out what he was thinking.

"I think both sides are right, we can't just throw ourselves into the battlefield, just because some strangers want it that way, but we can't just stand still and do nothing either because we're trapped in this dimension" - Cloud replied as he looked around with his cold blue eyes - "That's why I propose that we split this group into two parts."

"Split?" - Kouki repeated in surprise, only to widen his eyes - "I see, those who are strong enough to fight, and wish to do so, let them participate in the war so they can return home, while those who don't wish to fight, or don't have the means to do so, let them train here and gain enough power to be able to defend themselves."

"Exactly, we don't need everyone to fight, only the most capable" - Cloud nodded as some of the students let out a sigh of relief.

Ishtar was silent as he thought about the situation.

This was not as she thought, but at least things were moving according to plan.

Liliana looked carefully at the blonde boy before smiling slightly because this was a good plan of action.

"As for who will participate in the war, we just have to see our [Stats], don't we?" - Ryutaro said while tilting his head because he knew that Kouki had already made his decision, and as his best friend, he had no choice but to help him as much as possible,

"Oh, right, they still haven't see their abilities" - Ishtar smiled as he looked around curiously, even though he already had an idea of who could be the real heroes of the group just by watching them perform.

"Later we can do that, for now we'd better concentrate on investigating the surroundings so we can adapt as soon as possible, the last thing we want is to be divided between heroes and useless ones right after we calm down" - Cloud interrupted seriously while looking at Kouki - "I know you're anxious, but this isn't just about you."

Kouki was silent for a few seconds before nodding weakly.

Ishtar watched this with a frown, but didn't say anything to interrupt the debate between the blond and the brown-haired boy, though if he was honest, it was starting to bother him that Cloud was taking so much control of the situation.

Aiko smiled when she heard this because now she knew there was one of her students who could still think things through.

"Ok, I can accept this request" - Liliana said with a smile as she called over a group of gentlemen.

The students quickly felt a bit of fear at such a military force, but calmed down when they heard how they were to be their guides.

"While you are guiding them through the city to get to know it a little better, I think it's a good idea for me to explain the current situation in the world" - Ishtar said while looking at the princess - "What do you think, Hime-sama?"

"Of course" - nodded Liliana with a small smile as she looked at the "heroes" - "We haven't explained the situation properly yet, so let's start with this. In this world, there are three forces vying to rise to power, in the north, we are the [Humans], to the south are the [Demons], our bitterest enemies, and finally, the [Beastmen] who inhabit the eastern forest."

"What about the west?" - Kaori asked curiously.

Liliana didn't answer, or rather, decided to ignore the question for now - "As for our war with the [Demons], we've been fighting them for hundreds of years, though surprisingly we haven't had that much friction during the last few decades, at least until a few years ago"

"I want to guess that the [Demons] started using monsters to attack" - Cloud mused as he started to think.

"Huh?" - Liliana let out a cute little sound of surprise because she wasn't expecting this strange blond man to figure out the main problem - "How did you come to that conclusion?"

"Let's just say it's a simple answer if you think things through" - Cloud replied calmly as he started to think more calmly - "Besides, this is the most cliché plot of the book".

"Great, Hajime has rubbed some of his wiles on you" - said Rika as she let out a laugh.

"Honestly, I'm grateful he forced me to read some of his novels" - nodded Cloud as he noticed how everyone was looking at him - "What?"

"You're taking this too well" - Kouki said as he frowned.

Cloud responded with silence as he shrugged his shoulders.

"Anyway, what Cloud-san said, it's true, the [Demons] have been using the monsters to cause massive damage to multiple human cities, that's why we begged Ehit-sama for help" - Liliana continued as she looked at the group - "It was a few days ago that he sent a holy message to the pope of the church about how he would bring help from another world."

"From the way you say it, I feel that this is not the first time you've brought people from another dimension" - Cloud mentioned while squinting his eyes.

"It's because as you say, it's not the first time" - nodded Liliana as she told them about the history books in which stories of people with similar names to them were mentioned.

"Come to think of it, it's funny that they are always Japanese names" - said Shizuku with surprise - "Are we being blessed by the universe, by any chance?"

Cloud was silent as he shook his head because he honestly had no idea how to answer this question.

"By the way, how much longer will we have to walk to get to the city?" - Eri Nakamura, a girl with black hair, brown, almost red eyes and glasses, asked. She had a slim build and had an intellectual aura.

"Relax, Eririn, I'm sure it's not very far" - smiled Suzu Taniguchi, a young girl of short stature, brown hair, combed into two pigtails.

"If you say so" - replied Eri with a small smile, though Cloud could detect something strange about her, something familiar, though he decided to ignore it for now.

"Answering your question, I think it will take its time because we're not exactly in the city" - Liliana answered while giving him a sorry smile - "You'd better see for yourselves."

Aiko and her students, gave a confused look to the princess, but their expressions changed to ones full of surprise, when they saw the scenery outside the doors of the place.

"We really are in another world" - muttered Aiko as she fell to her knees because a part of her thought this was a strange, well-organized prank.

"Welcome to Tortus, heroes" - said Liliana as she extended her hands - "I hope your stay in this world will be memorable.

And yes, it will be, but not by the right ways.

* * * * *

"So a new round has begun" - said a strange white silhouette while looking towards the ground - "Though I feel that this time it will be different, don't you think so too, little one?"

The strange silhouette turned around, and saw what appeared to be the strange crystal, in which was the body of a beautiful woman with reddish brown hair.

"I still don't understand why I keep your body, maybe it's because I consider you a trophy" - muttered the silhouette while walking to the crystal with a sadistic smile - "Oh, Belta, I wonder what you would feel if you not only discovered that your friends failed, and now they are sealed in the deepest part of their own labyrinths, with no hope of escape?"

The silhouette let out a cackle full of madness for a few seconds - "Hmm, not as funny as I thought, maybe I can do something else."

With a quick hand movement, he shattered the glass and made the body fall to the ground.

"It was a pity, you had the potential to become one of my apostles, but you had to see what you shouldn't" - muttered the silhouette as he looked at the inert body of the woman - "Though I have to admit I'm surprised because not only did you manage to create a territory in which prevents me from imposing my influence, but you also found a method to be able to pass your annoying abilities to future generations"

The silhouette clicked his tongue as he summoned a strange vial with some sort of red entity locked inside - "Maybe it's a good time to make things more exciting."

Ehit, the false god, let out a laugh as he created three seals on the woman's body and released the contents of the vial into her mouth - "This will be fun, I look forward to watching you struggle in the face of the inevitable."



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