Chapter 566 [ Tortus - III ]

Two weeks had passed since the group had arrived, time in which some things had changed.

The heroes were beginning their training, or at least those who wanted to fight, while the rest were beginning to adapt to their new skills and trades.

No one had been excluded thanks to Cloud and Aiko's efforts to calm the group down before things got worse.

That left us with the current situation.

Kouki had won the title of hero thanks to his innate abilities, being the only one in the entire group who had holy magic, the natural enemy of demons.

Kaori had gained the title of saint thanks to the fact that she had gained the ability to be able to use healing magics of many levels.

Ryutaro was surprised to see how he had a mastery in melee combat along with an increase in overall physical power.

Shizuku for her part, wasn't too happy with the idea of continuing on the path of the sword, but there wasn't much she could do about it.

The others had also gained curious abilities, such as elemental magic, even Eri had gained a strange magic called [Dark Magic], which was basically necromancy.

This alienated her a bit from her former friends, with the exception of Suzu who continued to treat her as usual, Rika who was carefree, and Cloud, who honestly didn't care in the slightest, not after everything she had seen.

That left us with Rika, who had gained archery mastery and a considerable increase in her accuracy, and finally Cloud, who had gained only one skill, which was also a job [Synergist], which was basically an alchemist specialization.

He could modify metals or solid matter and change them into other much more complex forms, although this had a drawback, the stronger the material, the more mana it would cost to modify its form.

Such strange and useless work, made some people of the class, who were hostile before traveling to this world, look at him with disdain, although this was nothing that a good beating wouldn't fix, after all, Cloud compensated for his useless work, with base [Stats] that were superior even to those of Kouki, who was the hero.

Kouki had started with all his [Stats] at 100 points, while Cloud, had started with an impressive 300 points in all his stats.

According to Liliana, Cloud was the person with the most [Stats] bases that had ever been recorded, and these [Stats] would increase even more with each level he went up.

Kouki was jealous of this, but was glad when he heard how Cloud wouldn't be able to get the full potential out of his [Stats] with his useless work, unless he pulled off a miracle and managed to reach the end of one of the 7 [Great Labyrinths].

As for Cloud himself, he wasn't worried, after all, he had memorized many things during his years under Ryu's care, among them, how to assemble a weapon and the parts he needed, he had even heard how the experts created the ammunition. Outside of all that, he had researched online and experimented with some things in secret because he knew Shuri wouldn't let him do something as dangerous as "playing" with gunpowder.

Cloud didn't remember why he had decided to concentrate so much on firearms, however, he now understood why. It had all been preparation for this moment.

"If people knew what idiots they are for "excluding you", I could laugh in their faces" - Rika said with a huge smile.

Cloud didn't answer, he just picked up a gun he had managed to recreate, with a small smile on his lips - "Are you sure you don't want to use one of these?"

"Hmm, you tempt me, but I want to try something new for now, maybe in the future I'll get back to my real self, but for now I want to enjoy this new life a little more" - Rika answered as she crossed her arms - "Anyway, I think I'd better go because someone is coming to see you."

"?" - Cloud looked confused at rica, but understood what it was about when he saw how Shizuku and Kaori, walked in his direction.

"I told you he'd be here, he always is" - Shizuku said as she looked at her friend - "Seriously, you should explore the place a bit more, or at least come to train so you can get the full potential out of your [Stats]."

"I'm preparing some things with my ability" - Cloud replied calmly - "That's why I haven't gone to train, as for checking the surroundings, I've already done enough research."

"She meant going out with friends, Cloud-kun, you can't be alone all the time" - Kaori added with concern.

"Friends?" - Cloud repeated as he looked at the girls - "If I'm honest, my friends I can count on one hand, and I'd even have fingers to spare."

He wasn't lying, his only friends in this world were Hajime, who hadn't come to this world, luckily, Rika, who was enjoying her new life and he didn't want to bother, and finally, Kaori together with Shizuku, and they spent most of their time training, or together with Kouki because they were the best [Party] of the group of heroes.

"Well, I don't see you doing a good job trying to win their friendship" - Shizuku snorted as she rolled her eyes at him.

"I'm not looking for their friendship, I'm looking to survive and go home" - Cloud replied as he shook his head.

"Let's better leave that for another time, I think this is a good time for us to go out together" - smiled Kaori as she looked around - "Strange, according to Yuka-chan, Rika-chan should be here."

"She just left" - Cloud replied as he shook his head, then looked at the girls - "I guess you guys won't stop bugging me until I agree"

The girls nodded with a victorious smile because they knew they had won when the blond said those words.

"Fine, let's go" - muttered Cloud as he walked next to the two girls, not noticing how Kouki and other boys, looked at this situation with a frown.

"That bastard" - growled Daisuke with jealousy - "I can stand that mouse Nagumo talking to Kaori because I know she has no feelings for him, but him being with that trash Strife despite how useless he'll be, is a waste."

"We can always get rid of him during the next expedition" - said one of his subordinates.

"You're right" - smiled Daisuke as he created a fireball - "That will be the perfect opportunity."

Daisuke's other subordinate, could only look at his friends with a frown because he didn't find this to be a good idea, after all, they were about to commit murder.

"Relax, we'll do it at the most opportune moment" - smiled Daisuke as he noticed his old friend's expression - "Just don't go around snitching, and everything will be fine."

"Ok" - nodded the student as he wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"I don't understand, why is Kaori still with Strife?" - Kouki asked with a frown, after all, it wasn't a secret that he liked her, this was why there were few boys who tried to approach the young girl.

Ryutaro said nothing in response, though he also frowned as he noticed his friend's growing jealousy, so he said something to try to calm him down - "Relax, Strife won't be able to keep up with us, that'll be the moment where Kaori will see that it's better to stay away from him."

"You're right" - Kouki muttered as he nodded - "I'm the hero, it's obvious that she'll choose me, instead of that alchemist"

Kouki was so deep in his thoughts, he didn't notice how someone was watching him with fury and jealousy.

"Is something wrong, Eririn?" - Suzu asked in surprise as she noticed the change in her kind friend.

"No, it's nothing" - answered Eri with a small smile - "It's just that I was thinking about some things and I didn't notice that my expression had changed".

"Whatever is bothering you, you can talk it over with me" - smiled Suzu as she put her hand on her friend's shoulder with difficulty, after all, she was much smaller than Eri - "That's what we friends are for"

"Right, that's what we friends are for" - smiled Eri, although inside she was screaming with fury at the scene she had seen.

"Eririn, you're showing that expression again" - Suzu said with a frown - "Are you sure you're okay and don't want to talk about it?"

"Yeah, I'm fine" - smiled Eri while holding back the urge to curse because of her jealousy, although after thinking about it a bit, it was better for Kaori to stay with Cloud, maybe then Kouki could understand that she doesn't want him and look for someone else, that would be a good time for her to act.

"Uh, are you happy now?" - Suzu asked in surprise.

"Yes, because I think I found the solution to my problems" - smiled Eri as she indicated Suzu to follow her where Kouki and Ryutaro were to ask them if they wanted to do something, something that embarrassed Suzu.



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