Chapter 645 ( Melusine Underwater Ruins - I )

Cloud's group was currently in some sort of submarine that Cloud had created for the situation, which wasn't that difficult thanks to his previous knowledge of these, and his out of the ordinary skills.

"It's a few hours before the moon is at its highest point" - Yue said as she looked boredly at the area they were in and saw how there were only sunken ships - "Maybe we should take advantage of this time to be able to investigate the place and see if we can find anything good amongst all this rubbish?"

"It's a possibility" - Cloud replied as he prepared to leave.

"Cloud, I think I saw something over there" - Shizuku said as she squinted her eyes because if she was honest, it was possible that it was just an illusion, or something like that.

Cloud raised an eyebrow as he looked in the direction where Shizuku had pointed, deciding that he would go there first and then go investigate the ships.

"Good luck, Cloud," Kaori said as she watched the blond disappear and reappear outside the submarine. He had used his new ability, [Blink], a skill that was derived from [Space Magic] which was basically teleporting a short distance.

Cloud swam in the direction of the aforementioned location, only to frown when he noticed that what Shizuku had observed was none other than a strange monolith with luminous writing, but there was a problem, he couldn't read this ancient language, so he decided to memorise the letters before returning to the submarine.

"That was fast" - said Kaori with surprise.

"That's because I found something interesting," Cloud replied as he dried his hands and picked up a sheet of paper along with a pencil, then began to write down what he had seen.

Tio raised an eyebrow as she watched Yue take the sheet as Cloud finished writing, and began to read it aloud.

"It says. To enter and discover the horrors of the past, you need the help of the moon and the test of fire..." - Yue said as she raised an eyebrow.

"Horrors of the past?" - Kaori repeated with a frown.

"I'm more worried about the second part, the moon's help and the trial by fire" - Shizuku added as she started to think - "The moon means the night, obviously, but the trial by fire?"

"If this is a maze, then it has to refer to the proof that we overcame the fire maze, in other words, the big volcano" - replied Tio while analysing the situation.

"It's a pretty high possibility, I mean, Haltina's labyrinth asks for proof of other labyrinths, so it shouldn't be a surprise that the same thing happens here" - Cloud replied while frowning - "Although now I'm a little curious to know what the horrors of the past are".

Tio was silent as she had a slight inkling of what it might be, though she quickly shook her head as she wasn't entirely sure.

Cloud gave her a glance, though he quickly decided to ignore it and concentrate on investigating the area surrounding the huge chasm - "Ok, I'm going to go investigate the boats, maybe I'll find something interesting on them"

Cloud again disappeared from the submarine and swam around the place, though after 30 minutes, he discovered that there was nothing interesting about the place, so he decided to return to his mobile base of operations.

"I guess we'll have to wait" - said Yue as she saw how Cloud had returned.

"That's right" - Cloud nodded calmly as he dried himself off because despite not feeling the effects of the freezing water, it was still a bit uncomfortable to walk around soaking wet.

"Maybe we can do something to pass the time?" - Kaori asked as she cocked her head to the side.

"Hmm" - the girls looked at Cloud with different ideas as the blond gave them a blank stare.

* * * * *

Freid slowly opened his eyes as he felt as if his whole body was being covered by a kind of slime that restricted his every movement.

"It's a success, you managed to pass Alba-sama's test" - said the high priest as he saw how the demon general was waking up.

Freid did not respond to the old man's words, mostly because there was nothing he could do in his current state.

"Relax, Alba-sama just told me that your state is normal, after all, the corruption still dwells within you, it's just that the sacred energy is constantly holding it back" - said the priest with a smile as he saw the general's pale skin - "It's a relief to see that you are alive and that everything went as we wished, although Alba-sama just informed me that it's best that you don't go near the irregular until you manage to recover all your abilities and control the new ones".

Freid glanced at the priest before frowning as he heard a chuckle along with the words "welcome home, my new toy."

"I see something is making you uncomfortable" - the high priest said before shaking his head.

"H-How long... have I been unconscious?" - Freid asked in a raspy, tired voice, as if he hadn't spoken in ages.

"A few days, though during this time a few interesting things have happened" - said the priest with a huge smile - "First, your former fiancée did something impressive, she managed to kill your former right hand man after he tried to subject her to her whims."

Freid remembered the woman the council had given him, the same woman who had been betrothed to Mikhail, his right hand man, only to shake his head in denial because he honestly cared little for those two.

"Back to the subject, she is now being considered as your replacement as general while you serve Alba-sama directly," said the high priest.

Freid sensed something strange in all this because his god was not one to intervene in their actions. He only directed where they would attack as a tribe, but it seemed that his fate was much different than the other members of his race.

"You shouldn't show that kind of emotion, working for Alba-sama is something you should be proud of" - said the high priest as he narrowed his eyes.

"S-sorry" - muttered Freid in his raspy voice.

"Well, Alba-sama has forgiven you, although there is something I want you to remember, your life belongs to Alba-sama, he is the one who saved you" - said the high priest as he withdrew silently.

Freid remained silent as he felt the pain had not yet gone, though it was much more manageable than before.

* * * * *

"Ah ~! This is a good life ~" - Cattleya said as she laughed evilly at the sight of all the people who had insulted her when she was Freid's fiancée. Many treated her like a bitch who had only used her body to get to her current status, yet now they were all treating her with respect and fear, which brought her great happiness.

Cattleya continued to laugh as she basked in the hateful glares of her former tormentors, though her expression changed when she saw one of the elders walk to her room, someone she recognised immediately, after all, he was her former father-in-law - "Are you coming to avenge your son?"

Mikhail's father was only silent as he looked at her with narrowed eyes.

"If you're not going to say anything, you'd better leave, old man, I'm no longer the little bitch they traded for a little more political stability" - Cattleya said as she laughed disdainfully.

"I don't know how you did it, nor do I care" - said the old man neutrally - "But you shouldn't have that power, and you know it, so you'd better tell us how you did it."

"Oh? Why should I?" - Cattleya asked as she narrowed her eyes - "In case you haven't noticed, I'm possibly the new general of the demon army, so my status is similar to yours, I don't have to answer your bullshit questions."

"It hasn't been confirmed yet, so you still have to show us respect, that's why I order you to speak before we force you to do so" - replied the old man.

Cattleya smiled slightly as she released her power, causing the old man to unconsciously back away - "I am different from Freid, he had kept quiet because he didn't want to cause trouble, but I don't have his patience. The moment you do something, I will use all my abilities to take you to hell with me, after all, I have nothing to lose."

Cattleya was trying to bluff because there was no way she would reveal the reason for her strength, after all, it would lead to the question of who she had made a contract with, bringing her in the process one step closer to a slow and painful death.

The old man gritted his teeth before retreating, though not before shooting a cold glare at the demon woman.

Cattleya smiled slightly though inside she was sweating because she knew this threat wouldn't work forever - "This sucks, all my fun went down the toilet."



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