Chapter 648 ( Melusine Underwater Ruins - IV )

"Someone destroyed my barrier in the great maze of the sea" - muttered a hooded woman as she narrowed her lilac eyes, the only thing that could be seen through her clothes that hid almost all her features - "I guess it's fate that wants her to return..."

The girl looked in the direction of the large maze submerged in the sea before shaking her head, she still had some things to do, and a maze in the middle of an anti-magic zone to visit.

* * * * *

"This mana..." - murmured a female voice as she felt herself begin to regain consciousness - "It's delicious, nostalgic, and makes my body crave more."

The woman slowly opened her eyes as she felt memories beginning to resurface in her consciousness.

"True, I am locked in my own creation" - the woman muttered as she let out a mocking laugh - "Though this was the only way to survive after our defeat".

The woman shook her head as dozens of images flashed through her mind, like a film of everything that had happened in her life.

She could feel her blood boil with fury at the memories of her mother being kidnapped by that filthy human nobleman, how after being reunited with her mother, she saw how she had been abused and now had a half-sister, only to see how the life of the person who had brought her into the world was lost in a deep abyss.

Just remembering that moment caused a deep darkness to well up inside her, though it quickly disappeared as she remembered her half-sister.

"True, I hated her at first because she was that bastard's daughter," the woman muttered as she shook her head before deciding that she had better think about other things.

She had already overcome that part of her life, so she found no reason to keep remembering the past - "For now, I can only hope and pray that they manage to overcome my test, although if they could overcome Naiz-kun's labyrinth, then there won't be much of a problem with overcoming mine".

The woman closed her eyes again as she sighed regretfully - "Let's see if they can face the past."

* * * * *

"Cloud, I think you skipped a few steps with the previous pentagram" - said Tio, who had been investigating the strange symbols on the wall - "Or rather, you did all the steps at the same time, that's why it drained you of so much mana."

"What do you mean?" - Cloud asked as he frowned.

"This pentagram is divided into 5 interconnected parts" - replied Tio as her eyes glittered slightly - "Each secondary pentagram should have accumulated and sent the absorbed mana to the central pentagram when you activated it, but since you didn't do this, the central pentagram had to absorb the difference directly on its activation."

"That explains a few things" - Cloud nodded as he watched as the cave that had opened up, was large enough for the submarine to pass through, though he wasn't sure if this would remain the same all the way to the next cave, or if this would be the last obstacle for them to enter the real maze.

Cloud was about to order them to move forward, when he felt the cave begin to create a powerful current that was drawing them inwards - "Shit, not again! Yue stabilise us while the others can secure something!"

"Ok" - Yue nodded as she used her gravity magic so she could calm the situation for the others.

The girls quickly sat up and adjusted their belts.

Yue nodded when she saw that everyone was ready before sitting down and doing so herself. She quickly deactivated her magic and everyone could feel as if they were inside a shaker.

The forced journey ended a few seconds later and without complications other than the discomfort of the passengers.

"I hate anything to do with water" - muttered Shea as she covered her mouth so as not to expel her breakfast.

Kaori was no different, while Shizuku was holding on like a champ.

Tio was as if it was nothing, after all, this didn't compare to the times she tried to fly in her youth.

Cloud on the other hand, was as if nothing, even when his body bounced back and forth from the submarine's movements, this wasn't because it didn't hurt him, but because the submarine didn't have that many seats.

"Why didn't you put more seats?" - Kaori asked as she felt the nausea slowly disappear.

"Because I didn't think of this," Cloud replied as he rolled his eyes at her,

"I thought you had it all figured out, but now I see you're not perfect" - Kaori said with a smile.

"I never said I was, I'm mortal, I miss some details too" - Cloud replied as he shook his head - "Putting that aside, is everyone alright?"

"Nothing out of the ordinary" - Tio replied as the others nodded.

Cloud turned around and looked outside, only to notice that they had reached an open area, which wasn't surrounded by water - "I guess we're finally there".

The girls looked outside next to the blond as they removed their seatbelts.

Cloud slowly opened the hatch to make sure nothing was out of place, before stepping out and observing the surroundings - "Nothing out of place, you can come out."

The girls followed the blond's instructions and exited one after the other, leaving Kaori for last because that would ensure that the [Healer] of the group wouldn't be harmed in case things got out of hand.

The group slowly walked towards the cave entrance as Cloud put the sub away in his inventory.

"Yue..." - Cloud muttered as he let out a heavy sigh.

"Nn..." - Yue nodded calmly before creating a barrier around the girls.

Kaori was surprised when she saw this, but her expression changed to one of terror when she felt the barrier get hit by a powerful water attack - "Kya!"

"Seriously, this is starting to get boring" - Cloud said as he grabbed the bridge of his nose. He slowly walked over to the girls and watched for any damage, though this was mostly instinctive because he knew Yue's magical barrier was reliable.

"What was that?" - Kaori asked as she watched everyone else stand as if nothing was wrong.

"The welcome greeting," Cloud replied as the others rolled their eyes, even Shizuku.

"Did you know that, Shizuku-chan?" - Kaori asked in surprise.

"Let's just say the volcano had slight similarities" - replied Shizuku as she shook her head - "God, it's annoying just remembering that place."

"And that you haven't seen what the Raisen maze is like" - replied Shea as her ears pricked up - "That place is psychological hell."

"Was it that bad?" - Kaori asked with concern.

"The maze wasn't bad, the bad one was the creator" - replied Yue neutrally because she was still upset with Miledi for everything they had to go through in that place.

"Let's just leave it at that Miledi Raisen is the most annoying girl ever" - Cloud replied as the group that made it through that maze, nodded in approval at his words - "Well, now that we know that this place also has these kinds of traps, we have to be aware of the slightest change in our surroundings."

"Hai!" - The girls exclaimed as they nodded firmly.

* * * * *

"Aren't these enemies very weak?" - Cloud asked as he frowned at the sight of the first monsters that had appeared, these looked like some sort of shurikens that swung spinning straight at their opponents.

"I think so too, this is a bad joke for all the trouble we had to go through to get here" - said Tio as the others nodded.

Kaori didn't know what to say, these enemies were as powerful as the monsters on the 90th floor of the first half of the Orcus Labyrinth.

"Don't worry, you'll get used to it," Shizuku said with a blank look on her face as she put her hand on her friend's shoulder.

Kaori gave Shizuku a smile before continuing on her journey, at least now she could feel her power increasing with every battle she had.

The group continued to move forward, but no matter how many enemies they killed, they kept thinking the same thing.

"This is strange, these enemies are too weak to appear in a place where the first requirement is to have passed through a high difficulty labyrinth like the great volcano" - Cloud said while frowning - "Spinning Sea Stars? Eagles? The whole thing doesn't make sense."

"Though we have to admit they were delicious" - Shea replied as she continued to devour a grilled eel - "Umai ~!"

Cloud could only sigh as the group continued to make their way through this strange maze, albeit with their guard up because they didn't know when this little moment of peace might end.

"Seriously, this place is strange, and not in a good way" - Cloud said as he looked around.

"Is there anything strange in a good way?" - Kaori asked as she rolled her eyes at him.

The group continued to advance through the cave, but the further they went down, the more the amount of water disturbed their progress.

"Weirdly weird?" - Shea asked as she cocked her head to one side - "Kind of like a super weird monster with a huge bounty."



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