Chapter 595 ( Reunion - I )

"We're finally here" - said Yue as she watched the sky begin to turn a beautiful orange color.

"This place is beautiful" - muttered Shea as she saw the harbors full of ships in the city.

Cloud didn't say anything, he just frowned because he could detect by something nearby.

"Cloud?" - Yue asked as she looked at the pale blond boy.

"I'm sorry, it's just that as we were getting closer, I feel like something was calling me" - Cloud replied with a frown because he hadn't felt something like this in the other worlds.

Yue and Shea looked at each other before shaking their heads.

"We're near the mountain range, now let's go stay" - Cloud said as the girls nodded.

The trio, slowly walked towards the entrance of the village, not noticing how someone was looking at them with surprise.

"Impossible" - muttered a woman as she looked carefully at Cloud before starting to follow them from a safe distance.

"Ai-chan sensei?" - A girl asked as she noticed how her teacher was acting strangely.

"What's wrong?" - A boy asked, confused with the situation.

"Shh" - Aiko instructed them to be quiet and follow her.

The small group following her, looked at each other, confused, but still followed the teacher's instructions.

* * * * *

"I feel a little homesick eating this food" - Cloud said as he looked at the food on the table.

"If I remember correctly, you said that the place where you come from, has a high amount of rice based dishes" - Yue replied while savoring her food - "Not bad, although now I'm curious to know more about your hometown."

"Not much to say, my hometown is much more boring and safe than this place" - replied Cloud while shrugging his shoulders - "There are different kinds of ways to entertain yourself, although my favorite is video games, by the way, don't tell anyone about this, it's a bit embarrassing because my friend won't leave me alone if he heard me"

"Your friend?" - Shea asked curiously.

"Yes, his name is Hajime Nagumo, you could say he's the complete opposite of me, he's someone withdrawn, peaceful and not violent at all" - Cloud answered while closing his eyes - "He's a nice guy, although I wish he wasn't so shy"

"Sounds like a person I'd like to get to know" - smiled Yue as she felt something strange, though she quickly shook her head.

"Hmm" - Shea also seemed to be feeling this strange sensation, though he ignored it as well.

Cloud was about to say something else, when he frowned after hearing a shout in the distance.

"Strife-kun!" - Aiko exclaimed after hearing everything the blond had said. There was no longer any doubt, he was the same boy who had disappeared into the abyss of [Orcus].

"Aiko sensei?" - Cloud asked in surprise because he hadn't expected to meet any acquaintance in this far away place - "What is she doing here?"

"I had heard that this place had rice, so I came with a small group to check if it was true" - Aiko answered honestly, only to let out a shout - "Why am I answering your questions, Strife-kun!"

"Because that's what someone of good manners would do" - Cloud replied while shrugging his shoulders.

"Right" - nodded Aiko, only to yell again.

"Who is she, Cloud?" - Yue asked with a frown at the familiarity that this strange woman, was talking to her husband.

"She is my teacher, she was also brought to this world" - Cloud answered calmly.

"Oh" - nodded Yue calmly while ignoring the woman.

"She's your teacher? She doesn't look that strong" - said Shea as she cocked her head to the side.

"That's because she's not a combat instructor, just knowledge" - answered Cloud as he rolled his eyes at her.

"Oh, that makes a lot more sense" - nodded Shea as she looked curiously at the woman, only to notice how a group walked behind her - "Acquaintances of yours?"

"Possibly" - Cloud replied as he spotted some familiar faces.

"Strife?" - Noboru Aikawa asked with surprise because he never thought he would see the blond in this place, not after falling down that abyss that seemed to have no end - "Are you alive?"

"As alive as you can see me" - Cloud answered sarcastically.

"Sorry, I wasn't trying to express myself that way" - Noboru replied with embarrassment - "It's just that I didn't think to see you here, at most I thought you'd be in the deepest part of [Orcus]."

"I escaped from that place, weeks ago" - Cloud replied while shaking his head.

"I guess Kaori-chan is wasting her time trying to get to the end of the maze" - muttered a girl while shaking her head.

Cloud was silent before frowning - "How far have they gotten?"

"They were on the 60th floor when we left on our journey together with Ai-chan sensei" - Yuka answered while shaking her head.

"They've gone further than I thought, I guess Rika has to do with this" - Cloud muttered as the heroes nodded.

"Yeah, you don't know how surprised we were when Rika went into commander mode and started helping Amanogawa" - replied Noboru with an expression full of surprise - "Anyway, I'm glad you're okay, now there's something I have to ask you, is it true that Hiyama attacked you treacherously?"

Aiko stopped when she heard this because she also wanted to know the truth.

Cloud closed his eyes before nodding - "Yes, he attacked me when I was trying to escape from that [Behemoth]."

Aiko's expression darkened because she still didn't want to believe what she heard.

"Are you sure?" - Yuka asked seriously.

"I gain nothing by lying" - Cloud answered as he opened his eyes and looked at the group - "Hiyama attacked me, there's no doubt about it, and when I see him again, I promise I'll make him pay for his actions."

"No!" - Aiko exclaimed as she grabbed the blond's hands - "Please don't attack your classmates!"

"I'm sorry, Aiko sensei, but there is no mercy for my enemies" - Cloud replied as his gaze sharpened - "The moment he attacked me and made me fall into the [Abyss], he dug his own grave!"

Aiko started sobbing because it was obvious that the blond had changed in that hell, and she couldn't blame him. What she didn't understand, was that Cloud hadn't changed, he had only released his true personality, one that had been sealed by the safety and monotony of his old world.

"I'm sorry I can't fulfill your wishes" - Cloud replied as he asked the waiter for the bill.

"By the way, who are they?" - Noboru asked curiously because Cloud's two companions were beautiful.

"My name is Yue, I am Cloud's wife" - Yue answered honestly.

"My name is Shea, I'm also Cloud's wife" - smiled Shea as she cupped her blushing cheeks - "Kya ~!"

"I knew you were popular, but I didn't think you'd rise to adulthood so soon" - Noboru said jealously.

Cloud just shrugged his shoulders as he felt his body trembling, though this wasn't because of excitement or fear, but because Aiko was lashing out at him - "You didn't come back because you were wasting your time with girls!"

"No, I didn't because I have something important to do" - Cloud replied with a frown - "Now, I'm asking you nicely to let go of me, Aiko sensei!"

Aiko blushed because she knew she was overreacting - "I'm sorry."

"No problem" - Cloud replied as he shook his head - "Anyway, if you'll excuse us, now we have to go and rest, tomorrow we have a mission to complete"

"Mission?" - Aiko asked with surprise - "Right, we have a mission too!"

Cloud raised an eyebrow when he heard this, but didn't ask for more information.

"Strife-kun, have you by any chance seen Shimizu-kun?" - Aiko asked with concern.

"Shimizu?" - Cloud repeated as he raised an eyebrow, only to frown - "You mean the withdrawn boy who was bullied?"

"Yes, him" - muttered Aiko with embarrassment because despite her efforts, she could never solve this problem.

"No, I haven't seen anyone since I parted from you" - Cloud answered honestly - "Now if you'll excuse me, we have a mission to complete tomorrow, so now we'll go to rest"

"Ok" - nodded the heroes as Aiko seemed to want to keep talking, but before she could say anything else, Cloud had gotten up and was leaving the place together with his companion.

"Did I miss something?" - A man in armor asked as he walked over to where the group was.

"We just met up with a familiar face again" - one of the guys replied as the others shrugged their shoulders.

* * * * *

"What's bullying?" - Shea asked, confused by this word.

"It's what Yue-san does to you, Shea" - Cloud replied with a frown - "But 20 times worse."

"What Yue-san does to me" - muttered Shea with a frown - "You mean the ugly and hurtful nicknames?"

"Yes" - nodded Cloud as the trio entered the room.

"Do you think it was a good idea for you to reveal so much information about our next moves?"- asked Yue with a frown.

"I know I spoke out of turn, but I know Aiko sensei, and she won't stop pestering until we talk" - replied Cloud as he frowned because he could feel like someone was spying on them.



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