Chapter 596 ( Reunion - II )

"Strife's senses are as sharp as ever" - muttered a silhouette covered by a black hood - "But this is good, he's one of the bastards I most want to take out and prove my worth."

The boy started to let out a cackle full of madness before shaking his head - "Good thing I came back to check on the other idiots, now I know he'll go save that noble asshole."

This was an easy deduction to make, after all, his new pet had done a good job of killing only the adventurers and leaving the noble alive - "Let's see how it all turns out, though if I'm honest, I don't expect much from you guys."

* * * * *

"I have to do something" - Aiko muttered as she frowned after remembering her student's appearance and attitude - "If he returns with the others, it's possible that he'll be back to normal, but this might be dangerous"

Aiko quickly shook her head because Cloud had verified that Daisuke had attacked him from behind.

"Will there be any way we can settle this, without blood being involved?" - Aiko asked as she sighed regretfully.

"I don't think so," replied a voice she recognized immediately.

"Strife-kun?" - Aiko asked in surprise.

"Yes, it's me" - answered Cloud as he entered through the window - "I came to talk about something important."

Aiko was silent before nodding silently.

"When I fell down the chasm, I ended up in a different area of [Orcus], one that took me quickly to the middle of the maze" - Cloud continued as he closed his eyes - "That's where I met Yue, she was locked in that place, the two of us advanced until we reached the 100th floor, where we discovered a cruel secret."

"Secret?" - Aiko repeated, ignoring Yue's part.

"Yes, this world is not what it seems, we were not summoned to save it, we are just simple clowns dancing to Ehit's wishes" - answered Cloud with a frown - "Every now and then, the main god of this world, creates chaos and destruction so he can have fun watching how humans struggle to survive, but since this time the difference between the two sides was too big, he decided to summon us to even things out"

"Are you saying that we are mere playthings?" - Aiko asked with surprise, fury and fear because she didn't expect this secret - "Are you sure?"

"Yes" - nodded Cloud while closing his eyes - "In the deepest part of the labyrinths, there are some rooms that contain the secrets of their creators, the known traitors because they tried to oppose Ehit"

"They weren't the bad guys?" - Aiko asked in surprise.

"No, they were heroes, they sacrificed their lives to stop Ehit's madness, but they ended up being defeated and sealed deep inside their creations, dreaming that one day someone could take their place and stop the mad god" - answered Cloud while looking out the window - "Although in [Orcus] I found out that some of them are still alive, but no idea in what state they will be in"

Aiko was silent before sighing with regret because this was too much for her - "I have to go back and inform the guys."

"You can't do that" - Cloud replied with a frown - "Think of the consequences if you talk about this, not only would you be in danger yourself, but everyone else as well"

Aiko was speechless when she heard this before sighing - "I understand, but I can't just stand by and do nothing, my safety isn't important."

"That's why I say wait, Rika and the others were getting stronger, if so, then let them keep growing, when they are powerful enough to be able to stand up for themselves, you can tell them everything I told you" - Cloud replied calmly.

"And what will you do?" - asked Aiko regretfully as she looked at her student who seemed to have aged a little.

"It's simple, I'll continue my journey through the different labyrinths so I can discover more things" - answered Cloud while closing his eyes - "But don't get me wrong, I'm not doing it for something as heroic as trying to save the world, defeating Ehit is my personal wish."

"I see" - Aiko muttered before sighing regretfully.

"Anyway, I was just coming to tell you this, now I have to go back to my room to rest" - Cloud said before disappearing from the room.

"You're carrying too much on your shoulders, Strife-kun, that's why I'm going to help you" - Aiko muttered with a firm look.

"Are you okay, Aiko-sama?" - Asked the gentleman who had been escorting her.

"Yes, I just need a little break" - smiled Aiko as she signaled him to leave because she wanted to change her clothes.

The gentleman looked at the teacher before nodding and retreating, though Aiko was a little tense because she could feel the desire in the man's gaze.

* * * * *

The next morning, Cloud was at the entrance of the place, and from his expression, it looked like he hadn't slept much.

He had been working on a new project for this mission, he called it the [Pathfinder] project, it consisted of a group of mechanical animals controlled with the cores Miledi had given them, and they were directly connected to a sphere created with some small parts of the sacred stone that had saved the blond guy in [Orcus].

"You should get more rest, Cloud" - Yue said as he shook his head.

"No, this project is important, at least with this we won't suffer the same thing that happened to us in the labyrinth of [Raisen]!" - Cloud replied sarcastically.

"Praise be to the objects Cloud creates!" - Shea exclaimed excitedly as the two blondes shook their heads.

The trio prepared to leave, when they heard a group approaching towards them.

"What are you guys doing here?" - Cloud asked with a frown.

"We came to help you" - Aiko replied firmly.

"I'll be blunt, you guys are just going to slow us down" - Cloud replied coldly - "We don't need dead weight."

"That's not a good way to say things, Cloud" - muttered Shea as he shook his head - "Your words are very hurtful despite being truthful"

Aiko and the others, let out a groan of pain, as if an arrow had pierced their chests, right through their hearts.

"I can't let my student be put in danger when I can do something to help" - Aiko replied with an expression that showed she wouldn't take no for an answer.

"You're a stubborn woman" - Cloud muttered while holding the bridge of his nose - "But the answer is the same, no".

"I told you, there's no way I'm staying behind" - Aiko growled as she pouted.

Cloud gave her a blank look before releasing a bit of his killer instinct. He didn't have the time for this, so he decided to finish quickly to continue with his mission.

Aiko froze as her body shivered unconsciously, though he held his position, she didn't move a single step.

"Cloud, let them come" - Yue said with a frown - "This can be a good experience for them, besides, maybe after seeing how we work, they will understand that they better stay out of our way."

Cloud gave the vampiress a look before sighing and nodding - "Fine, you win, but only this time, next time, we do it my way, we knock them out and leave."

"Ok" - nodded Yue with a small smile.

"You can come, but don't expect me to save your ass" - said Cloud as he pulled out a huge military vehicle.

"A car!" - Noboru exclaimed in surprise because he wasn't expecting this.

"I was raised by military, I've trained since I was young, it's obvious that I have the knowledge and experience to be able to create this kind of artifacts" - replied Cloud with boredom - "Magic makes everything extremely easy."

"Th-That means you can create weapons?" - Yuka asked fearfully as she let out a scream of terror when the blond pulled out a gun - "Since when?"

"Since the beginning, in fact, I was going to use them during my fight with the [Behemoth], but I couldn't because that bastard attacked me" - growled Cloud as he shook his head - "Now come on, we've got a long way to go and an idiot to save."

Aiko was silent before getting into the vehicle, though as she was about to take the passenger seat, she noticed how Yue and Shea had already sat in the seat.

Aiko pouted, but quickly sat in the back with her students.

"Does that mean that out of all of us, you were the strongest from the start?" - The other boy in the group asked.

Those present widened their eyes, surprised at these words because he made sense. Cloud was physically strong, and with the power of technology on his side, he was a far greater threat than Kouki's magic and mystical abilities.

"Now I feel like a clown" - Noboru muttered with an awkward smile because the person they belittled for his powers, was the secret fucking boss of their group - "Although that explains why you survived so easily."

Cloud didn't answer, he just pressed the accelerator towards his destination, only to frown because he could feel his blood starting to boil - "Strange."



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