Chapter 597 ( Tio Klarus - I )

"You guys are slow, this is why I told you not to follow us" - Cloud said with boredom as he saw how his former companions were breathing heavily after a short walk.

"How can you be so fast and tough!" - Noboru exclaimed as he took a long breath because he felt his lungs burning from all the physical activity.

The group was in the northern mountain range, a place where Cloud had already started researching thanks to his mechanized animals, which consisted of small birds and a group of wild cats.

Why did he choose this type of animals, and not more imposing ones?

It's simple, the smaller and more flexible they are, the easier it was for them to go unnoticed and be able to collect more information, as for the resistance of the machinery, they were extremely tough thanks to the materials they expropriated from the Miledi labyrinth.

"A little further on we will manage to reach an area destroyed by a battle" - Cloud said while ignoring the discomfort of his companions. He quickly walked to the site and saw a huge footprint - "Reptile, huge, it can walk on two legs, and from the depth, its body is quite light for the size of its anatomy, so I gather it's fast, or can fly"

"That sounds like something I wouldn't want to encounter" - muttered Noboru as he looked at his friend who was thinking the same thing.

"A dragon" - said Yue simply - "Sounds like it's close because the footsteps are still fresh."

Cloud's look changed when he heard this as a huge smile appeared on his face. He finally understood what it was that was calling him, it was a member of his race, though remembering the level of this world, it was obvious that it wasn't a superior dragon, maybe it was a sub-race or it could even be a hybrid.

Well, none of that mattered because right now his soul was screaming, elated to finally meet someone of his kind.

"I can hear the sound of falling water, so a waterfall has to be nearby, maybe we can use it as a resting place and recharge our water" - Shea added as she wiggled her ears.

"Let's go" - nodded Cloud as he calmed his heart.

The group slowly reached the site and saw the beautiful waterfall stretching up to the clouds.

"Cloud" - muttered Yue as she pointed towards the waterfall.

"I know, I felt its presence too" - Cloud replied calmly as he walked towards the waterfall and used his wind magic to split it, revealing a huge cave behind it.

"I didn't know you could use magic" - Noboru said with surprise.

Cloud didn't answer, he just walked towards the inside of the place and saw a boy who seemed to be unconscious - "Lotto, we found our target."

"That boy?" - Aiko asked in surprise.

"Yes, his name is Will and he's the third son of an earl" - Cloud answered simply, but his expression changed to one of excitement when he felt something approaching at full speed - "I want you to stay inside, I have something to do"

Those present looked confused at the blond who was walking out with his naginata in hand.

"Cloud?" - Yue asked in surprise because she hadn't seen this expression from her husband before. It was as if he was excited, ecstatic even.

"Don't intervene" - Cloud said simply as he began to unconsciously release his aura.

A few seconds later, the huge roar of a beast echoed in the place, as if it was reacting to his aura.

"You're here" - Cloud said as his smile grew.

His eyes changed as his soul seemed to be trying to escape his body to begin combat.

Cloud gritted his teeth before letting out a mighty roar.

The beast hovered in midair, watching its new prey as its golden eyes glowed with intense fighting spirit.

"How long are you going to let them continue to sully your pride?" - Cloud asked as he aimed his spear at the towering 7-meter black-scaled beast.

A slight glow seemed to awaken in the beast as it roared fiercely.

Cloud stood still as the people inside the cave, watched in terror as the silhouette of the huge black dragon flew overhead.

"A dragon!" - Shea exclaimed in fear because he did not expect to meet one of these beasts in this place so close to a human settlement.

Yue frowned because she was noticing something different, Cloud's soul was roaring towards the sky, as if it was trying to escape from his mortal body, that meant only one thing - "His body can't contain the power of his soul, but if so, he would have died by now. How is it possible for him to stay alive despite this contradiction?"

Yue wasn't sure, but what she could say for sure, was that the blond was clearly a dragon in a human body.

"You who talk to me about pride in a human vessel, you make your words meaningless" - growled the dragon, although from it's voice you could tell it was a woman.

Cloud's eyes seemed to change slightly, he was no longer just showing a desire to fight, but a huge desire for domination.

"Ho ~ You wish to subdue me?" - The dragoness asked as she spread her wings - "Interesting, your existence is strange, yet disturbing at the same time."

"Less refined talk, and more kicking that ass of yours" - Cloud replied with a cutting tone.

"What a lack of class" - snorted the dragoness as she narrowed her eyes - "Well, I guess I'll respond with the same tact, I don't need to be refined and show respect when you clearly don't want it."

Cloud only smiled in response as he watched the dragoness fly swooping in his direction with her jaw hanging open.

The blond clicked his tongue before drawing his pistol and firing off a few shots.

The dragoness frowned as she felt the impact of the bullets against her scales and noticed that despite not making that much damage, they were slightly damaged.

"What that strange artifact?" - thought the dragoness as she paused in mid-air to analyze the situation a bit more.

Cloud frowned when he saw that his pistol was useless, so he switched to his assault rifle.

Without a second thought, he pulled the trigger, directly impacting one of the beast's shoulders.

The dragoness let out a cry of pain as the bullet had managed to pierce her tough hide, so she quickly took flight because it was obvious that this weapon was much more dangerous than she had first thought.

"Hmm, this doesn't bring a good taste in my mouth" - Cloud muttered as he put away his rifle and picked up his spear again - "Come, let's have a good battle."

The dragoness grunted, but at the same time nodded firmly because this showed that despite her human body, she still showed dragon pride.

She again lunged at her opponent, while he took his weapon to block the impact.

The dragoness watched this with disdain, but her expression changed as she noticed how the blond's muscles seemed to tense, but he didn't move an inch.

Cloud grinned wildly as he put more force into his counterattack, only to be thrilled when the dragoness recoiled slightly.

He didn't stop, Cloud quickly leapt up and with his naginata, which quickly pierced the dragoness' body.

She let out a sharp cry of pain before releasing a powerful breath of fire.

Cloud met the attack squarely as he used his mana to create a small cloak that covered his body.

"Cloud!" - Shea exclaimed in terror as she watched the fire consume her beloved.

"Relax, he's fine" - replied Yue as they watched as the blond was right on top of the dragoness, ready to pierce her skull with his spear.

The dragoness seemed to understand the situation, so she quickly landed and used one of her wings to try to block the attack.

Cloud frowned, only to grit his teeth because he knew what would happen now, if he continued the attack, he would also end up hurt by the counterattack, so he quickly blocked the flap and flew away.

"Your attack was dangerous" - muttered the dragoness while squinting her eyes - "My wing is hurt even when I tried to defend myself."

Cloud quickly stepped out of the rocky wall she had impacted and looked excitedly at her opponent - "Ok, I felt that, time for round two!"

The dragoness looked up, only to widen her eyes in surprise when she felt something impact her stomach - "Ugh"

"No more weapons" - Cloud growled as he imbued his fists with magic.

"That's a hard fist" - muttered the dragoness with a slight pinkish hue.

Cloud frowned when he heard the dragoness' slightly euphoric voice, though he quickly ignored it and continued attacking the beast's stomach - "Ora ora ora ora ora ora ora!"

"Ah ~!" - an awkward silence pervaded the place after the dragoness let out a high-pitched whimper.

Cloud remained silent because he felt something weird was going on - "Are you okay?"

"Ahem! Yes, I'm fine, please let's continue" - the dragoness replied as she coughed in an attempt to change the subject.

Cloud nodded before preparing to attack, but when his fist was about to impact his opponent's body, he noticed how she seemed to squirm - ". . ."



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