Chapter 598 ( Tio Klarus - II )

"Why don't you keep attacking me?" - The dragoness asked as she watched the blond man stop.

"Why do you want me to attack you?" - Cloud replied with a frown.

"Hmm, I was actually starting to get excited about our battle" - said the dragoness honestly.

"You were getting excited for me to hit you, weren't you?" - Cloud asked as he gave her a blank look.

The dragoness was silent for a few seconds before she started to think - "Hmm, now that you say it, I did feel a bit strange during the last seconds of our fight, though I don't think I fell so low as to feel pleasure after you hit me."

Cloud didn't say anything else, he just walked up behind the dragoness and gave her a firm smack on her buttocks.

"Ah ~!" - the dragoness couldn't hold back, she let out a strange high-pitched moan while the girls in the distance, blushed because they didn't expect such an outcome.

"Anything to say?" - Cloud asked as he raised an eyebrow.

". . ." - the dragoness was silent as she felt a huge embarrassment along with a feeling of humiliation, invade her thoughts, though ironically that made her much "happier" - "This is strange, why am I acting this way?"

"You were probably a pervert, you just didn't realize it until now" - Yue replied from a distance.

The dragoness was silent before snorting with disdain because that's impossible, she came from a noble lineage, how was it possible for her to be a pervert?

She remained silent as she thought about the strange situation for an answer, but the more she thought things through, the worse her expression became.

"Wait, come to think of it, how is it possible for a dragon to talk?" - Shea asked as she cocked her head to the side.

"She's possibly a hybrid of the [Dragon Men] clan." - Yue replied as she closed her eyes.

"You mean the extinct species that was known to be one of the strongest races of the [Beastmen]?" - Shea asked in surprise.

"Yes" - nodded Yue as she watched the dragon continue to think.

Cloud sighed with regret when he heard this because now he understood why the dragoness wasn't that strong, she wasn't a pureblood dragon.

"Do you want to continue?" - Cloud asked with boredom.

"No, I need to come to a conclusion, then we can continue our battle" - answered the dragoness while shaking her head. Her body started to glow with an intense white color, so that after a few seconds, if huge silhouette disappeared almost completely.

"Where did that monster go?" - Noboru asked in surprise.

"How rude!" - A female voice exclaimed as she walked in his direction.

She was a beautiful woman in her early twenties, black hair, long down to her well-proportioned butt. She had beautiful golden eyes, huge breasts, much larger than Shea's, and was wearing some sort of black kimono.

"Wow" - the men murmured as Cloud raised an eyebrow because he recognized her immediately.

"Hmph, I can feel the lust in your hearts, filthy beings" - muttered the woman with a frown as she looked irritably at Noboru and his partner, then focused on the blond - "I still think your current situation is strange, I can feel a powerful draconic aura inside you, but your body is human, it's like they forcibly stuffed your soul inside a puppet"

"That's a good way to put it" - nodded Cloud as he gave her a huge smile - "And that's exactly my situation, although I can't go into more details because I would have to suffer the consequences."

"Interesting" - replied the black-haired woman as she narrowed her eyes.

"What are they saying?" - Noboru asked because those two seemed to be speaking in a strange language.

"That's the draconic language, it's extremely difficult to speak it because you need to know exactly how to express your intentions through runes" - replied Yue calmly.

"Runes, you mean those strange symbols that are on the walls, writings or artifacts?" - Shea asked, confused because Yue's words didn't make much sense.

"Yes, but the draconic language uses imperceptible mana runes, but what makes this language difficult to decipher, is that these runes have specific meanings, but when mixed, they have different meanings, creating an infinity of different concepts" - continued Yue with a frown.

"Ho ~? I'm surprised that someone understands our language so deeply" - said the black-haired woman with slight interest - "You are not human, you have a different aura."

"I am the last survivor of the vampire clan" - Yue answered honestly.

"Vampire clan?" - repeated the black-haired woman with surprise - "I see, you are..."

"Yes, although I don't use that name anymore, now my name is Yue" - replied Yue while squinting her eyes - "Now, I ask you not to say my old name, remember that names have powers."

"True, plus a name as old as yours" - nodded the dragon woman as she began to think - "I find your entity more and more interesting."

Cloud said nothing, he just shrugged his shoulders.

"Anyway, I think it's time for me to introduce myself, my name is Tio Klarus, daughter of the leader of the Klarus clan of the race of the [Dragon Men], it's a pleasure" - Tio said as she gave a small bow.

"My name is Cloud Strife, just know that I am a chaotic dragon encased in a human vessel" - Cloud answered honestly.

"A chaotic dragon?" - Tio repeated with surprise, only to narrow her eyes - "Chaotic Neutral, your aura is neither dark, nor holy."

"Exactly" - nodded Cloud calmly - "Now the question is, what happened, why were you being controlled by that dark aura?"

"Could you speak in a language we understand?" - asked Aiko with a frown.

"Oh, sorry, how rude of me" - replied Tio while shaking her head - "I was about to say the reason for my situation."

"You mean how you were acting like an animal with no control?" - Shea asked, ignoring the embarrassment on Tio's face.

The dragon girl was about to answer, when she heard the sound of Will waking up.

"Ugh, where am I?" - Will muttered as he grabbed his head - "What am I doing here?"

The boy was disoriented, but his expression changed to one of terror when he saw that he was surrounded by unknown people - "Who are you!"

"He woke up our target" - Cloud said with boredom as he saw how the boy was starting to show hostility against them, possibly out of fear - "Don't say any word of what happened, he seems to have amnesia."

Aiko and the others nodded, though it wasn't as if they knew what was going on, after all, Cloud didn't explain much about his mission, only that he had come to save this boy.

Tio frowned when she heard this, because even though she had been controlled, she still remembered what she had done, so a huge feeling of guilt was consuming her.

"Please, I want you to continue with your story" - said Cloud noticing the expression of the black-haired woman."

"Ok" - nodded Tio as she closed her eyes regretfully - "It's painful to admit it, but I was controlled by a boy about his age."

"Controlled?" - Aiko asked with surprise.

"Yes, it happened when I took a break after flying for days non-stop" - replied Tio while frowning - "Transforming into a dragon consumes a lot of my mana"

"Why were you flying without rest?" - Noboru asked curiously.

"It's simple, my clan has been watching over the safety of the world for years, although to prevent trouble, we stay away from humanity because we know that your race is not to be trusted" - replied Tio with a frown - "Back to the subject, I was flying because my father and the sages of my race, detected a huge magical concentration in this direction, and from the intensity of the energy, we deduced that you were performing a massive summoning ritual"

"You're not wrong, we were summoned to this world" - Cloud answered honestly.

Tio nodded at this as she continued with her tale - "As I was saying, while I was sleeping, a strange boy approached my resting place and used potent dark magic to bring me under his control."

"Do you know what he looked like?" - Cloud asked with surprise because controlling a dragon, even being a hybrid, was an extremely complex job.

"Yes, I have a faint residual image of his features, black hair and eyes of the same color along with a hood, I don't remember the color very well, what I can tell you, is that he looked like a young boy, about your age" - answered Tio with annoyance.

"Question, did he have a disheveled appearance?" - Aiko asked fearfully because she didn't want to hear the answer.

"Do you know him?" - Tio asked with hostility, after all, being controlled, it was a hard blow to her pride, and that was one of the most important things for someone with dragon blood.

"I think we found Shimizu" - muttered Noboru regretfully.



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