Chapter 599 ( Tio Klarus - III )

"No, Shimizu-kun wouldn't do something so cruel!" - Aiko exclaimed with a frown.

"What was it that man ordered you to do?" - Cloud asked as he ignored the shouts of his former teacher.

"He wanted me to eliminate everyone who had heard his plan" - Tio replied, only to widen her eyes - "Right, his plan! He plans to attack the human settlement near this place!"

Cloud's expression changed slightly before he frowned because this didn't sound like something one of his companions would do, but in retrospect, he had been treacherously attacked by one of them, and he hadn't seen them in a good while, so they might have changed for the worse.

"Cloud" - Shea said fearfully - "What are we going to do?"

"Please, I'm asking you to help me stop him!" - exclaimed Tio as he banged his head against the ground - "I have to regain my honor, and my pride as a dragon would not allow me to live with the conscience that I had a part in a massacre! You must understand my situation, that's why I'm asking you to help me!"

Cloud frowned, but nodded after some thought - "Fine, but you know very well that we don't work for free!"

"I know, contracts between dragons are a normal thing, that's why if you help me, I promise to submit to you" - Tio replied while ducking his head - "That boy enslaved me with his dark magic, so technically I'm not someone free anymore, but by making me see reason, you managed to remove my contract with him, although I still don't accept you as my new master, that's why if you help me, I promise to accept the contract"

Cloud was silent before frowning.

He didn't like slaves because he didn't need them.

"Cloud, help her, then we'll sort out the contract" - Yue said with concern - "Innocent people don't deserve to suffer."

"You are too kind for someone who was betrayed" - Cloud sighed as he shook his head.

"It was thanks to your help and advice, that helped me to keep my conscience" - replied Yue with a smile.

"I also ask you to help her, the people of that village are not bad people, they welcomed me without prejudice" - added Shea while her ears drooped.

Cloud sighed before nodding - "Okay, you guys win".

"Thanks, Cloud!" - Yue and Shea exclaimed as Tio smiled slightly.

Aiko smiled to see that her student hadn't changed as much as she thought, because she could still see the young man who had helped Hajime during the school years.

"Now back to the point, how many monsters do you have under your control?" - Cloud asked seriously.

"About 30,000" - Tio answered while looking at the blond with a firm expression - "Possibly more."

Aiko's expression changed drastically because that wasn't just a stampede of monsters, that was a freaking army ready to annihilate a town full of people.

Shea swallowed saliva when she heard this as she looked worriedly at the blond, who stood as if nothing had happened - "30,000?"

"Yes" - nodded Tio as she looked for some change in the blond's expression, only to notice how a huge grin appeared on his face.

"Just those? I guess things got interesting" - muttered Cloud as he let out a huge laugh.

"Cloud went crazy"- muttered Shea as she let out a small cry of pain as she felt a rubber bullet impact her forehead - "Kya!"

"I didn't go crazy, I'm just being serious, that number isn't as much as I thought" - Cloud replied with boredom, after all, he had faced much more powerful creatures in the past - "In any case, if Shimizu needs to gather all those monsters, we have enough time to be able to create countermeasures, not to mention that there's a new weapon I've been wanting to try out"

"You mean that huge thing?" - Yue asked in surprise.

"Yes, it's already completed" - answered Cloud with a huge smile - "By the way, I thank you for helping me with the conductive core, without your help, I wouldn't have finished so soon."

"You don't have to thank me, it's my duty as a wife to help you in any way I can" - Yue replied with a small smile.

Cloud smiled in response before looking in the direction of the village - "Anyway, it's time to head back, as for you, Aiko sensei, I ask you to take Will and bring him to [Fuhren]"

"No, we'll stay and help you!" - Aiko exclaimed firmly.

"I'm sorry, but this time it's not a request, it's an order" - Cloud replied neutrally - "I'm not asking for your opinion on this, not to mention that I don't plan to let the person responsible for this attack go unpunished."

"What do you mean?" - Aiko asked fearfully.

"That I'm going to kill Shimizu if I see him" - Cloud replied neutrally while noticing the terror in Aiko's eyes - "I'm sorry, sensei, but I have no mercy against my enemies, much less against a bastard who is about to cause a genocide."

"But he's your partner!" - Aiko exclaimed as she tried to reason. She couldn't bear the thought of one of her students, killing one of her classmates.

"No, he's my enemy" - Cloud replied as he narrowed his eyes - "That's why I'm asking you to leave, I don't want you to see what's about to happen."

Aiko bit her lip before shaking her head - "We can still save him, he can react and go back to how he was before."

"He won't go back to how he was before he came to this world!" - Cloud roared coldly as he looked the teacher in the eyes - "Can't you see it, he wants to kill an entire village! He's a fucking terrorist, one that you're defending because you still see him as an innocent child!"

Aiko bit her lip before sighing regretfully, but despite everything, she stood her ground.

"I'm sorry, but I don't plan on leaving him alive" - Cloud said as he gave Aiko and her students one last look - "He already made his decision and there's no turning back, now the question is, whose side are you on, Aiko sensei? The one of your students who still need you, or the one of the boy who is about to commit genocide?"

Aiko was silent before following the blond's group with a blank stare because despite not wanting to admit it, she knew the blond's actions were the right ones.

"Hey, I want you to tell me just one thing" - Cloud said as he looked at the dragon girl.

"What do you need from me, master?" - Tio asked curiously.

Cloud gave her a blank look before shaking his head - "Can you become a dragon?"

"Sorry, my mana source is dry, I don't think I can transform until after a few days of rest" - Tio replied as she shook her head.

"I see, that makes things a little difficult, though it's only a little" - Cloud muttered as he opened the door of his vehicle.

"That's an interesting contraption" - Tio muttered as she touched the blond's military vehicle curiously - "What's its function?"

"To ground transport passengers" - Cloud answered honestly - "By the way, we don't have room, so you'll have to go upstairs."

"Upstairs?" - Tio asked, confused because it didn't look like this strange chariot had a seat on top - "How am I going to ride on top if there are no seats like the ones inside?"

"Simple" - replied Cloud as he grabbed a rope.

"Oh" - muttered Tio with her face red with embarrassment and excitement - "I-I see."

* * * * *

"She's enjoying it" - said Yue as she gave a blank look to the dragon girl who was tied to the top of the vehicle - "I guess the noble lineage of dragons, has fallen."

"I-I'm not enjoying it ~!" - Tio exclaimed as she let out a few sharp cries of pleasure as she was hit by the branches of the nearby trees - "Not in the least ~!"

Cloud just sighed regretfully as he felt like he was being punished by fate, all of his companions seemed to be out of their minds.

Yue was an obsessive girlfriend, she always wanted his undivided attention, possibly because he was the only thing she had in this world, in other words, he couldn't blame her even though she was smothering, though lately she's been starting to relax and ask for things much more accessible.

Shea was just as dependent as Yue, but unlike the vampire, she didn't seem to want to monopolize him, which was good, the problem came being that Shea seemed to not have very high self-esteem, all thanks to the discrimination to her race, which was the weakest of all the [Beastman]. This caused Shea to be unstable in many situations, although over time she has been improving.

Finally, there was Tio, her new "servant", who was a potential hopeless masochist, and the current situation confirmed her suspicions. Tio was beautiful, but what was important was her draconic blood, which was begging him to subdue her, the problem was that she seemed to desire it now that she had agreed to sign a contract with him.

Cloud didn't know if this was what the girl desired, but now that she had agreed to become his "slave", she had lost all inhibitions, as if she had released her true personality, which was terrible.

"Ok, yes I'm enjoying it a little ~!" - Tio exclaimed with a red face.



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