Chapter 657 ( Return - II )

"It's good to return after a successful expedition" - Shea said while completely forgetting what she had seen in the labyrinth.

The others were showing a similar expression, although it was much better to say that they were ignoring the memories of what they had seen, but their conviction to make those events not to be repeated, remained firm.

Cloud teleported out of the submarine and appeared on the shore of the beach, only to see how Albus was running in their direction with a panicked face, which was strange because he should have known it was them after showing him the submarine, so he quickly realized there was trouble, and just as he had thought, those were the first words out of old Dagon's mouth.

"Cloud, we've got trouble!" - Albus exclaimed as he ran to the blond after hearing how a huge shadow was approaching Erisen's shore - "Remia! Remia and Myu-chan has been attacked!"

Cloud and the others' expression changed when they heard this, they quickly ran to Remia's house at full speed, ignoring every shout or insult from the Erisen people who were pushing because they didn't want to dodge them.

"Well, at least their concern is real" - Albus muttered as he took a long breath and ran after it - "I'm too old for this shit..."

* * * * *

The group reached their destination after a few seconds.

"Remia, Myu!" - Cloud exclaimed as he entered the Dagon family home, only to hear booby footsteps approaching the door.

"Daddy!" - Myu exclaimed with tears in her eyes - "Mommy's hurt!"

Cloud took Myu in his arms and ran to where he could feel Remia's aura, only to see how she was on the bed with a large amount of sweat running all over her body.

An elderly woman was taking care of her for Remia, who seemed to be running a high fever.

"What happened?" - Cloud asked with a frown because he didn't have any details of the situation, only that Remia and Myu had been attacked.

"I don't know" - answered the older woman with a slight fear because she could feel that the man in front of her was furious even though he didn't show it - "Someone found Remia-chan unconscious in the middle of the street next to Myu-chan, and from the marks she had, it was obvious that she had been attacked, although we don't know why, no one noticed this even though they were in the middle of the street."

Cloud frowned, then walked over to Remia and used his [Analyze] skill, a skill that had been unlocked after recovering his real body.

* * * * * * *


Race: Dagon (95%)/ Dragon (5%)

Lvl: 1

Affinity: Water

State: Unconscious, High Fever, Temporary Abnormality.

* * * * * * *

"Temporal Abnormality" - Cloud muttered while frowning because he didn't know what this was about, so he quickly pressed the altered state.

[Temporal Abnormality: The user came into contact with an influence outside the timeline in a direct manner. Effect: Rapid reduction of the user's time in order to correct the space-time flow]

Cloud's expression changed slightly when he saw this as he placed his hand on the woman's forehead and used his new [Restoration] magic.

"Dad" - Myu murmured with concern because she could notice the change in the blond's expression.

"Relax, she'll be fine" - Cloud answered as he looked at the girls and explained the situation.

"Maybe she's the person we were talking about, Cloud" - Tio said as she looked at the blond - "At least this could be a proof of your hypothesis."

"This is no time to gloat about my possible guess, now I have to concentrate on using my [Restoration] magic well, though I don't know what kind of results it will end up giving" - Cloud replied as he told Myu to go to the others.

Myu nodded before running to Shea with tears in her eyes.

"Don't worry, Cloud will save your mother" - Shea said as she hugged the little blue-haired girl.

Myu nodded again before looking in her father's direction.

Cloud had a serious expression on his face as he began to release a powerful amount of mana.

Yue trembled slightly as her pupils teared, a similar situation to Tio, though she was hiding her excitement perfectly.

The others didn't feel anything strange, though Myu was watching Cloud intently, as if she was trying to learn from him.

Cloud took a long sigh before activating [Restoration].

Remia let out a small moan before she felt her whole body was starting to burn, though she slowly began to feel this hellish heat start to leave her body, being replaced by a familiar feeling.

Cloud for his part, was beginning to sweat uncontrollably as he could feel his mana being drained at a rapid rate. Restoring Remia's state was a delicate job and one that asked for a great effort, not only because she was a living being, but because she was being affected by the laws of space-time, a single false step and she would disappear into nothingness.

Myu remained silent as she watched Cloud grow paler and paler - "Dad..."

Cloud gave her a small smile before he felt his consciousness disappear for a few seconds. This startled him, though after a few milliseconds, he understood what was happening, it seemed that intervening with Remia's problem had caused him to see a glimpse into the timestream, right at the moment when everything had happened.

His expression darkened when he saw what had happened, though it was a pity that he could only watch, and not hear what they had been talking about, though this would be solved when Remia regained consciousness.

Cloud felt his consciousness fade again, and when he could finally see where he was, he let out a sigh of relief as he noticed that he had returned to help Remia.

"Cloud?" - Yue asked as she noticed how the blond had reacted again.

"It's nothing," Cloud replied as he continued to use his magic on Remia.

* * * * *

"Is she okay?" - Asked the older woman who had been taking care of Remia.

"Yes, she's fine" - Yue replied as she nodded. She had given her a little look to see if there was anything wrong with her after Cloud had done his work, and hadn't found any problems.

"Her mana is also flowing the right way" - Tio replied as she shook her head.

Yue could become the perfect medic with the necessary training, after all, there was no better person to make a diagnosis, than a vampire, someone who could discover the deepest illness with just a small blood sample.

"How is Cloud?" - Shea asked with concern.

"He is resting, the mana consumption of this new magic is huge, more after having used it for the first time with something as critical as restoring the original state of a living being" - replied Tio with a frown - "And if I'm honest, it's a miracle that all this worked".

"I think the same, intervening with the time of an inert object is something easy, but doing it with a living being, is a completely different matter, after all, the slightest mistake could cause an irreversible accident" - replied Yue with a frown - "We need to experiment more with our magics, and even if we can't master them to perfection, we better have a good control over these"

The girls nodded when they heard this because now they knew what their new next step would be, this was especially the case for Shizuku and Kaori, who were the weakest of the group.

"By the way, there's something I have to warn you" - Yue said seriously while looking at her companions - "And that is that I noticed something strange about Remia-san."

"Wait, didn't you say there was nothing wrong with her?" - Kaori asked with a frown.

"In her bodily functions" - Yue replied neutrally - "From her body's natural point of view, there's nothing wrong with her, you could even say that she'll be a little stronger because the [Restoration] magic made her [Bloodline] stronger by slightly returning to its origin, but I'm not talking about that, but Remia-san seems to have developed a little addiction to Cloud's mana."

"Addiction?" - Shea asked, confused because she couldn't make sense of Yue's words, after all, she didn't understand how such a kind of addiction could exist.

"Addiction is not the best word to define Remia-san's current situation" - said Tio while shaking her head - "What Yue-san is trying to explain, is that Remia-san recurrently needs Cloud's mana in order to recover her body."

"And what's so weird about that?" - Shea asked with a frown.

"She's not a vampire, so it can't be through blood" - Yue replied with a frown - "And her current state doesn't allow Cloud to give her his mana through physical contact."

"That means there are two ways we can solve this, one, through lip contact or through intercourse" - Tio added calmly - "And seeing how Remia-san is, I'm sure she'll take this opportunity."



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