Chapter 658 ( Internal Conflict )

The girls continued talking to each other, not noticing how a small silhouette was watching them from the darkness.

"Interesting..." - Myu muttered as her eyes twinkled slightly, after all, this was the perfect opportunity.

* * * * *

"How are you?" asked Cloud as he walked over to Remia, who had woken up just a few minutes before.

"A little weak, but nothing out of the ordinary" - smiled Remia, confused because she didn't know what was wrong.

Cloud frowned because it was obvious that Remia had lost her memories, perhaps a side effect of having returned her state to before she had contact with that temporal anomaly.

"Is something wrong?" - Remia asked, confused at the blond's expression.

"No, nothing happened" - Cloud answered as he shook his head - "The only thing that matters is that you're okay."

"Did I really get attacked?" - Remia asked with a frown because she didn't remember anything, although the pain was more than enough proof to tell her that it had been.

"Yes, though we don't know who it was" Cloud replied with a frown before placing his hand on the woman's head, who quickly blushed at the kind treatment Cloud was giving her.

The blond was one of those people who knew how to control his emotions and liked to keep calm most of the time, but when situations like this happened, he knew how to act.

Remia tried to say something, when she felt the pain in her body sharpen - "Ugh."

"Is it happening so fast?" - Cloud muttered with a frown before approaching where Remia was.

"C-Cloud..." - Remia murmured, only to be surprised to feel her daughter's "father's" lips on hers. She quickly let herself get caught up in the moment, though her mind was concentrating on the warm aura that was coursing through her body during the kiss.

The woman's face flushed when they broke apart, more so when she began to touch her lips to feel the present warmth.

Cloud gave her a smile before pulling away, what the blue haired woman didn't notice, was the serious look on the blond man's face, not because he wasn't happy with the situation, but because he was worried about Remia's condition.

Remia remained silent while a happy smile appeared on her face, although it disappeared after a few seconds because she understood what had happened. Cloud had not kissed her out of desire, but to help her, she came to this conclusion because the moment the two of them met their lips, she stopped feeling pain.

The woman let out a heavy sigh because if she was honest, she wasn't very happy about this, though it wasn't as if she could do anything about it other than hide her frustration.

"Mom!" - Myu exclaimed as she poked her head out of her mother's bedroom door.

"Myu!" - Remia exclaimed as she let out a sigh when she saw that her daughter was in perfect condition. She didn't need to remember the event to know that her baby had also been involved at that moment, so seeing her as if nothing had happened, brought her a huge relief - "What's wrong, my princess?"

"Mom, I have something to tell you" - Myu said with a smile as she ran to her mother with a happy smile because it was obvious that she was fine. The little girl quickly went up to her mother's ear and told her what she had heard.

Remia blushed as she shot an angry look at her daughter - "Myu, you're too young to say words like intercourse, so I hope you won't say something about older people again."

"Mom, I'm a big girl" - Myu said as she puffed out her cheeks in annoyance.

"No, you're too young for these things" - Remia replied with a serious look - "When I recover, I'm going to talk to those girls so they won't say those kinds of things in front of you."

Myu snorted in annoyance, only to receive a small smack on the forehead - "Ouch!"

"Don't give me that attitude, young lady" - Remia growled as her eyes changed for a few seconds. Her pupils ripped and blue scales appeared on her cheeks, though these disappeared after a few seconds.

Myu nodded quickly because she could sense that her mom was starting to get angry, and like any daughter, she knew that there was nothing more dangerous than an angry mother.

"Although the things you told me are interesting" - Remia murmured as her eyes sparkled slightly. She again rested her fingers on her lips as a blush appeared again on her cheeks.

"Are you going to do it, mom?" - Myu asked hopefully because if she was honest, she wanted a younger brother.

"Hmm, I don't know" - Remia replied with a frown - "Part of me wants to, and another part tells me I shouldn't take advantage of this."

Myu was silent as she waited for her mother to come up with an answer.

Remia was silent as she thought about the pros and cons of the situation, though her relationship with Cloud was already confirmed, so it wouldn't hurt that she wanted more, though another part was telling her that it wasn't a good idea to start the relationship by taking advantage of Cloud's concern for her health.

"Ugh, I don't know what to do" - Remia said as she grabbed her head - "I want to do it, but at the same time I don't want to do it, it's so conflicting!"

The woman continued to scream, not noticing how Cloud was listening to everything as he rested on the wall outside the room. He had seen how Myu had a look he recognized immediately, so he slowly went back to see what she was planning, and if he was honest, she didn't disappoint his expectations.

Cloud was sure he had to rein her in now that she was young because if she kept this up, when she was an adult she would cause hundreds of problems with her manipulation.

* * * * *

"Hmm ~" - Remia let out a small moan as she hugged her partner's neck.

It had been a whole day and she had decided to seize the moment, because after a few minutes of mulling it over, she saw that the pros far outweighed the cons, not to mention that it didn't fit with her to not take advantage of an opportunity like this when she saw it.

Myu's mother was gluing her body with the blond's as she sat on his legs. She had Cloud trapped like he was an octopus, to the point where it looked like she wanted to merge with her boyfriend's body.

Cloud raised an eyebrow, though he did nothing to push her away, in fact, he just grabbed her waist and pressed her even more with his body. This he did for two reasons, he could feel the conflicting emotions inside Remia, so he wanted to reassure her that he was there for her, and two, because he wanted to show her that he wasn't just kissing her out of pity, or simply to help her recover.

Remia let out a small moan as their tongues danced.

When they parted, a trickle of saliva connected their tongues.

Remia was lost in Cloud's eyes before she started kissing him again, only this time she didn't feel the flow of mana the blond had given her the first time, this brought her deep pleasure as she continued to deepen the kiss.

A huge happiness appeared inside her as she saw how Cloud was accepting everything from her as she continued kissing him.

Cloud broke away for a few seconds, although the woman quickly kissed him again, as if she didn't want to let go of the taste of his lips.

It took a few more minutes for Remia to let him go, all thanks to the enormous capacity of her lungs.

"Cloud..." - Remia murmured as she licked her lips.

Cloud immediately understood what was going on, after all, he could feel how Remia's intimacy was starting to get soaked by the growing lust he was feeling.

"Cloud..." - Remia murmured again, only this time in a more seductive tone of voice as she licked his earlobe - "I want you inside me ~"

Cloud raised an eyebrow as he felt a shiver run down his back as he noticed Remia's hungry eyes, though it wasn't as if she could be blamed, after all, she hadn't had this kind of action in years because she had concentrated on raising her daughter, not to mention she never thought she would fall in love again, much less this fast, though this wasn't much of a surprise because the [Semi-Human] species fell in love fast.

Cloud could feel his [Bloodline] telling him to take this woman, though with a quick shake of his head he put these thoughts aside. He looked closely at the woman, her beautiful sapphire colored eyes full of lust, her silky aqua green hair, her cute flapping ears that were flapping with every second the blond rested his gaze on them, her generous breasts that were pressed against his pecs, her ass that was kneading his crotch.

"Cloud ~" - Remia purred and that was the final nail. Cloud quickly grabbed the woman by the waist and gave her a passionate kiss as he felt his [Bloodline] begin to boil.

Remia smiled slightly as her pupils were tearing.



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