Chapter 672 [ Divine Mountain - II ]

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[Apostle Noint] [Apostle Noint] [Apostle Noint] [Apostle Noint] [Apostle Noint

HP: 7.408.500/10.0000.000

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"Irregular troubled..." - Noint muttered as she dusted off her clothes that didn't seem to have suffered any damage during their battle.

"Thank you for your kind words" - Cloud replied with a huge toothy grin - "You're good."

Noint didn't answer, she just watched her opponent carefully.

"Ready for round three?" - Cloud asked as he thundered his neck and looked at his opponent with battle desire.

Noint kept her silence, though her expression changed when she heard her master's voice - "What's wrong?"

? : "Come out of there, I don't want to lose you so soon, you have a much more important goal..."

"But sir, I don't think I can just walk out of this battle like that" - Noint replied through her mental connection.

? : "Activate [Advent] and get out of there, my shadow will entertain that irregular for a while while you take the opportunity to be able to capture or eliminate that man's escorts."

"As you wish, Ehit-sama" - Noint muttered as her wings of light glowed brighter.

Cloud raised an eyebrow because this was a sign that the boss in front of him was about to release her second form.

"[Advent]!" - Noint exclaimed as her shadow separated from her.

Cloud frowned, though his pupils dilated as he watched the woman escape - "Where do you think you're going!"

[I'm sorry, but I can't let you leave so easily...] - said a distorted male voice.

Cloud narrowed his eyes as he heard a lunatic laughter echoing in the place.

[It's a pleasure to be able to meet you in person, irregular...] - said the shadow with a huge smile.

Cloud frowned because he couldn't find an accurate appearance for this shadow, as if the only thing he could identify about his opponent was her silhouette and her crazy grin.

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[Ehit's Shadow]

Race: Shadow (Summon)

Type: Summoning (Duration: 20 minutes)

Affiliation: Chaotic - Evil

Divinity: -

HP: ????/????

Mana: ????

Stats: [Str: ????] [Vit: ????] [Dex: ????] [Int: ????] [Luk: ????]

Skills: [????] [????] [????] [????] [???] [???] [???] [???]

Description: An avatar created through the [Advent] skill, this shadow possesses some of the consciousness and power of its creator. It is said that whoever sees the [Ehit's Shadow], will lose the use of reason after being before a fragment of his divinity, becoming just another servant of his cause.

Danger Level: S+

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"Ehit..." - Cloud growled as he shot a glare at Rika, who quickly nodded and backed away as fast as she could, after all, she could feel how her mind was starting to give way despite the innate resistance she had gained after becoming Cloud's follower.

The shadow smiled even more when he heard the blond say his name - [I'm fine with you calling me by my name after all the times you forced yourself not to announce me in your plans, honestly, it's a bit complicated to know about your actions if you don't call me].

Cloud didn't answer, he could sense that this strange creature was up to something, and honestly he had a bad feeling.

[Tell me, why are you on that side, when we both know you're better off on my side?] - Ehit asked as he "looked" at the young blond - [We both know this world is doomed to be mine forever, your actions only give a sliver of hope to these imbeciles who don't know they are playing in the palm of my hand].

"You may be right, but I'm sorry to tell you that my mission is to kill you" - Cloud replied neutrally.

[Why, is it out of a simple desire to try to bring peace to this chaotic world, or maybe to feel better about yourself and thus become a hero who will be remembered for all eternity?] - Ehit asked in disgust.

"No, I don't need to be remembered as a hero, I don't wish to be one either" - Cloud replied with disdain - "I don't need others to see me as a symbol of hope, I only wish to kill you for one reason only."

[Ho ~? Please light my way, tell me the reason why you want to kill me] - Ehit said with interest, after all, this was why he found this irregular's intervention in his plans amusing.

Normally, he would be furious, choleric at the very idea of an idiot interfering in his fun, though at the same time he had to admit that Cloud's actions were amusing, it reminded him of the time when the [Liberators] tried to confront him, only to end up humiliated, defeated like the worms they were, suffering for all eternity after being sealed in their own creations while mourning the loss of all those who followed them into a war they couldn't win.

Just remembering the expression of the [Liberators] after he captured and killed their loved ones before they were sealed brought a huge smile to his face, and he was beginning to feel the same for Cloud. Watching him go forward on a mission that would end with the blond's defeat while he annihilated everything his new victim loved before he had his last breath, made a huge feeling of excitement fill him.

"I'm going to give you the most important reason, to survive" - Cloud replied as he felt his muscles tense up - "So I can go ahead with my destiny."

[I was expecting something more epic, maybe even a more ambitious motive...] - Ehit said while shaking his head - [What a disappointment...].

Cloud just smiled in response, after all, he wasn't seeing Ehit as a god, but as just another obstacle in order to fulfill his destiny of reaching [Origin].

Ehit "frowned" when he noticed this look, and honestly he didn't like it, no, not even that, he felt disgusted by this look, a deep hatred again appeared inside the mad god, as if the world was telling him to completely annihilate the existence of this irregular, as if something higher than him was commanding him, which was insane. He was Ehit, the supreme god, the ultimate authority of this world, there was nothing superior to him, though the more he thought about this feeling, the worse his expression got.

The mad god looked at the young blond as he felt the veins in his head pulsing with the desire to shatter his existence, though the more he wished for it, the clearer it became that there was something odd about all this.

[Tell me... Who are you?" said Ehit as he "squinted".

Cloud raised an eyebrow as he looked at the soul fragment of his target, who seemed to have figured something out - "My name is Cloud Strife."

Ehit "frowned" again before unleashing all the magical power this avatar could handle.

[I don't know who you are, I also don't know why after listening, my body reacted in this strange way, so I'm going to ask you again, who are you?] - Ehit said neutrally because he could feel his instinct screaming at him to kill him before he said something he shouldn't.

Cloud didn't respond to this question, though he could feel how the mad god was starting to lose his patience.

[I see... if you won't talk... then die!] - Ehit roared in fury as he made the entire building tremble from the magnitude of his power.

Cloud raised an eyebrow, though he quickly returned to normal because he could sense that this shadow's power was very similar to Noint's, which wasn't much of a problem, though unlike the valkyrie, this time he was facing the shard of a god.

[You are under the effects of [Divine Oppression], your Stats have been reduced by 50%]

[By possessing a divinity fragment, the effect of [Divine Oppression] has been greatly reduced, reducing your Stats by only 10%].

Cloud gritted his teeth before relaxing.

[Impossible!] - Ehit exclaimed as he roared in fury - [How could you possibly be the descendant of a god!]

Cloud didn't answer, he just thundered his neck with a feral grin - "Come!"

Ehit let out a roar of fury before lunging at the blond.

Cloud squinted his eyes as he felt himself recoil slightly after receiving the first attack from the weakened version of the mad god.

* * * * *

"This place feels different from the other mazes" - Tio said while frowning - "You can feel the holy aura in this place, yet at the same time there is something disturbing."

Yue frowned as she too could feel a strange energy floating around the place.

"We'd better go look for Aiko-san, she still has to be around here" - Tio said seriously.

"Huh? I think I'm starting to go crazy because I heard someone called my name..." - Said a female voice.

Kaori and Shizuku looked in the direction of the voice and saw Aiko, who was raising her head and looking at the newcomers with surprise - "Huh? What are you girls doing here?"

"We came to rescue her after hearing that she went to the finance minister" - Kaori answered honestly.

"Really?" - Aiko said while frowning because she didn't feel this made sense, I mean, it was too much of a coincidence that they came to rescue her just when she had been kidnapped - "Is this an illusion, or a trap?"



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