Chapter 673 [ Divine Mountain - III ]

"You're a nuisance, it's like fighting an eel in the water, slippery and annoying" - Cloud said with a frown as he watched the shadow again regenerate - "How much longer can you keep your avatar?"

Ehit didn't answer, he just roared with fury before concentrating a powerful amount of magical energy.

Cloud's expression changed when he saw this, though he quickly returned to his normal expression.

"DIE!" - Ehit roared as he launched his concentrated attack.

Cloud didn't tremble, he didn't fear you consequences, he just took a step forward and opened his mouth before he started sucking the mana out of the place.

"No, that's impossible!" - Ehit exclaimed as he saw how the blond was consuming his mana - "A mortal can't do something like that, even gods find it difficult to consume the mana of others! Who are you!"

"I'd like to answer you, but I see you don't have much time left" - Cloud said neutrally.

"I DAMN YOU!" - Ehit roared as his silhouette disappeared.

Cloud frowned because it was obvious that this opponent was more dangerous than he thought.

"Are you okay?" - Rika asked as she walked over to Cloud to check on him.

"Yeah, he didn't manage to hurt me, though I have a few concerns" - Cloud replied with a frown - "Those will be for another time though, now we have to go to the others and make sure Aiko-san is okay."

"Are you interested in our teacher?" - Rika asked as she raised an eyebrow.

"Romantically? Not in the least, it's just that her ability can be useful to us" - Cloud answered honestly, he didn't have any kind of romantic interest in Aiko, even though she was beautiful, even tender with the way she was.

"I see" - nodded Rika as she decided not to ask anything else, after all, she wasn't interested in the blond's romantic life.

* * * * *

"Ehit-sama's presence has disappeared from this plane, but I still feel the aura of the irregular..." - Noint muttered while frowning - "Can his power rival the power of god? No, that shouldn't be possible."

Ehit's apostle walked to the entrance of the labyrinth with a cold expression, after all, she could feel this feeling of repulsion deep in her core - "This place will be much more dangerous for me, than for those mortals, though it's not like I have a choice, after all, my mission is to follow Ehit-sama's orders..."

Noint quickly entered the maze, only to frown when she saw that her targets were nowhere to be found, more so when she saw all the different paths that were in place - "This complicates things a bit..."

* * * * *

"DAMN! DAMN!" - Ehit roared as he destroyed everything in his path in an attempt to calm his breathing. He had seen it all firsthand during his first confrontation with that damned irregular, and had discovered many things he had to fix.

First, the irregular was a descendant of a god, or perhaps a lesser god, which meant that his divine pressure was a joke to him.

Second, the irregular was strong, to the point that his copy with a fragment of his power had not done him any serious damage, this was something that had not happened since the war with the other gods for control of Tortus.

Third, the irregular could consume his attacks with unknown results, he had failed to see what kind of benefits his opponent gained after consuming his attack, after all, his body had given out before he could observe it.

And lastly, the irregular was not alone, and each of his allies was troublesome, not to the point of being a direct danger to him, though Ehit could not say the same for his allies. He was certain that the Irregular's group could wipe out his apostles, and even if they were disposable pieces, their functionality gave stability to his control in Tortus.

"No, this can't stay like this, I need something so I can calm down and give a firm blow to that damn irregular..." - Ehit muttered as he took a breath with a huge grin - "I know, he doesn't relate to the other humans I brought into this world alongside him, but that doesn't mean I won't feel anything if I kill them all..."

A huge smile appeared on his illusory face before he let out a laugh - "Yes, that's what I'll do, maybe for now I can't do anything to you directly, irregular, though that doesn't mean I can't do anything to the other stupid humans."

[My lord?]

"I want you to initiate the attack on that human kingdom..." - Ehit commanded neutrally.

[My lord, we still don't have all the preparations ready yet, in fact, it will take us a few days to be able to finalize the last details...]

"I don't care, I want that kingdom to turn to ashes today, and if you can't accomplish that, well, I guess I'm going to have to start a replacement for you to accomplish what I wish" - Ehit replied with disdain - "Now, tell me if you will comply with my orders, yes or no?"

[We will start immediately, although I can't be sure that the results will be favorable.]

"I don't care if the results are favorable or not, I just want you to fulfill what I order you to do and cause as many deaths of the heroes as possible" - Ehit replied coldly.

[As you order, my lord?]

"Ok, this is good, without the irregular in the field, and with his companions inside the labyrinth of Laus Barn, there is nothing that can stop this attack" - Ehit smiled as he laughed madly - "Let's see how it feels to have on your conscience the death of an entire kingdom, the death of the princess who saw you as an older brother, the death of your former companions..."

Everything would go as he wished, though there was a small problem, one born out of a lack of information.

* * * * *

Cloud was walking in the direction of the place where he had last felt the presence of his companions, when he felt his pocket glow slightly, which meant that someone was trying to contact him. He quickly pulled out the orb and looked at it silently - "Hello."

[Sorry, but there's no time for greetings, I have important information that I'm sure you wish to know.]

"Ok, speak" - Cloud said seriously as he waited for the words of his informant, Cattleya of the demonic tribe.

[The higher ups have decided out of the blue that we will initiate the attack against the capital of the human kingdom, we will use space magic so we can get there and make a quick strike]

Cloud's expression changed when he heard this, something that also happened with Rika, who being much longer in this place, had a much greater connection than the blond.

[That's all I can tell you in this situation, if the higher ups don't see me for a long time, they may find me out, so now I'm going to go back to the others].

"Good job, when you're done there I'm going to give you a reward" - Cloud answered seriously.

[I don't need a reward, nor am I interested in being your mistress, I only desire one thing, power]

"I wasn't planning on offering you anything like that, I was just planning on upgrading your weaponry to increase your offensive power" - Cloud replied with a frown.

[Hearing you say that you don't want me, is a hard blow to my pride as a woman, although it's good that we're both on the same page]

"What are you going to do, Cloud?" - Rika asked earnestly.

Cloud didn't need to answer because the notification that had come to both of them, was more than enough of an answer.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

[Activating emergency mission! Secret War!]

It has come to your attention that the demons are about to launch an attack on the capital of the kingdom of Heiligh and there is nothing they can do to stop them. That's where you come in, the only person who is aware of the situation and has the power to stand against the demons.

What decision will you make, will you help the kingdom, or will you ignore them in order to follow your companions?

[Mission objective: Protect the capital for 3 days and protect as many lives as possible].

[Success Condition: Repel demonic forces with a population percentage of more than 30% survivors. Reward increases with each additional 10% of the population alive]

[Failure Condition: Death of the user, complete annihilation of the royal family or the death of 71% of the capital's population. If the user fails the mission, he will suffer a 50% reduction of all his Stats, as well as the destruction of 2 random Skills].

[Take the mission]


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"You know what they say, he who doesn't risk, doesn't win, besides, I have full confidence that the girls can fend for themselves" - Cloud said seriously while pressing the [Yes] button.



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