Chapter 626 [ Great Gruen Volcano - I ]

"Good thing I made the stupid amoeba not come out after being 'attacked'..." - Muttered a man whose body was covered by a long cloak.

"But that man being here, it's a bit worrying for our plans, maybe it's better to leave this place now that we can, after all, we already accomplished our mission" - said a woman who appeared next to the unknown man.

"Or we can go ahead with the plan, and take advantage of the fact that we have two possible hostages so we can stop that irregular" - answered the man while looking in the direction of the city.

"I don't think it's a good idea, we don't know what kind of artifacts that irregular left them, remember the information that human gave us" - said the woman while frowning.

"You have a point" - muttered the man as he clicked his tongue - "Fine, you win, we'll leave for now, though I'd like to shake things up a bit more."

"What do you have planned?" - The woman asked as she looked at her partner.

"It's simple, we'll give that thing a little more power before we leave, or we can even take a fragment out of it and move it to the new lake, there we'll make sure to infect its new water source" - the man answered with a huge smile.

"There's a problem with that plan" - said the woman while frowning - "We have no control over that thing, remember that after we left it in the water, that thing went wild."

"Can't you use your ability to tame monsters like you did while we were bringing it to this place?" - asked the man, only to click his tongue as he saw how his companion shook her head - "I guess we can't do any more, anyway, we better go."

"Ok" - nodded the woman as the two strangers disappeared from the place, not noticing how a strange flying animal, was recording the whole conversation.

* * * * *

"I knew it" - muttered Cloud as he frowned seeing everything that had happened in the city while they drove in the direction of the [Great volcano].

"What's wrong, Cloud?" - Shizuku asked with a frown.

"I left one of my animal drones watching, and I discovered the ones causing all this trouble" - Cloud replied as he shook his head. He had created an earpiece that was connected directly to the drones, so despite not having seen things directly because that might make him unable to control the vehicle well, he had managed to hear everything without much trouble - "I'll show them to you when we get to the volcano."

"Ok" - nodded the girls as the blond drove through the difficult rocky terrain.

After about 15 more minutes, the group finally arrived at their destination, the outside of the huge active volcano that was in the middle of the desert.

"I know it's a volcano that's still alive, but this place is hell" - muttered Shea as he tried to throw some wind to be able to lower his body temperature, but his efforts were in vain - "Ugh, I'm surprised how cool it was inside the car."

"It's one of the attachments I put on it, temperature control" - Cloud replied as he put away his means of transportation and pulled out a sphere.

"What's that?" - Shizuku asked curiously as sweat ran down his forehead.

"This is the receiver that transmits all the images that the drones see" - Cloud answered normally.

"Wait, why isn't the heat getting to you?" - Shea asked with a frown.

"Because it's a dragon, or at least it has the soul of one, that makes it resistant to extreme temperatures, not to mention that when a body is resistant enough, these kinds of temperatures are not a problem" - Tio answered normally while shaking her head - "Although it's a problem that the heat is affecting them so much."

"Does that mean we won't be able to enter the maze?" - Shizuku asked with a frown.

"No, I already have that problem solved" - Cloud replied as he pulled out three small blue rocks.

"Rocks?" - Shizuku asked with a frown as she took the cute accessory - "It's pretty, but how is it going to solve our problem?"

"Wear it over your clothes" - Cloud replied as he rolled his eyes at her.

Shizuku gave him a skeptical look before following his instructions, only to be surprised as she felt her body return to normal - "Huh? Isn't it hot anymore?"

"It's an artifact I created with a mixture of different elemental stones" - Cloud replied as he shrugged - "I specially designed it to be able to regulate the user's body temperature, so that it absorbs the elemental mana in the area, and converts it into a reverse energy in order to keep the user comfortable."

"That means that if they are in a snowy area, the artifact uses the icy mana of the place and transforms it into heat energy" - nodded Tio with a small smile - "Not bad, though I have just one question"

"Which one?" - Cloud asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"Where's mine?" - Tio asked as she looked at the blond with hopeful eyes, only to let out a small groan of pleasure as she heard her "master's" words, shatter her illusions.

"Do you need it?" - Cloud asked as he gave him a blank stare - "Didn't you just say that a strong enough body can withstand extreme temperatures? Seeing how masochistic you are, I'm sure your body is strong enough, remember all the blows you take."

"Hmm, as much as I enjoy your sharp comments, I too have some issues with temperature, or rather, I have issues with low temperatures" - Tio replied with embarrassment - "It's a flaw peculiar to my race."

"Cold-blooded race?" - Shizuku asked with surprise - "Reptilians?"

"I don't know what you're trying to say, but that's a good way to sum it up" - replied Tio as she nodded - "My kind can't live in very icy areas, unless you're from the fire or ice dragon branches, the problem is that I'm from the black dragon branch."

"I understand what makes elemental dragons special, but what is the advantage of black dragons?" - Shizuku asked curiously because if she was honest, she didn't know much about her new companions, so this was a good time to learn more about them.

"Well, we black dragons have much stronger bodies than our elemental brethren, we can also elements, and although our elemental attacks are not as strong as the dragons of the magical branches, we possess a huge mastery in non-elemental magics" - answered Tio while puffing her chest with pride - "As for how many elements we can control, that depends on the individual, I for example, can master two elements, which are fire and wind, these without counting the non-elemental magics."

"I'm jealous, I can only use strengthening magic" - Shea muttered while biting her lip.

"But you're a monster at that magic, Shea" - replied Yue as she nodded in Tio's direction - "It's just as I had heard of your noble race, even I am jealous of how blessed your [Bloodline] is"

"I won't deny it, my race is strong, but we also have our weaknesses" - Tio replied while frowning - "Although we can talk about that later because I honestly don't like the idea of announcing my weakness to the four winds, when we're being watched."

"Huh? Are we being spied on?" - Shea asked in surprise as she perked up her ears and began scanning the area, only to be met with absolute silence - "I'm not detecting anything."

"That's because she doesn't mean spies in the area, but someone constantly watching us" - answered Cloud as he pointed towards the sky.

"Oh, I see" - nodded Shea while frowning.

Shizuku raised an eyebrow because she didn't understand what they were talking about.

"Right, you still don't know about it, I'll explain it to you as we go through the labyrinth, after all, it's my duty as your senpai" - said Shea with a big smile.

Shizuku looked in Cloud's direction, only to sigh when she saw how he just shrugged his shoulders.

"So, shall we start?" - asked Yue as she raised an eyebrow.

"Anytime" - Cloud replied as he looked in the direction of the city - "Right, I'm still not showing you the conversation."

"You can do it inside the volcano" - replied Yue as she took Cloud by the hand and dragged him inside.

Tio quickly followed them while Shea prepared to explain the general situation to Shizuku, who honestly felt that her bunny-eared friend, was too animated with being her senpai.

* * * * *

"What is this strange feeling of familiarity?" - Belta muttered as she looked around the surroundings with a huge feeling of nostalgia - "Was I here before?"

Belta was confused, she felt like something was calling her, but no matter how hard she tried to recall it, the memories seemed to be sealed in the deepest part of her mind, as if someone was trying to stop her from retrieving them - "Ugh, my head hurts."

"Keep going.".

"!" - Belta opened her eyes when she heard a female voice whisper in her ear. She quickly looked around in search of the one responsible, only to frown when she noticed there was no one around - "Am I imagining things, by any chance?"



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