A Father’s Debt

I turned down my music at what sounded like a knock at the door. I waited to hear another knock before yelling at Mason. "Mason! Get the door."

"Fine!" He yelled back. "But I'm bringing the bat."

I smiled slightly, before unpausing my music. After a couple of minutes, I looked over to see Mason coming into my room. I attempted to raise an eyebrow but knew I was raising both of them. "Mae." He waited for me to take my headset off before talking to me. "Your dad. He's here."

"What the fuck?" I quickly got up. "How?"

"Don't know." Mason shook his head. "But regardless, he's here."

I nodded, looking down at my feet and taking a deep breath, before looking back up at Mason. "Okay. I'll go talk to him."

"I can tell him to leave, Mae." He offered, a sad look on his face. Mason knew how shitty my relationship with my dad was.

"No. If he went through all the trouble of finding me, he probably has a reason. Good or not." I walked past Mason and up the stairs. My dad was sitting in the living room but stood up as he saw me. I shrunk down as he hugged me tightly, before stepping back. "Hi, dad."

"Hey, Mae." He smiled at him with his toothy grin.

"Why are you here? How did you even find me?" I looked behind me before taking a seat on one of the chairs, not wanting to sit next to him.

"Your mom told me." He laughed quietly.

I cursed under my breath, wishing my mom had just told him to fuck off, so I didn't have to.

"Mae. I'm in serious trouble. I got myself into some debt and these guys, if I don't pay them back soon, they're going to hurt me. Badly."

"Dad…" I trailed off.

"Mae. I need your help. Please." He walked over to me, grabbing onto my hand after kneeling in front of me.

"What do you think I can do? I have no money."

"Your mom made sure you have some good credit score, right? You can take some money out. I'll pay you back. I promise. I just need to money now."

"How--how much?" I broke eye contact, not wanting to look at him, knowing this was all really bad news, and not knowing what to believe. My dad is a liar. A drunk. A gambler. Abusive. But he also can be charismatic and funny, but to those who he wants to charm. Not to his family. It had been years since I had last seen him and yet he comes knocking at my door asking for help. Maybe he really does need the help.

"Twenty grand, Mae." He squeezed my hand, causing me to look back up at his pleading eyes.

"I'll…see what I can do, okay?" I stood up, walking past him and over to my purse on the counter. I pulled out my wallet and grabbed the hundred-dollar bill that Richard has snuck in there. "Do you have somewhere to stay?"

"I was going to stay in my car." He sighed dramatically.

I walked over to him, placing the bill into his hand. "Find yourself somewhere you can stay for a few nights while I figure this out. Please." I added the last part, hoping he wouldn't use the money to buy booze instead.


The phone rang a few times before my mom finally picked up. "Hello?"

"Hey, mom." I shifted on my bed, not all that excited to have this discussion with her. "I needed to ask you for some help."

"With what, Mae? You know I told you you're on your own now."

"I know, I know. I just needed you to know what dad said to me."

"Hm. What's that, Mae?" I could hear her move the phone around.

"He told me he's in twenty thousand dollars of debt. He wants me to help, but I can't possibly help. You have to help him, mom."

"Mae. Your father is a liar and a drunk." She sighed deeply. "I'm not going to help him and I'm not going to help you help him."

"Mom please, you're the one who told him where I live. And now you expect me to deal with this all on my own?"

"Yes. You should've told him to leave and not talked to him anymore."

I took a deep breath. "So you're really not going to help me then?"

"No I'm not going, Mae. Sweetheart," her voice softened, "don't help your father. He's probably just trying to fleece you."

"But what if he's not, mom?"

"Then that's his problem to deal with."

I sighed again, frustrated at the lack of help. "Alright. Whatever. Bye, mom." I hung up, not allowing her another word in. I tossed my phone to the side before stomping up the two sets of stairs and into Mason's room. He was laying on the bed, reading a book. Probably a smutty one, if I knew him.

"Mason. I need your help."

"With your dad?" He raised a singular eyebrow, just like I wished I could.


"I overheard your talk. Twenty grand is a lot. More than I have in student loans."

"Only cause of all your grants and shit." I sighed. "Mason, come on. You know a shitload of people through your job working for the D.A., you've got to know someone who can loan me the money."

"Just because I know some people doesn't mean they're good news, Mae." Mason shook his head. "But if you're really sure you want to do this, I know a loan shark who does loan without interest. He just makes you do some sort of test. I'm not sure what, but I've heard some bad things about the guy."

"Can you just set something up for me please?"

"Why can't you ask your new boyfriend?" Mason set the book to the side, sitting up properly.

"Ricahrd? After one date for twenty grand? No way! Then I'd be in his debt for forever and what if things don't work out with him. I'm already going to have to cancel our date because of all this shit. I don't need to ask him for money too!"

"Alright, alright. Calm down, Mae." Mason held his hands up. "I'll set you up an appointment with the loan shark. I'll tell you the details tomorrow night, okay?"

"Okay." I nodded.