Sleeping with the Boss

I looked up at the door as it opened. Alec looked at me in slight confusion, before looking up at the clock. "I woke up early and thought I might as well get a headstart on the filing."

"You likely won't get paid for overtime." He raised an eyebrow.

"That's fine. I didn't even pay attention to what time I came in anyways."

"'re definitely going to be on my good side, I guess."

"I'm glad." I didn't look up at him as I continued to sort.

"Why do you want to be on my good side so badly?"

"I don't." I shook my head.

"Then why come early?"

"I told you. I was up already and I wanted to get a headstart."

"Fine. Suit yourself." He walked over to sit at his desk.

"I made coffee." I motioned towards the pot. "But it's probably a couple of hours old. I can make a new pot."

"It's fine." He shook his head. "Continue working, so don't worry about it." He stood up and walked over to the coffee machine, before pouring himself some coffee. "So, is it easy so far? Working here."

"Sure." I shrugged. "All I've done is clean and file so far."

"Is cleaning something you like to do?"

"I don't go out of my way to do it, no. But I don't mind it."

"I see. I assume you keep your home pretty neat."

"I keep my room clean. The rest of the house we try to keep clean together."

"How many roommates do you have?"

"Two. I went to school with one of them. The other one is his friend."

"Both boys? You're brave."

"They're good people." I shrugged.

"So, were you trying to save yourself for someone?"

My eyes widened at his question. I quickly hid it, trying to respond casually. "No. I just never cared about all that relationship bullshit. It's not really…for me." I grew quiet thinking about Richard and our date, our night. I wanted to do it again but didn't know how everything would work out now.

"Including sex?"

"I mean, you have firsthand experience. So obviously I didn't care." I stood up, walking towards the pile of papers. Alec grabbed my arm with his free hand, stopping me. I looked up at him for a moment, before looking back down at the stack of papers a few paces away.

"I'm glad that you're working so hard and all, but don't overdo yourself yet." He spoke again as I set them down.

"I'm fine. Filing isn't going to hurt me other than a few papercuts at most."

"You could take a break with me." He pulled me closer, his hand running down my back.

"You…uh, have a meeting." I glanced over at his desk. "In a few minutes."

"Fuck it." He smirked at me, his hands moving to the front of my jeans, undoing the button.

"Wait." I grabbed his hand. "I--I don't understand. You said you wish you didn't-we didn't do it."

"I wish I hadn't taken your virginity. I don't regret fucking you." He chuckled. "Do you?"

"No--no. I guess not." I shook my head softly.

"Great." Alec smiled, undoing the button and tugging my pants down. I stepped out of them, as he pulled my shirt over my head.

Alec unbuttoned his shirt, untucking it from his pants and setting it aside on his desk. I couldn't help but admire his muscular body. Alec pointed down. I tilted my head to the side slightly, before my eyes widening, realizing what he was asking for. I quickly dropped to my knees in front of him as he undid his belt, pulling it through the loops. Alec raised an eyebrow at me, signaling for me to do the rest. I did as asked, unbuttoning his pants and pulling them down, before allowing them to fall the rest of the way.

He took my head in his hand, forcing me to look up at him, to see his smirk as he watched me on my knees in front of him. "Take your bra off."

I did as he asked, removing it as he removed his boxers, leaving him naked in front of me. I grabbed his dick by the shaft, moving forward to lick the head. Alec quickly moved his hand and gripped onto my hair.

"I don't want you playing around with it, Mae." He pushed himself deeper down my throat, causing me to gag. I tried to put on hand on his thighs to gain back a bit of control of the intensity, but Alec pushed my hands off. "I'm not done using you how I like."

I looked up at him in surprise, causing him to laugh. He used my ponytail, pushing himself even farther into my throat, leaving me to struggle to breathe between thrusts. He pushed far back once more, leaving it there for what felt like forever as my eyes began to water as I began to choke on his dick. I figured he was about to cum, after all the time we had spent playing this game.

Alec removed himself finally, leaving me to gasp for air, trying to catch back up on my breaths. "Really expected more from you, Mae." Alec bent down slightly, still smirking at me. "Thought you'd be able to take it."

"Cause of my look again?" I smirked back up at him.

He ruffled my hair. "Exactly. You've got perfect lips to be around my dick." My heart skipped a beat at his words, despite the fact they had been just seconds ago. I began to stand up, figuring he had better plans than to keep trying to get me to deep throat.

"It's cute you think we're done." He pushed me, causing me to fall into my desk, catching myself on the edge. His hand quickly found its way to my crotch, rubbing for a few moments before he smiled. "Already ready." He tugged my underwear to the floor, allowing me to step out of them.

Alec grabbed my shoulder, turning me around, before placing a hand on my back, forcing my breasts to press against the cold desk. He grabbed my hair once more, bending my head back as he pushed himself inside. I attempted to push up on my elbows but was instead trapped under his arm as he thrusts in and out ferociously.

Shortly, whatever pain was there due to his violent thrusting melted into pleasure. Open mouthed, moans slipped out without intention. I quickly closed my mouth, attempting to not give him the satisfaction of knowing how much I was really enjoying it.

Alec grabbed my leg, forcing it up onto the desk, my knee pressed against my ribs, giving him a whole new angle. "What a view." Alec spoke from behind me, his finger briefly touching my asshole. He shifted slightly, taking advantage of the position. A few more moans escaped from me as waves of pleasure washed over me.

"No point in hiding it, Mae." I could hear the smile in Alec's voice. "I know you're enjoying this." He hooked his finger in my mouth, not giving me any room to hide my moans anymore, filling the room with them as I grinded against him, trying to get as much pleasure as possible.

"Fuck." I muttered as I felt, what I thought was likely to be, an orgasm, coming on.

Alec's breaths began to get faster before he pulled out suddenly. I was about to protest but stopped as I felt him cum against my back. I looked back at watch Alec step away and smile. "That wasn't so bad, was it?" He walked back over to his desk, tossing me a box of tissues to clean up. I glared at him deeply, knowing I wasn't about to get off.


I sighed, tossing my phone to the other side of the couch. "No luck, Mae?"

"No." I stood up, walking over into the kitchen. "He has ignored every single one of my calls. No trace of him. Either he's dead or he took that money and ran."

"I don't think there was any debt from the start." Mason leaned against the counter, shaking his head.

"It could've still been. But he said he'd pay me back, so…" I looked down. "I guess one reason or another he decided to run."

"What do you think he's going to spend it on?"

"Mason, I lost my virginity to get that money. I don't give a fuck about what he's buying. That piece of shit. I'm never helping him again." I crossed my arms, growling as I spoke. "I can't believe he'd do this to me. I mean, I can, but I didn't think he ever actually would."

"At least your boss is hot, Mae." Mason shrugged, a small smile on his face.

I rolled my eyes before smiling. "One upside."

"And you still got that date with that other guy." He offered up, putting his hand up.

"I guess he did say to see other people…" I trailed off, chewing my lip. "I'm excited to spend more time with him, but I don't know what this means for us…"

"There is no 'us', Mae. Remember that."

"Yeah. I guess." I sighed, rubbing my arm. "I'm going to get some sleep, so I can get up early and be productive. Or…play some Apex…"

"I'll join you." He smiled.

I laughed. "Apex it is."