As Luffy

I woke up in a jungle.

Me:What the fuck am i doing here. How the fuck did i get here.

Suddenly i got a lot of memories flashing in my head.While that was going on, this was happening in front of me

(System Starting in




System Starting now. Host is experiencing memory shove. System is currently rearranging memories so host doesn't feel pain while browsing through all the memories.)

The pain disappeared and i began to browse the memories slowly. Turns out i transmigrated, what a surprise. But the person i transmigrated into was a surprise for me. A big surprise. Like gigantic kind of big.

You've guessed it i transmigrated into Monkey D Luffy. The user of the Gomu Gomu No Mi. But now named the Hito Hito No Mi(Human Human Fruit) Model:Nika. The guy who is seemingly the reincarnation of Joyboy. The theory is not yet confirmed but we'll see about it. Let me get back to who Luffy is.

Luffy is the grandson of Monkey D Carp. Who is a Marine Vice Admiral. While his father is Monkey D Dragon. Leader of the Revolutionary Army. Luffy is the defeater of Katakuri. And in the future he is fighting Kaido, the strongest Dragon in the world. Which in that fight he became JoyBoy. Unlocking 'Gear 5' of his devil fruit.

But enought fanboying about the goofy guy. Now I'm him. What the fuck. That's all i have to say. You expect me to be excited. Which i am, but this world is far worse than being exciting. This world has people who think that they are God's and ordinary people should bow down to them. This world also has people like Kaido, Big Mom, Shanks and Whitebeard who is currently the Strongest Man in the world. All i have to say is that i am not even close to matching them. With the strength i have i can't even defeat Arlong without suffering major injuries.

(But you have the system tho. I can help you.)

Me:Ah yes sorry System. I forgot about you when I had that small panic attack. Now that i think about it, i should really give you a name like all host's do.

(I am grateful but what name should i have?)

Me:How about Celine.

(From now on i am called Celine. Not System.)

Me:Well then 'Status' please.


Monkey D Luffy

Skills:Gomu Gomu No Pistol (LVL 10) Gomu Gomu No Rocket (LVL 10) Basic Staff Proficiency (LVL 10)

Inventory:Vlogging Camera

Overall:You would be dead instantly when you meet Smoker.

Me:This is all the skills i have!, Man i really suck. But what's this vlogging camera doing in my inventory?

(The camera was in your hand when you transmigrated. So i thought why not bring it with you.)

Mr:What's the camera going to do. It has no use.

(I dunno. Maybe record your journey and show it to the world. I know this world has TV's now. It is different from the world you read in the manga. This world is a little bit more advanced. People still read newspapers but some watch TV. It's like a half and half thing.)

Me:Oh. You know you just gave me a great idea. I can record my journey and put it on TV. But I don't know how to put it on there. The News on the TV must be monitored by the Marines. How am I supposed to broadcast it? They'll immediately notice and shut it down.

(I can give you the controller from the Marines. But i will 2x your training and give you a training regime.)

Me:Hey I need all the training i can get here. This is my life we're talking about.

(Very well then. The controller is in your inventory.)

I checked my inventory and sure enough,the controller is in there.

Me:So what should I do now? I am currently 16 years old. I go out to sea next year. I guess i should train now.

(Let's start our training.)

Here we go. The training has started. The training was hard as the intensity keeps increasing. The training was mainly focused on my stamina, physical power and my devil fruit skills. Celine keeps increasing the intensity by 2x per week so it doesn't get easier anytime soon. This went on for two months.

My body looks like Luffy's body in Wano. I have the six pack. But i don't have the scar tho. Need to work on that.

Me:Celine. When can I learn Haki?

(Not right now Host. Your physical powers are not enough to consciously activate Haki. How about we speed things up a little bit. Now we do 4x the training you do before.)


(Also, we should probably increase your knowledge. I know you taking over Luffy has increased your knowledge but we should get you skills that a real pirate should have.)

Me:Ugghhhh. I'm starting to regret this.

(You won't when you see how many skills you have when you're done.)

Me:*Lazy noises*

(I should also mention that you haven't checked in with Dadan. She took care of you after all.)

Me:How can I? With my new personality. She won't even recognize me anymore.

(But you skill have to check in with them. You still have Luffy's personality after all. The two souls have merged together.)

Me:Fine. But we will go back after we train for four months. And i want the hell mode training.

(Fine then host, since you want hell mode. Let me let you experienced true hell.)

And it was at this moment that he knew, he fucked up.

Me:I fucked up.

(Four months later.)

After experiencing hell for four months. Celine guided me with Luffy's memories to Dadan's bandit house. I stood in front of the house.

(Calm down host. Your heart rate is increasing at a fast pace.)

Me: I'll try to be calm. But what am I suppose to say to her? I can't think of anything to say.

(Just stay normal and let things flow normally.)

Me: Okay then. Breathe in, breathe out.

*knock knock knock*

Me:Hey Dadan! It's me Luffy! Let me in!