Knocking out Nami

Me:Are you sure about this Admiral Sengoku. I sensed someone going in the treasure room but i thought it was one of the goons that went in there.

Sengoku:**It wasn't. We had a clear view of that. The girl has orange hair. Was wearing a bandana and some clothes that we can't quite describe as it is quite far. **

Me💭:So that's Nami huh? Never thought I'd met her so soon but I'm glad to see one of the waifus of the One Piece world.

Me: She's just a thief. She might come in and knock me out but that's a long shot for her. I keep on the observation Haki even when I'm sleeping. It took me a lot of time but it worked out.

Makino:**Luffy you better not be thinking to do something to her!**

Me: Don't worry Mom. I'm just going to knock her out and tie her up.

Makino:** The way you say it sounds like you wanna do something to her!! Even though she is a thief doesn't mean you get to do anything to her!!**

Me:It kinda does. But I'm not gonna do that. Imma invite her to the crew!

Garp:**Bwahahahahahahahahahahaha!! That's great Luffy!! First day of your journey and you got a nakama.

Me:I don't think she's gonna want to join though. I mean no one would dare to rob the pirate ship when they saw me obliterated them. Either she's done this her whole life and this is just normal to her or she's following orders.

Sengoku:**What Makes you think that Mugiwara?**

Me:She got on the passenger ship and no one noticed a thing. Then she got on the pirate ship while everyone else is distracted. Sounds like she's a professional. She could also be following orders because we have a lot of pirates who would want to get rich. In the pirate game you need to have wealth and strength or you will end up dead in a ditch.

Sengoku:**,The Marine world is similar. You need to have prestige and strength or you will end up staying in the bottom and never going up.

Me:Guess we're similar then. But what should I do next if i knocked her out? Should i like go to Shell Island next to sell the sea king and possibly get a new nakama there?

Sengoku:**Just keep going forward and never looking back Mugiwara. You're already this far. Why not go further?**

Garp:**Sengoku's right brat. I can't wait to see you at the Grand Line. It's gonna be one hell of a fight when we meet!**

Me:It sure will be Grandpa. I should probably wake up that kid and throw the body's away. But i need to keep Alvida's though. I need some Berry's.

Sengoku:*Go do it then. We'll watch you.**

As i put down the camera and cleaned up the body's. I asked Sengoku

Me:Hey Admiral? When's the Marine Ship going to arrive?

Sengoku:It should be arriving in a few hours. You have time.

Me:Are they going to put a bounty on me?

Sengoku:**Most likely. The civilians must've used the camera to capture your face at some point of the fight. You'll see at tomorrow's newspaper.**

Me:Speaking of paper. Shouldn't you guys be working right now. You know people are going to notice that you're gone The Admiral and the Vice Admiral disappearing suddenly is a strange and an alarming thing after all.

Sengoku:**Do not worry about our Issues Mugiwara. We have already done our share of work. Haki and the Six Powers has a lot of uses.**

Me:You don't say. They have a lot of uses. I bet Shanks uses them in bed.

(Marine Ford)


Makino:**Luffy!! Stop making dirty jokes out of nowhere. You're embarrassing me in front of the Admiral!!**

Sengoku:**Do not worry Miss Makino. When i was young,me and Garp used to make dirty jokes out of nowhere as well.**

Garp:**Good times Sengoku. Good Times.**

Me:The girl is still there. Should i go knock her out just for the sake of convenience?

Sengoku:**The quicker the better. Before she realizes you know she's here.**

Me: Alright. Imma go do that now. You guys will also watch me just in case.

(In the room)

Nami:Hehe. This should be enough.

The treasure room was empty. Chests were opened and emptied. All of them were put in a bag.

Nami :With this I'm one more step closer to paying Arlong his 100 million Berry's. Then I'll be free.

Me:Yeah that's not happening.

Nami turned around in shock. She saw a guy about the same age as her standing there with an amused expression.

Nami:Who are you!?

Me:That guy who destroyed this crew. You saw that didn't you?

Nami:I don't care about you pirate scum!

Me:So you're with Arlong huh? You like working with him?

Nami:Why should i tell you scum! You don't know me so why should you care!?

Me: Because i do.

Nami :Let me go with the treasure! I'll give you some secretly if you do that.

Me: Sorry Miss but i can't accept that. You can't just steal someone's treasure and expect them to be okay with it.

Nami:But i need to get back! If i don't he's going to kill me!

Me:Well not before he goes through me first.

Nami: You're not strong enough to beat him. Even if you defeat that whole crew! Arlong is ten times stronger than them!

Me:Yeah whatever. Like some East blue fish Man captain is going to pose a challenge to me. Don't make me laugh Miss. I don't like people like him. Thinking his species is better than ours. We just haven't made a move is all.

Nami :You still can't beat him! His body is 10x more durable that yours.

Me:And? I don't care. Now I'm going to knock you out now.

Nami:What! Uggghhhhh 😵 *Thud!*😴

Me:Well that was a lot.

Sengoku:**Yes Mugiwara. That girl is clearly trying to escape from this Arlong.**

Me: Question is where is he?

Garp:**I'll go ask one of the Marines**


Garp:Hey you!

Marine:Yes Vice Admiral Garp!

Garp:Where is Arlong located!?

Marine:He is currently in Cocoyashi Village sir! He is holding the island captive. Forcinh people to pay tribute to him. If they don't they get shot.

Garp:Why haven't the Marines located near the island done anything!?!?

Sengoku:The people are suffering. Is this the level that the Marines have fallen to?

Garp: Somebody must have been bribed by Arlong. Which bastard has been in contact with Arlong!

Marine:Reports have shown that Captain Mojito has gotten a lot of money in a month out of nowhere! He must be the one sir!

Garp: I'm going to go there and show why I'm called Garo the Fist! Prepare a ship for me now!

Sengoku:No Garp! You can't just go there. They'll know something is up. Why would Garp the Hero go fight a low level pirate. We better let a captain situated near Cocoyashi Island go fight him.

Me:Have you guys found anything? You're getting a little bit quiet there.

Makino:**Garp–san, Admiral Sengoku–san, are you guys okay? What are you discussing?**

Sengoku:**We found out that Arlong is situated at Cocoyashi Island. He is ruling the people living there with an iron fist.**

Making:**Why aren't the Marines doing anything? I thought they would help the people?**

Gary:**Seems the Captain was on a payroll by Arlong. No wonder HQ doesn't send people there.**

Me:Well now we know. And are you going to send people there or am I going to fight him?**

Makino:**Luffy! Didn't you hear the girl!! Arlong is stronger than you!! You'll get hurt when you fight him!!**

Me:I won't Mom trust me on this. I haven't trained my ass off for a year for nothing ya know.

Makino:**Just always be careful and mind your surroundings.**

Me:Well guys. I think that is enough for today.

Sengoku:**Your ending the Livestream?**

Luca:**Aww man i wanna watch more!**

Me:Well i have to rest to ya know. You guys should also rest too. You stared at the screen for hours now. You're eyes must be hurting. Don't worry, we will be streaming tomorrow.

Luca :**Yes!!**

Garp :**Great. I get to see the brat more now!!**

Me:Well start the stream at 10:00 a.m. in the morning. How does that sound? You gus should already be done with the paperwork and eaten breakfast. Just make sure to bring a lunch box with you or something so you don't get hungry while following me on my journey.

Luca :**I will definitely do that!**

Garp:**I'll bring some rice crackers. A whole bunch of them.**

Sengoku:**Bring some for me.**

Garp:**Bwahahaha don't worry Sengoku. I'll definitely bring some for you!**

Sengoku:**Thank you Garp.**

Me:So this is it for now guys!I hope you have a great day! Bye!

The screen turns black.

Sengoku turned to Garp.

Sengoku:Well today was... interesting i guess.

Garp:Yeah! I just found it that my grandson is very strong. I can't wait to meet him now!

Sengoku:You will definitely cross paths when he comes here Garp. But for now we need to rest. And doing our paperwork is the first thing we should do in the morning. I don't want complaints about us neglecting our jobs! That goes for you guys too!

Marines:Yes Admiral!

Sengoku:Good. Now go to rest. Tomorrow is going to be an interesting day for sure.

Marines:Yes Admiral!!