Chapter # 2

chapter # 2

"attention, rogues have attacked us" I heard the announcement.

"traitors" I can feel my wolf getting angry.

I closed my eyes to calm ara down.

I ran towards the side table and snagged the knife into the back of my pants.

I slowly opened the door and seeped outside. there was no one in the corridor. but as I walk towards the stairs, I could hear the faint voice of growls.

everyone must be fighting on the ground of Veil, which means there is no one in the palace. but civilians live near the ground of the veil. and dad being in a hurry to kill Edward must have not looked forward to the civilians.

I took a deep breath and started walking toward the exit. suddenly, I felt someone dragging me from my arm towards the store. I looked up and saw Alex. blood was dripping from his forehead.

"Alex what are you doing? let me go." I shouted.

he simply ignored me and pushed me inside the storeroom. he was going to close the door but before that, I put my hands between the doors so he can't close. he looked at me with an expressionless face.

"Stay here Mia until we fix everything out there," He said losing his control.

"But Alex the civilians need to~~~"


before I could complete my sentence I heard a growl. I looked at Alex, he was shocked as well. before I can react he shoved me inside the storeroom and locked the door from outside.

I heard the growls of Alex's wolf. God did he just leave the field to come back and look after me. Nah!!! Dad must have ordered him.

I can hear both of them fighting. but the sounds became faint, more like they weren't in the corridor. the sound of their growling eventually died.

silence is surrounding me. I went near the door and tried opening it but it won't open. after a few minutes, I heard footsteps coming near the corridor. I stood still making sure that I won't produce any sound. but the sound of footsteps was coming near me. I started walking backward and eventually felt a cold wall behind me.

the footsteps suddenly disappear. there was once again silence except for the sound of my heavy breath. I breathed out in relief but it didn't last long.

the door suddenly flew across the room. I saw a man with blond hair and red eyes, that must be his wolf. He was looking at me like I am his prey.

that's it I am a white wolf, I can't lose in front of this ordinary wolf.

his hands were soaked in blood. I smelled the blood. it was~~


it was the blood of Liam.

I can feel my wolf coming out. My clothes tore and I transformed into my wolf. the skin of ara was covered in thick white fur.

the man in front of me transformed into his wolf. I growled and ran towards him. but before I could do anything he attacked my neck with his teeth sinking deep in my neck. I growled in pain. it hurts. it hurts a lot.

I moved back and got ready to attack him again but to my shock, he transformed back to human. he was tall. he was standing naked in front of me, he looked down at me and smirked. wait this doesn't feel right. I tried to move towards him. but I couldn't, it felt like I have transformed into a stone. I felt so weak. I was trying so hard to move but nothing helped.

I felt a hand ruffling the thick hair of ara. I looked up and saw the man looking at me with an expressionless face. he had wrapped a dirty cloth around him. he must have got that dirty cloth from this store. he must have poison in his teeth.

he stopped ruffling my hair and closed his eyes.

I guess he was doing telepathy. I was struggling to move. but I felt ara getting dizzy. she was going to faint, I transformed back to human form.

I looked at him with my weak eyes. we made eye contact for a second before he stood up and picked the cloth dirty cloth that was laying on the old dressing table.

he came near me and wrapped that cloth around me. wait I was NAKED.

that means all this time I was lying weakly on the ground weakly.

he took me in his arms and walked outside.

"what did you do to my brother?" I asked weakly.

he ignored me and continued walking. I was losing all my energy. suddenly I heard a voice coming from the back.

"Beta Hayden all the hostages are kept in the main hall with the alpha," the voice said

"ok," the man said. His name is Haiden and he is beta.

I closed my eyes and after a few minutes, I heard someone shouting my name. I opened my eyes and saw Liam, lia, Alex, and Dane on the ground on their knees. four of them were soaked in blood. Alex was in a good condition. he ran to me, picked me up from this bet Hayden's arms, and went back. he sat down and the other three surrounded me with a worried expression.

"cupcake are you alright?" lia said rubbing my hand.

I nodded my head and smiled

"words cupcake" Liam managed to say with breath. this made my eyes teary.

"I told you to stay hidden," Alex said in a cold tone. I looked down but flinched when I heard a loud voice.

"enough of this family gathering, all of you on your knees," a fat man with dark black hair said. I looked around, there were many soldiers and servants.

"can't you see; she is hurt, she can't move," Dane said glaring at the fat man.

"I don't care," the fat man said in an angry tone.

"chill out sam, I gave her the dose, she actually can't move," Hayden said. he had put on his clothes.

"Whatever," the nasty fat man sam said and turned around.

"so you five are the children of the alpha", Hayden said moving closer to us.

none of us spoke anything. he squinted his eyes on me.

"you are the youngest right," he said smiling a little.

wait why he is giving me those creepy vibes more like I am one of the dishes he is going to serve to his alpha on dinner.

His next words made my eyes widen in shock.

"Wanna see your dear dad for the last time"