Chapter # 3

chapter # 3

His next words made my eyes widen in shock.

"Wanna see your dear dad for the last time".

Hayden smirked at my reaction

The hall was filled with whispers and gasps.

I felt something wet on my shoulder, I turned my head slowly and saw that Lia was silently crying over my shoulder. I looked at Liam, his face didn't show any emotion. Dane was trying hard to control his tears while Alex tighten the grip around.

"No, don't kill him~~" I tried to shout but the words turned out as a whisper.

Hayden just stared at me then straighten up.

All the soldiers and servants will stay here but you five" Hayden pointed at us"you five come with me, Alpha has asked for you four." he said and turned around.

Lia helped Liam while Dane stayed close to Alex who was carrying me carefully.

I clutched at the dirty cloth. Alex looked down at me and smiled "you got a chance to transform into your wolf".

What does he mean by that? I looked at Liam. lia and Dane; they were wearing clothes that were soaked in their blood.

Alex had read my mind. "they came with a wonderful plan, they had poisons in their nails and teeth. we never got a chance to transform, their poisonous nails has fainted our wolves". he said glaring at the back of Hayden.

We entered the Great Hall where the throne of dad is kept. the scenario in front of me made my breath hitch.

Dad was kneeling in front of a man with silver hairs whose back was facing us.

Dad, was so weak, his whole body was covered in blood, his clothes were ripped his face was covered with bruises.

"Bastards," I said in a weak voice, but everyone heard it well.

Hayden looked at me with widened eyes. Alex tightens his grip around me. The man with silver hair turned around. He...he was so handsome~~~

hold on Mia what are you thinking, he beat your father. he is a merciless bastard.

He has a pale face with a high bridge nose. he has blue eyes.

He looked at Liam and lia, then his eyes moved towards me, we made eye contact. He widen his eyes when he looked at me. Wait why is he so shocked by me. Ohh!! I aM nAKeD. . my cheeks got crimson shade.

"You~~" I heard him say. His voice was laced with disbelief.

I am so confused, hasn't he ever seen a naked girl. Wait I am not naked, I still have a dirty stinking cloth around me.

His shocked face slowly turned into a frown and then into an angry face. I bet he has multiple brain disorders,

Why is the glaring at me, he is no more handsome, he looks like a beast.

he took step towards us, Dane and Liam quickly came in front of me covering me and Alex.

I couldn't see anything as my eyes were covered with the backs of Dane and Liam.

I was curious, I turned my head to Alex.

'Alex let's move a little to the right side, I can't see anything"

he glared at me and looked ahead.

"Move" I heard the deep voice. It must be the silver hair guy.

Liam and Dane didn't say anything and stand firm. Out of nowhere two bulky guys came and pushed Liam and Dane. Another bulky guy captured lia before she can run to me. The rogues must have served them food all day. How the hell on earth can they be this bulky. I looked towards the silver hair guys. He was walking towards us. Alex quickly bend down and pulled my face near his chest. I am once again blind. I can't move my face, Alex's hand is on the back of my neck.

I heard footsteps coming near me.

"stop" ...


"Please don't,"

"she is just a kid" I heard Alex, Dane lia, and Liam were desperately shouting.

In no matter of seconds, I was in the arms of Hayden. I looked back, Alex was pulled by .... wait that's sam, that nasty fat guy...

"quite feisty, aren't you" I heard Hayden say. I just glared at him.

The silver hair guy was staring at me.

"We won't take the locals or the servants. Just take some soldiers with senior positions, bring the alpha and his children as hostages. except for this one,' the silver hair guy said pointing at me. " she is coming with me". he said and glanced at me for the last time before walking out.

oh God!!!

I regret now calling him a bastard. He is going to torture me for sure.

I heard someone giggling. I looked up and saw Hayden giving me a bunny smile. It melted a heart for a second. for sure these heartless and ruthless people have handsome and innocent faces.


"Regretting your words, aren't you," he said in a teasing tone.

I didn't reply and diverted my gaze at my siblings. they looked at me with a worried expression. I gathered all of my energy left and said

if you hurt them I will kill your"

the silver hair guy halted on his track and looked back at me

"Don't worry we won't torture your siblings, but that's something your father did to our people". he said, turning around

"We are just taking avenge of our people," he said and started walking

I took a deep breath and looked straight at the silver hair guy's back.

"You really are quite feisty, you have the guts to speak like this to the most feared werewolf present out there," Hayden said looking at me with an amused expression.

"Well the results aren't going to be good," he said, squinting his eyes, looking ahead.

"What do you mean"

I asked being all confused,

"You have never seen our alpha right?" he asked looking ahead.

"Nope" I replied, now getting a little scared.

I hummed in response.

well, the guy you just threatened and called bastard is our alpha".

he said with a neutral face.

Wait the silver hair guy is their alpha, which means he is


Did I curse and threatened the most feared werewolf?

But why was he shocked after looking at me....???