"the platform of sacrifices"

๐Ÿงโ€โ™€๏ธ [Woman โ™€ ]

Name: Kathia Tillar "Bora"

Age: 24 years old [โญโญโญโญโญโญ]

Likes: Cunnilingus

Fetishes: [needs to be Level 10]

Affinity: [ 5๐Ÿ’– ]

[Bonus] (every sexual activity she performs will have a multiple of 6)


while looking at her information, the woman named Bora followed me, pushing down the hall, towards the main stage of the club, the music was turned off and the women had stopped dancing and began to murmur among themselves, while their eyes followed my path attentively.

I had to run my tongue over my lips several times, in order to remove the bittersweet taste of the nectar of love. while my emotion continued to rise like foam.

it was the first time he had tasted a woman. it was too obvious that I would be excited, I went back to see the woman who keeps pushing me and asked. โ“"where are we going? "โ“

the woman called Bora with a smile on her lips answers me. โ“"to get ready."โ“

I am led down one of the corridors behind the bar. into a room, the woman pushes me inside and tells me. โ“"you have 20 min. to prepare, if you need anything just tell me."โ“

looking at the place. I realize that it was a dressing room with showers, it also has several products for personal hygiene. (perfumes, toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorants, body creams of different aromas, etc. etc.)

when I take my clothes off, I put them in a basket and take a quick bath.

at that moment, Max was still confused.

At the end of the bath, I brush my teeth and put a little deodorant on my armpits, before approaching the woman and saying. โ“"ready."โ“

The woman looks me over from head to toe, before taking a look at my cock, she bursts out laughing and points to a red linen robe. โ“ "You must wear it." โ“ I take a look at the robe and on the back, it says in black letters. "challenging"

Just in case anyone has any questions I guess.

at the end of 20 min. the woman named Bora tells me. โ“"it's time let's go. "โ“ We returned to the club through a different corridor than the one we entered, this time the corridor we walked through was narrower and darker.

meters ahead at our exit from the corridor. a large crowd of women shout excitedly. โ“"loser "โ“

โ“"fuck you, damn"โ“

โ“"we will win"โ“

โ“"girl power forever and ever, dog"โ“

the place. looks like the concert of the most famous artist of the moment, it was totally full of women, it was 8 to 10 more women, that when we entered and they continue to arrive, surrounding a large stage called "the platform of sacrifices"

It was like seeing a mini stadium full of people, all of them euphoric women asking him to lose.

screams echo throughout the club.

the sound of the club heralds the challengers โ“ "from the Amazon jungles to the world, with you "the Queen."" โ“ followed by a series of euphoric shouts from the crowd of women, which make my ears ring.

the woman called Bora, had finally stopped pushing me and tells me. โ“"you must come in when they call you."โ“ I only confirm and put my hands in the pockets of the gown to grab the mobile phone.

at the end of the presentation of the woman called. "the Queen" the sound of the club says. โ“"brought from the sewers by the stinkers of the underworld, with you. "Blasphemy" "โ“ I return to see the woman behind my back and comment โ“"was that necessary? "โ“

the woman named Bora answers me. โ“ "What, you're so ugly, like a Profanity." โ“ She laughs for a moment

when she finishes laughing she just makes a face and pushes me saying. โ“"go. don't waste time. "โ“ I heaved a sigh and started walking towards the stage.

As I walk, the women's insults escalate to the point where they throw drinks in my path.

the local sound announces โ“"remember to place your bets right now they are 1 to 100. as always the favorite is the Queen."โ“

Being closer to the Platform I can notice that on the platform, there was only a bed, a chair and a sofa.

When I entered, two women were waiting for me, one robe in a black gown with the gold letters that say "the Queen" on the back, the other woman has a white and black striped shirt with black pants, on her sword she has the Name. "Referee"

the female Referee, calls me and comment. โ“"you have 5 minutes to get ready that will be your place. "โ“ pointing to the chair. then the Referee woman continues saying. โ“"Kisses are not allowed, the rounds last until one of the two has an orgasm, it is illegal to put your fingers in intimate parts, rubbing is allowed, the meeting ends until one of the two passes out or does not want to continue. It's clear."โ“ the lady tells me and I confirm.

The lady immediately tells us. โ“ "Go to her places and in 5 min. We'll start." โ“ Obviously the one with the best place was the Queen.

As I approach the chair, the woman named Bora tells me. โ“ "You can place bets" โ“ which made me scrunch up her face because she only had $300 USD, in cash.

โ“"you can take out a loan with 10% interest"โ“ Bora tells me.

โ“"you can take one out of me and bet on my victory. "โ“ I tell him, as I took off my robe, leaving me totally naked. which generated ridicule from all the women present, that made me sigh.

Honestly, that's normal for me, because I had nothing to stand out.

5 min. after

the female referee, calls me. โ“ "To the front" โ“ the woman called Reina, gets up from the armchair where she was and takes off her hooded robe, causing her to swallow a mouthful of saliva.

she was a really exuberant woman. [image] โ†Here

she made me moisten my lips, lewdly on more than two occasions, before walking to the center of the platform, the Queen's tan skin covered in an oil that made her skin glow.

the body of the woman called Reina was only covered with a tiny white lingerie set that is transparent, due to the same oil, which makes her look more sensual.

I immediately grabbed the cell phone starting the application and took a picture, seeing what I was doing. the woman lifts her chest and puts her hands on her waist and comments. โ“ "Take several more, as you wish, it's the only way you'll be able to see this body again in your miserable life." โ“ I immediately take two more photos and the lady turns around showing her exuberant butt, having to take 5 more photos.

I look at the cell phone screen and all his information is revealed.

๐Ÿงโ€โ™€๏ธ [Woman โ™€ ]

Name: Kristel Sousa (QUEEN)

Age: 25 years old [โญโญโญโญโญโญโญโญ]

Likes: humiliation

Fetishes: [needs to be Level 10]

Affinity: [ -20 โ™ฅ ]

[ Bonus ] ( every sexual activity you perform will have a multiple of 8 )

โ“"Jesus Christ"โ“ I say out loud and I am speechless when I see the affinity, I realize that they can also have negative numbers, I imagine that the higher the negative number, the greater the rejection and vice versa.

When approaching I had to look up and the pair of women looked down, the difference is more than 20cm. (7.8 inches) in height.

the female referee takes out a coin and says. โ“ "Ask,heads or tails." โ“ she throws the coin in the air, so that it spins and the Queen immediately screams. โ“ "face." โ“ Before she hit the ground.

To my bad luck, the Queen wins.

Knowing that the queen had won, the screams from the women were present throughout the club.

the female referee tells me directly. โ“ "The Queen begins, follow her directions." โ“ Before she turns around and the woman retreats 3 meters away from the bed. that makes me swallow again, looking at the Queen.

the Queen smiles and orders me. โ“"sit on the edge of the bed."โ“ I walked over and sat down,

immediately, the Queen walks forward and pushes me to fall lying on the bed, moments later. The Queen turned around, opens her legs making an arch, puts my legs inside that arch and slowly backs away.

the Queen grabs my erect cock with one hand and guides it, so that it is between the buttocks of her lush ass.

immediately my cock is pressed and is lost in the middle of the Queen's buttocks.

by accommodating my cock between her buttocks, the Queen begins to move, making my first handjob between the buttocks. while she watched her ass move.

For my part, I did not stand still. I immediately raised my hands and began to rub her lower back, waist and buttocks.

a series of screens distributed throughout the club broadcast the match, as if it were a sporting event, every move we make is narrated step by step by two female commentators. who flaunted the Queen's skill and movements.

the screams of the euphoric women say in unison. โ“ "CUM, CUM, CUM." โ“ On several occasions I tried to get up, but the Queen just pushed her hips back, making I return to my place.

to make things more difficult the Queen screams. โ“ "Lubricant." โ“ Making the referee woman, she approaches with a bottle and begins to put lubricant. facilitating the Queen's movement with her buttocks.

I glared at the referee woman with hatred and yelled in an annoyed manner. โ“"that's legal"โ“

the woman smiles and responds arrogantly. โ“"that's in the rules. "โ“

The Queen began to speed up her hip movements, while I desperately tried to think of sad things that had happened to me in my life, but even my mind was working against me. have to say urgently. โ“"stop, stop, I'm going to cum on your buttocks. "โ“

but it was too late for the woman to move and I only released my sperm screaming โ“"YEAH !!!"โ“ lasting a couple of seconds, staining the Queen's butt with abundant and dense pearl-colored sperm.

Feeling her buttock stained , the Queen stands up and raises her arms, in a victory pose, making the women cheer with joy. โ“"Queen, Queen, Queen Queen."โ“

the female referee approaches, with a mocking face and says. โ“"keep going or give up"โ“ a series of thoughts came to my mind. (what the fuck just happened.)

I look at the woman who asks, I smile, I get up and say โ“"I'll continue."โ“

The woman nods and tells me. โ“ "To your place" โ“ she pointing to the chair and she immediately yells at the public. โ“"the meeting continues."โ“ causing the women to now start a series of boos on me.

When I got to the chair, the first thing I did was grab the cell phone and check it, opening the App.

seconds later.

after seeing a series of messages, I began to laugh uncontrollably.

[1st handjob by a woman. Reward: $10,000 USD]

[Congratulations on getting your first $10,000 USD.]

[ for every "$10,000 USD." that you generate with the application, you can pay the App-to level up and every 5 levels the App unlocks one of its different sections. ]

When I finished reading the messages, I didn't know whether to be happy or sad, because right now, I needed money, not for the App to take my money. you know.

the shouts of the crowd distract me, returning to see the woman they call Queen, who struts across the stage like a proud peacock.


The Queen throws her hands up in a wave to the crowd as if everything was written, which made Max smile before reaching out and pressing the +1 on the level.

generating the following messages

[Congratulations on leveling up you have unlocked: Physical Upgrades]

[Physical Improvements: due to his poor physical development, the App will help him acquire the full potential of his body, through the money generated with the application, the physical parts are the following (bones) (organs) (blood) (muscles) ( skin)

[remember that all the first times, they generate rewards]

[Reward for your 1st time leveling up. Passive Ability: "I want more"]

Passive Ability: "I want more" this ability is permanent and generates twice the semen with a smell and taste of strawberries, generating a small addiction in women who try it asking for more and more. ]

โš ๏ธ generates nausea, vomiting and rejection in men. โš ๏ธ

When I finish reading the messages, I have a big smile, I close the App and turn off the cell phone screen.

it was time for revenge.

I'm going to hit where it hurts the most. this type, this type of women full of pride and vanity, I get up from the chair and the female referee calls us โ“"come closer"โ“

the two of us approach the middle of the stage and she says: โ“"you order and the Queen obeys your instructions. "โ“ it was simple to understand.

We both confirmed at the same time and all the people in the club put their eyes on me and the Queen had that arrogant look again.

at which point the sound of the club announces โ“"Round 2"โ“ as the screens play an intro to the round and people begin with a series of boos and curses.

without saying anything I walked slowly towards the bed, I sat on the edge, as I had been before and pointed at my cock, โ“"I want a blowjob,"โ“ at the end of my words, the boos and curses of the people returned instantly.

The first to speak was the female referee who says. โ“ "You're crazy, the Queen can't kneel, besides your tiny dick is dirty." โ“ I guess her words were to embarrass me. because the smile on her face gave her away right away.

I look at my cock, my little finger was bigger at this moment and the residues of the previous ejaculation were still in the same place. every word that woman said about my dick was true,

but pointing out the obvious sometimes makes you seem more of an idiot than you think. in response, I just shrugged my shoulders and said. โ“ "If she can't, no problem. Let her give up." โ“

My words generated another series of boos from the crowd.

โ“"you're a dead dog, Blasphemy"โ“

โ“"my dog โ€‹โ€‹has it bigger than you"โ“

โ“"motherfucker "โ“

the woman called Reina asked for silence, while she raises her hands, silencing the crowd and with a smile she comments. โ“"I'll do it "โ“

the woman did not finish speaking. but she was already generating another series of screams, having to raise her hands again to control the crowd.


โ“"Queen, don't do it"โ“

โ“"you have to hit the dog."โ“

when the crowd manages to fall silent, the Queen continues saying. โ“"Of course I'm going to do it. But tell me how you want your blowjob."โ“

that made me snort in annoyance and I answer without interest โ“"you can fly if you want, I just want a blowjob."โ“ waking up those women again to shout their curses.


โ“"I'll kill you damn dog, I'll kill you"โ“

โ“"come on girls we have to hit him"โ“

The queen approaches the bed with a smile on her face, before she reaches in front of me. I throw my body back and lie down on the bed, preventing him from pushing me again.

The Queen snorts in annoyance. the female referee approaches the Queen and comments in a low voice. โ“ "Let someone else clean up that mess, my lady." โ“ The Queen refuses, shaking her head at her.

The Queen makes it to bed and before she does anything, the women in the club shout her rejection again.

The Queen asks for calm again, while she says with a strong and proud voice. โ“ "calm down women or her screams will make her dick smaller." โ“ that comment generated laughter in the crowd.

for my part I just lift my head a little bit and say โ“"yeah yeah whatever you say. "โ“then point to my dick and continue saying โ“"now suck bitch suck."โ“

the female referee steps forward and yells โ“"you are a son of...."โ“ the Queen raises her hand to stop the comment and says. โ“"remember your position right now."โ“

At the end of her words, the Queen immediately looks at me and snorts again before beginning to tilt her body. For my part, I close my eyes and start to think about all the sad things that have happened to me so far.


Thanks to the lingerie that she was wearing, no one had noticed, that the Queen had her nipples fully erect like a pair of buttons and a small dampness is marked in the middle of her panties.

The queen tilts her body into a 90ยฐ degree position, slowly opens her lips and in one bite, she puts the entire withered cock inside her mouth.

The Queen pauses for a few seconds, causing Max to let out a groan of satisfaction. โ“"Huumm"โ“ the coldness of the saliva runs through every inch of cock and makes Max's body tremble.

โ“ "You like it, eh damn," โ“ says the Queen, but her smile betrays her, seconds later she erases her smile, waiting for an answer from Max.

โ“ "Ohhh, why are you stopping, what are you waiting for, keep sucking bitch." โ“ Max orders, raises her hand, puts it on the Queen's head and pushes her down.

The Queen takes a moment to continue with her blowjob, because she is savoring the semen residue on her cock and seconds later she begins to move her tongue to clean everything, while her body slowly begins to lower to kneel, leaving the public without words.

Seeing the mistake the Queen makes, the Arbitro woman tries to stop her. โ“ "Please Reyna don't do it." โ“ Obviously Reyna's body stopped, realizing her mistake.

the Queen smacks her lips a couple of times before commenting. โ“"this is part of my strategy, so that he surrenders.-"โ“

moments later.....

The Queen kneels between Max's legs, puts her hands on the sides of the bed and tilts her head forward, swallowing the small cock between her lips and swallowing it again in one gulp.

after cleaning the cock of any residual semen. the Queen of her own accord begins to slowly shake her head. from top to bottom.

making lewd noises as the cock escapes her lips.

*muak muak, muak*

three times in a row and then continue sucking like a pro.

all the women present fell silent to try to listen to the series of murmurs that the Queen says in an annoyed way. โ“"Mnn....hey you like this, now I'm going to keep sucking until your cock explodes inside my mouth. Let's see if you like that, damn bastard."โ“


the three bikers sensed that something was wrong between Max and the Queen, Sprint discreetly whispers to his companions. โ“ "It's time to go. "โ“ one of the companions looks at Sprint and comments. โ“"we will abandon him in this place"โ“

โ“"โ“"Of course we're going to do it. "bumblebee" that brat, he's not from our gang. "โ“ it was at that moment that the two bikers look up and notice the hateful looks from the women around them.

Suddenly a scream breaks the silence โ“"Come on, Reina, suck the gut. "โ“

โ“"yes, suck the dog's micropenis."โ“

โ“"Yeah!, suck"โ“


โ“"Suck, suck"โ“

โ“"Suck, suck, suck"โ“ that's how the scream began to grow and grow having an immediate effect on the Queen.

The Queen only accelerates the blowjob on Max's cock, while the three bikers ran out and disappear from the Amazon Club without looking back.

minutes later....

a squeal of satisfaction is heard from Max โ“"ohhhh"โ“ followed by a shriek of glee from the women in the club. โ“ "YEAHHHHH" โ“ as the Queen swallows all the cum in her mouth.