it is what it is

Max had a strong dizziness, for the first time he felt this kind of explosive feeling, while the women inside the club kept screaming, with all their might. ⁓"Queen, Queen, Queen, Queen"⁓ on the other hand, the Queen finished cleaning Max's cock, under the astonished gaze of the female Referee who didn't know what to do.

The Queen licks her lips a couple of times, not satisfied with that, to be more sure, the Queen passes one of her fingers over the corner of her mouth, and then sucks and licks, expressing her satisfaction . ⁓ "Mmm tastes delicious." ⁓ Says the Queen, before letting out a sigh, she gets up generating a great ovation from the fans and the Queen raises her arms in victory.

⁓"Queen, Queen, Queen, Queen"⁓ the women cheer her again. At the end of the tour of the stage, the Queen returns in front of Max and begins to slide her hands on her sides, to slowly remove her panties, leaving all the spectators astonished, including the Referee woman.


on the other hand Max's ears are ringing and he is a bit disoriented, due to the shot he had fired minutes before. ⁓"you can continue"⁓ asks the female Referee.

Max nods and gives a thumbs up "OK." the female Referee nods and begins her count. ⁓"1...2...3...4...5...6.."⁓ listening to the count, Max manages to sit up in bed.

seconds later, the Queen lifts her panties with her foot, grabs them, spins them around and throws them towards the women behind her, as if she were a bullfighter entering the ring, the panties did not fall to the ground and the women began to fight desperately.

⁓"let's start fucking"⁓ the Queen shouts, but this time no one cheers, all the women inside the club were shocked including the female Referee and before the Queen reached where Max was sitting.

the female Referee stops her and says. ⁓ "To her place, to her place" ⁓ then she points to Max and tells him insistently. ⁓"to your place"⁓ Max nods and gets up to go sit on the chair.

the Referee woman, returns to see the Lady who has the bell for the start and end of Rounds and yells at her. ⁓ "I'll beat the shit out of you." ⁓ She steps in front of her and throws a chair, which flies by a few meters from the woman. scared she throws herself to the ground to avoid being hit by the chair.

she then stands up and starts ringing the bell in a desperate way, to announce that the Round was over.

Max still hadn't sat down, he felt a strong look on his back. When she returned to see, she realized that was the Queen and she looked very nervous.

Max ignores her, grabs her cell phone and checks her new messages. causing him to let out a laugh too scandalous, provoking the hatred of the women of the club.

⁓"what are you laughing at dog, eh"⁓

⁓"go laugh at your mother you damn dog"⁓

The insults grew, as more and more women came out of the shock of seeing the Queen ask for a man's cock for the first time.

Max press the App [💲]

⚜ [Congratulations on getting your first blowjob, Special Reward $50,000 USD. ]

Oddly enough, Max wasn't happy about receiving the money, he just sighed and hit the Level +1 button. but as he presses the button, Max's heart trembles as he watches him lose $10,000. at each "click"

[Level +1] [Level +1] [Level +1] [Level +1]

Max received the following notification from the app

[ Bonus: (⭐) remember that to activate the Bonus you need to ejaculate on any woman orally, vaginally or anally. This will increase sensitivity by the number of stars the woman has. ]

⚜ [Congratulations on leveling up you have unlocked: Intellectual Enhancements]

⚜ [Intellectual Improvements: due to its poor Intellectual development, the App will help you acquire the full potential of your mind, through the money acquired with the application, the Intellectual parts are the following (Memory) (Intelligence) (Reasoning) ]

⚜ [Congratulations you have received the Ghost Cock Skill]

⚜ {Ghost Cock: ability to fully satisfy a woman's vagina when inserting your cock. whenever it is activated. you will be able to use this ability for 1 second for each level you go up, you will also reduce 1 second cooldown ]

⚜ [ Duration "6" seconds of ghost cock for every 94 seconds cooldown , ]

⚜ [ Cost: will reduce 5% of your resistance ]


🧍‍♂️ [Man ♂ ]

⚜ Name: James Maxwell

⚜ Level: 6

⚜ Physical Improvements:

[ Bones ] [ Organs ] [ Blood ] [ Muscles ] [ Skin ]

⚜ Intellectual Improvements:

[ Memory ] [ Intelligence ] [ Reasoning ]

⚜ Skills

[ Ghost Cock ]

⚜ Upgrade Points: [ 6️⃣ ]


Before Max can make the next improvements, the female Referee calls out to him. ⁓"come closer"⁓ causing Max to put away the cell phone.

⁓"third match, the Queen leads, you obey. "⁓ comments the female Referee.

the two nod and look at each other for a few moments before starting. Max's gaze is directed towards the Queen's body, licking her lips. for her part the Queen looks at Max as if he were a juicy piece of meat.

⁓"everyone ready"⁓ asks the female Referee to both of them, confirming. the female Referee raises her hands and shouts. ⁓ "Go" ⁓ the Queen smiles for a moment, she turns around, walks to the bed, climbs in and lies down in the middle.

she puts a couple of pillows on her back, spreads her legs in "M" points to her crotch and says. ⁓ "Chupa" ⁓ at the end of her order, she puts her arms crossed behind her head.

the women present celebrate the order by shouting again. ⁓"Queen, Queen, Queen"⁓

Max nods and walks over to the bed, just hoping the bonus in the App works properly, he climbs onto the bed and lays down, then crawls in front of the Queen's legs.

Reaching between her legs, Max runs a hand over one of the Queen's feet and the woman immediately shivers and lets out a low moan, barely perceptible to Max. ⁓"Mnn"⁓


After proving that sensitivity really works. Max tilts his head between the Queen's legs, looking closely at the intimate part of a woman for the first time.

because the thousands of videos do not compare when facing the front, less than 10 cm away. With both hands, Max grabs the ends and separates them, noticing a prominent light pink color inside her intimate part. [ ⁞(▴)⁞ ]

at the edges of the intimate part, a slight amount of transparent liquid with a fragrant odor, which surrounds the outside. (*) at the top a small protrusion protruding.

The Queen looks at Max's idiotic face when he looks at her crotch and comments with annoyance. ⁓ "What are you waiting to suck, bitch." ⁓ She raises her hand, grabs Max's head and presses it hard on her crotch saying. ⁓"suck, bitch suck."⁓

The Queen's actions draw a cheer from the women who watch intently and begin to shout out. ⁓"suck bitch, suck."⁓ ⁓"suck bitch, suck."⁓

after being pressed, Max's mouth, nose, and chin are smeared with abundant nectar and the Queen repeats the same action several more times, as the crowd screams. ⁓"suck, bitch, suck."⁓

Releasing his head, Max takes a breath. while he wipes some of the liquid on his face with his forearm.

the Queen scoffs and says. ⁓"cry baby, cry"⁓ right away the women in the club start screaming loudly. ⁓"lora, cry, cry. cry"⁓ the pressure on Max gets bigger and bigger.


Max lets out a snort, before going down to the Queen's crotch again, but this time Max sticks his tongue out of her and immediately runs it all the way around her pussy. (*)

The Queen's body trembles, but Max doesn't stop her movements. he keeps moving his tongue back and forth in and out of pussy.

Max's tongue begins to alternately snake in and out of the cunt. (*) causing the Queen to let out her first moans loudly. ⁓"Sss-Ah. god Sss-Yeah. Mmm. good Mmm, Sss-Ah."⁓

the Queen wants to grab Max's head again. but that makes him stop and immediately Max walks away from her. causing the Queen for the first time to look directly into he eyes and ask with annoyance. ⁓"why do you stop? "⁓

Max points to the Queen's hands and responds. ⁓"Touch me again and this time I give up."⁓ The Queen stares at Max in silence for a split second. Moments later, the Queen licks her lips and responds with a nod. ⁓"Okay"⁓

the Queen lowers her hands and passes them under her thighs, pulls them up, to open her legs a little more in "W." ⁓"what are you waiting for, go on, go on. "⁓orders the Queen.

under the watchful eye of the Queen. Max lowers his head again, but this time in addition to sucking and licking he raises his hand and begins to rub the little ball of meat. that little ball that sticks out, on top of the Queen's pussy. (*)

Max rubs with my fingertips, getting an instant reaction from the Queen, making the woman's body move like a snake in a hot pan.

the Queen begins to whimper with great satisfaction. ⁓"Ahhh Yiiiii, Yiiiii, Aaaiiii, Aaaiiii"⁓

The crowd of women fell silent as they heard the Queen whimper like a Japanese porn star.

⁓"Ahhh Yiiii, Yiiii, Aaaiiii, Aaaiiii please please stop, just stop, no more. "⁓ the Queen said out loud, while trying to speak coherently. but the Queen kept raising her legs, to give Max enough space, so that she could continue sucking and sucking all the nectar that surrounds her pussy.

The Queen lets out a big sigh and a transparent liquid, she shot out, while her eyes go blank for several seconds and her body trembles with small spasms.

moments later, the body of the Queen collapses on the bed and with a broken voice, she says. ⁓"Uff that was fantastic."⁓ before continuing to speak, the female Referee butts into the conversation saying. ⁓ "Blasphemy to your place" ⁓ pointing to the chair.

instead of starting to count, the Referee woman helps the Queen to get out of bed and takes her to the chair along with two other employees.

when looking at the impudence of women I tell them. ⁓"hey, that's illegal this is a meeting, not a party between friends."⁓ the Referee woman tells me with the greatest cynicism. ⁓"it is what it is, you don't like it, get out. "⁓ pointing to the door.

his comments just made me snort annoyed (wow. shit) I say in my mind, when I got to the chair, the woman named Bora was waiting for me with a debt promissory note. my jaw dropped and I said ⁓"hey what the fuck is it this, our meeting is not over yet."⁓ pointing to the paper that says, that I owe the Amazonas club. $10,000 USD.

Bora mocks and comments ⁓ "thank me, it's not 50 K or 100 K." ⁓ hearing the comment I must accept that she's right. I just sigh and sit on the chair. very discouraged. repeating in the mind (wow, shit. )

⁓"it is what it is. boy."⁓ says Bora and remains silent, moments later adds ⁓"this is how our system works, we will never lose and make no mistake, not only we do these things, every mafia, gang, group, cartel, triad, family, clan, guild, company or industry is part of the system, call them what you want, but even the government and its world alliance must be part of the same system or only your life will end.

they will mourn you for a couple of days and then they will forget you. you will be lucky if they remember you weeks after your death or they name you a martyr, a saint or a demon, it will not matter how you want, you will be dead. if you affect the interests of third parties. "⁓ before continuing to talk to Bora, the Referee interrupts us again and yells at me. ⁓"move Blasphemy"⁓ I looked around looking for my opponent and asked ⁓"where is the Queen"⁓

the female Referee snorts and answers. ⁓"What do you care? "⁓ He points to the bed ⁓"Now get on or we'll force you up."⁓ It was obvious that these women were very upset, I let out a sigh before walking towards the bed thinking. (Now how the hell am I going to get out of this. ) I remembered the group of bikers and immediately started looking for them in the crowd, who followed me booing and throwing drinks.

To my bad luck, I couldn't find them anywhere.

Realizing that I was completely alone, against this group of angry women, I sat up in bed.

at that moment a large group of women surround me and started making fun of my hair, body, dick, skin color. while the women of the club yell ⁓"beating, beating, beating, beating."⁓ causing those women to start jeering.

the female Referee tells me directly. ⁓"This is what will happen if you win."⁓ Before the female Referee began to hit, the Queen reached the stage, causing the group of women to disperse.

when he approaches the bed. I notice that the Queen's hair is wet and her body smells like shampoo, she had clearly taken a bath.

At this point Max realized, that it is impossible to win this match.

*ting ting ting*

the bell rings, announcing the next round.

the queen asks. ⁓"it's your turn to order"⁓ Max just makes a face and points to the bed ⁓"you need to lie down"⁓ the Queen nods and lies face down on the bed. she grabs a pillow and hugs her covering half of her face.

that was very smart of her. Max just sighs again before climbing on the back of the Queen trying to accommodate her body.

the image was ridiculous, due to the woman's exuberant measurements, making Max's cock barely manage to enter her pussy.

Max grabs and spreads the Queen's buttocks, so that her cock could enter the Queen's pussy a little. inserting his cock, Max can feel his head barely going in.

⁓"That's it, come on boy you need to push harder."⁓ The Queen scoffs loudly causing the crowd of women to scream. ⁓"push, push, push, push."⁓

Max stops and asks. ⁓"are you sure."⁓

the Queen answers. ⁓"yes, come on, you push hard."⁓

⁓ "Okay" ⁓ Max replies before moving his hips slightly away and saying ⁓ "you have to hold on" ⁓ seconds later Max pushes hard and says in his mind. [ ghost cock ]

⁓ "Ohhh my god" ⁓ the Queen screams as she feels the thrust that completely fills her vagina, hitting her insides. Max withdraws his hips again and pushes harder and faster than before, each second the speed of the thrust continues to increase.

*PA, PA, PA, PA, PA.*

The six seconds pass and Max stops, looking a little more tired, but the Queen has her face buried in the pillow, preventing anyone from seeing her expression at the moment.

Max doesn't stop, he keeps moving his hip, inserting the tip of his cock, while he keeps a count of the seconds that pass in his mind (15...16...17...)

to be sure Max counts to 100 seconds and says again in his mind [Ghost Cock] again unleashing a series of thrusts that only last six seconds.

*PA, PA, PA, PA, PA.*

but they make the Queen raise her head and scream. ⁓"Ahh, Yeah, ahhh, Yeah. "⁓ after six seconds. Max looks a bit more tired than before, but he keeps pushing hard. As the next six-second round arrives, Max cleverly coordinates them with his ejaculation.

at the moment of doing the skill [Ghost Cock] Max releases the dsioaro, filling the Queen's pussy to the core of her.

Max is exhausted and when he gets out of bed he calls out to the Referee woman. ⁓ "I give up." ⁓ The woman is shocked just like the women in the club, not knowing what to do.

Max takes advantage of the confusion of the moment and walks to the chair, puts on his robe and continues walking to the corridor, before reaching the entrance of the corridor, the female Referee wakes up and starts screaming. ⁓ "Queen, Queen." ⁓ She runs to the bed.

the sound of the club announces the winner. ⁓"Congratulations to our Queen. "⁓ but this time no one cheered, because the image on the screen of the Queen's face said it all.

Upon entering the hallway, Max began to run towards the dressing room where his clothes were, but before he got there a door opened and a woman called out to him. ⁓"come on in"⁓

when he meets the woman who calls him. Max immediately stops and comments. ⁓"I need my clothes. "⁓ the woman smiles and shows her.

seeing the clothes in the woman's hand. Max immediately runs to her. Upon entering that door, the woman leads him through several corridors. On the way the woman asks.. ⁓"because you gave up. "⁓ Max winces and shrugs ⁓"there were no other options. "⁓

As the pair walk through the hidden corridors of the club, Max checks the cell phone screen by opening the App. [💲]

[Congratulations on your first vaginal sex. Reward: $100,000 USD.]

[ Reward: [🔃 Reset ]

[🔃 Reset: This button that restores his body to his best condition instantly. ]

⁓"walk faster, those women will be looking for you."⁓ says the woman when she saw that Max had stopped, when reacting Max started walking faster.

as they walk through the narrow corridors of the club Max asks. ⁓"because you help me"⁓ the woman turns and smiles, then licks her lips and comments. ⁓ "Why else" ⁓ the woman hits her butt and continues saying. ⁓"perhaps you don't like it."⁓

Max nods vigorously. the woman smiles as she sees the end of the corridor and she comments. ⁓" we arrive "⁓ Max picks up the cell phone and takes a photo.


🧍‍♀️ [Woman ♀ ]

Name: Deborah Kathy Brown "Eat-children"

Age: 23 years old [⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐]

Likes: anal sex

Fetishes: [needs to be Level 10]

Affinity: [ 30💖 ]

[ Bonus ] ( every sexual activity you perform will have a multiple of 7 )