dinner at home

Max was transported in a black Mercedes Benz car driven by Foxy, while Dolly kept a close eye on him and Domino finished writing a long list of nutritional products with a series of physical exercises.

Foxy stops the car and announces ⁓"we're here"⁓ before getting out. Domino hands over the list and says. ⁓ "The first are high-end products to increase your body mass, the second is for your growth and you must do a minimum of two rounds of physical exercises and increase the number of exercises when your body is ready. "⁓

Max receives the list with great enthusiasm and says ⁓"thank you ma'am, thank you very much for bringing me home."⁓ After saying goodbye, Max gets out of the car and walks to a three-story house, stops at the gate and rings the bell .

immediately a woman opens and says hello ⁓"how are you, don't stay outside, come in, come in. "⁓ Max smiles and enters the house, seconds later the woman closes the door.

The women in the car take a long look at the house before they drive away...

Max stayed in the living room waiting for the woman to come back and when he did, he has a couple of notebooks in his hands and says. ⁓" Jhin left this for you. "⁓ Max receives the notebooks, thanks the lady and leaves the house.

before leaving Max stops and looks at the road, not seeing the car, I walk more calmly in the opposite direction and walk towards another street.

Arriving at the bus stop, he only spied for a moment before getting on and going home, while checking the list and having no idea what these products are, Max first investigates them, being a little more informed of the type of products, Max opens the app and several messages flash.

[Congratulations on having your first anal sex Reward: $200,000 USD]

[I perform vaginal sex $1,000 USD x 6(⭐) x 2 = $12,000 USD.]

[I perform vaginal sex $1,000 USD x 6(⭐) x 2 = $12,000 USD.]

[I perform vaginal sex $1,000 USD x 6(⭐) x 2 = $12,000 USD.]

[I perform Anal sex $2000 USD x 7(⭐) x 2 = $28,000 USD. ]

[a total deposit was made: $264,000 USD. ]

[Bank account $264,500 USD. ]

When he finished reading Max had a stupid smile on his face, when he looked up, he realized that he was still traveling by public transport and his smile disappeared completely.

Max lets out a sigh and remembers the debts he owed to the Amazons and makes three deposits of $10,000 USD. with two additional messages

(please pay my debt is $10,000) USD. ) to prevent those women from going to look for him to demand the debt, the second and third messages were more personal. (buy something nice, I'll call you next weekend. )

When solving the most important issues, it was time to do a little research with the list of supplements, he started looking for them in [Articles]

Just by typing the name, the supplements appeared on the screen and were priced at $20 USD. at $40 USD then Max sorts them by quality, appearing a product with the most ridiculous price on the market $500 USD.

when seeing the price Max reviews the product [Mz-1 you will be able to gain the weight you always wanted] the type of product was like a gel pill with vitamin E, the ridiculous thing was that each pill was worth $500 USD. And not only did they have body mass sideburns, the company had pills for all types of growth and it was literally all types of growth.

In addition, the site had forums, product classification and immediate delivery with an additional cost before making a decision. Max was looking at other products, mainly electronic products, although he had planned to move house, there are a couple of things that he urgently needed to fix.

To avoid some kind of scam Max only ordered 10 Mz-1 pills with normal delivery costing $5000 USD.

Not having anything else to do, he began to review the notebook and began to do the exercises. Max makes a living doing school work. For his classmates, this time it was a boy named Antony.

It turns out that Antony needed a C+ grade to get into a prestigious university, which his father demanded and promised a new computer, but Antony's grades weren't good.

Antony talked with his parents and they came to the conclusion that he could ask for help, but he had to commit to continue studying at the university.

That was how Antony approached Max and in return he would pay him $100 USD for that C+ and if the grade was a B or B+ Antony had to pay $300 USD.

To Max's surprise he solved all the exercises in just 15 min. and he reviews them in 5 min. Having nothing else to do, he began to read the Mathematical notes but this time without solving them.

Max didn't want to do any work for free.



When Deborah woke up, the first thing she did was take a deep breath, feeling that peculiar aroma of strawberries, she knew that she had not had a dream where her brain was fucked, besides the strong pain in her butt reminded her of what had happened.

Deborah found a person sleeping next to her covered by a sheet, without thinking too much, she quickly got under the sheet

the smell of strawberries under the sheet was more intense.

With a smile on her lips, Deborah immediately hugs the person and moves her hand to her crotch. Not finding what she is looking for, Deborah opened her eyes in surprise and screamed. ⁓" who the fuck are you. ? "⁓

Deborah's scream wakes up another woman lying on the floor and she replies ⁓ "silence bitch, I want to sleep." ⁓ This alerts Deborah who immediately removes the sheet and the person who was asleep next to her was Keyla.

why the fuck did her body smell like strawberries?

⁓ "Hey Keyla wake up." ⁓ Deborah says as she pushes the body several times.

⁓"you can shut up, I want to sleep"⁓ says another woman different from the previous one

Deborah pays no attention to that and continues to move the body next to hers. ⁓"Keyla, wake up, up woman, up"⁓

Keyla between opens her eyes and says ⁓"you fuck well friend, what do you want. "⁓ Annoyed by the answer, Deborah slapped her twice.

*splash, splash*

⁓ "Wake up Keyla, where is she?" ⁓ she asks again

⁓"Where is who? "⁓ answers Keyla wrinkling her face

⁓"who more idiot, where is the boy. "⁓ says Deborah

⁓"Ah, Blasphemy"⁓ replies Keyla still half-asleep.

⁓"Shhh idiot they can hear you and you will have problems. "⁓

⁓"they took him away"⁓ That answer sets off Deborah's alarms, and she immediately gets up and slaps him two more times and lets out a barrage of questions ⁓"who took him? when? how? where? at what time? "⁓ Seeing that Keyla settles down to continue sleeping, Deborah gets angry and slaps twice harder.


⁓ "What's wrong? Why are you hitting me" ⁓ Keyla says, while she rubs her cheeks,

⁓"because I'm talking to you. who took Blasphemy. "⁓ says Deborah

⁓ "It was Foxy and her team." ⁓ Keyla replies as she rubs her eyes. ⁓ "Damn, of all the women out there. because she had to take is a psycho." ⁓ Deborah comments annoyed.

⁓"calm down friend, Dolly and Domino accompanied them. "⁓ adds Keyla.

Deborah sits on the bed suddenly and comments ⁓"quick friend, we have to go or those three are going to want to take advantage of the...."⁓

⁓"take advantage of, who? for God's sake, open your eyes"⁓ Keyla tells her and points to the floor, Deborah gets up and looks at the room, there were two more women lying on the floor ⁓"what happened?"⁓

With a smile on her face, Keyla begins to narrate what they did and how Max was fucking another woman before he fell unconscious.

⁓ "You're a silly Keyla what if those women monopolize Blasphemy. "⁓ asks Deborah somewhat concerned.

⁓"that's covered mate"⁓ Keyla shows her cell phone and points to the screen ⁓"look at this"⁓ Keyla shows Deborah a message [Deposit Received $10,000 USD ] then Keyla adds ⁓"I made a deal with Blasphemy, you need to pay me, this amount each month and in return I am obliged to be of exclusive use."⁓

⁓"Silly, what happens, when I stop paying"⁓ comments Deborah annoyed.

⁓ "what's up, what's up look at this, what do you think now"⁓ says Key showing the personal data of the deposit where the name and address were.

that confused Deborah a lot ⁓" So what ?"⁓

⁓ "Like, and what?, I'm going to go look for the damn Blasphemy to her house if necessary, so he can fuck with me, what an idiot. Now look at your account number." ⁓ Keyla comments.

Deborah immediately looks for her phone, finding it, the screen flashes with a new message. [Deposit Received: $20,000 USD] Deborah's face completely changed and a stupid smile spreads across her face, then she looks sideways at her and quickly hides her phone.

Keyla rolls her eyes and comments ⁓"now we have to sleep friend, my crotch still hurts, you know."⁓ but Deborah gets up and starts looking for some clothes and comments ⁓"stop sleeping silly, we should change place, buy some clothes and go to the beauty salon, what if he leaves us for more attractive women. "⁓

Keyla falls silent, watches Deborah run from one side to the other and lets out a snort of pure frustration. ⁓ " looks" ⁓ Deborah took a brief look before continuing to search for her things and says with annoyance. ⁓"Look what, look how silly. you know it's true, We can trust each other and...."⁓

Deborah suddenly stops and looks at Keyla who continues to show her her right hand and a storm of feelings is unleashed inside her head, Deborah approaches the bed, to take a closer look at Keyla's hand specifically, the back of her hand. [💀]

Deborah unconsciously let out a couple of tears and smiled, that scared Keyla who immediately runs and hugs her ⁓"what are you doing, why are you crying?"⁓

Keyla's words make Deborah cry more, that makes Keyla more nervous, as she tries to comfort her friend. ⁓ "calm down, calm down, nothing's wrong, look there's still a long way to go, besides we don't know if that fool will accept us. "⁓

⁓ "If he doesn't accept you, I'm going to go to his house every day to beat him up, until he tells you yes, friend, count on me for...Ah, us?"⁓

a spark lit up Deborah's head and in the end ask doubtfully.

Keyla smiles realizing how dumb Deborah is and comments. ⁓ "Silly look at your hand" ⁓ immediately Deborah looks at her hand and there was the same image [💀] as she looks at the image, a stupid smile adorned Deborah's face.



getting off the bus Max received a new message [the Debt has been paid, the Amazon Club awaits his next visit. ] that message made Max sigh and he sent a reply message [Thanks ]

[You're welcome] answers Deborah

[ I want my thanks in bed ] Keyla sends the message.

[ done, but let's find another place that seems to them. ] Max asks

[OKAY. but I also need some thanks. ] comments Deborah

{Done, we'll see you next weekend} answers Max and was about to put the cell phone away when a new message arrived with an attached image.

the image was of Keyla lying on the bed in her underwear showing her butt with a small text [we are waiting for you] making Max look sideways before admiring the photo, swallow a little saliva and send a response, but moments later he receives a message from Deborah with another image.

[if they keep bothering me, I'll have to make a hamburger with her ass] replies Max

but seconds later the image of the butt burger arrives with the message [we have the bread, cheese and meat, we need the pickle or better spicy. you choose ]

[I'll take him, but stop bothering me, I'm coming home] Max replies

[OK take care, you send us a message when you're alone. ] answers Deborah

but this time Max didn't answer, not because he was proud, it's because in front of his house there was a delivery truck.

As I approached home, a tall guy got out of the van that had a somewhat strange logo, because it was just a dot [ ⚫ ] and the name is the abyss.

When he sees me, the guy first checks his forearm and looks back at me, narrows his eyes and tells me ⁓"you are Mr. James Maxwell"⁓ I was surprised that he knew my name and immediately went back to look to the sides to see if they were following.

The guy smiles and tells me ⁓"I represent the parcel company, to collect registration information and let you know about our immediate delivery service."⁓

knowing the reason for the unexpected visit, I breathed a sigh of relief and take out my cell phone to pay for immediate delivery, but the guy tells me. ⁓"don't worry, you won't receive any additional charges, plus our first delivery is free"⁓

⁓"oh what a pity, I would have taken advantage of the trip. "⁓ I say sadly.

the subject smiles and comments ⁓"I will need to collect some additional data"⁓ the subject took out a fingerprint screen ⁓"please place your thumb, carefully, you will feel a slight prick"⁓ when you place your thumb the screen scans it and immediately A tiny needle pricks my finger, drawing a drop of blood that stains the screen, but the screen reader keeps scanning.

seconds later the screen finishes the scan and the man tells me ⁓"ready, now you are registered in our database"⁓

The man takes out a small cardboard box and tells me. ⁓"here is your package, remember, packages under $500,000 USD or no more than 500kg will be delivered by our automated courier."⁓ pointing to a hawk inside the van.

⁓"for larger packages, you will receive a visit from one or several people depending on the value or importance of the package, it was a pleasure to meet you, Mr. James Maxwell, see you soon. "⁓ before leaving, I ask. ⁓"that device on your forearm is also for sale. ? "⁓

⁓"of course, you can find them with the name [ "Spectrum"] "⁓ the messenger replies

⁓"oh thanks for the tip ."⁓ I tell him, the guy nods, he turned around and left.

Obviously I wouldn't have any doubts and I immediately looked for it, but I was very surprised when I saw the price of the device. Apparently it was high tech,

(shit) I say in my mind when I see the price, the simplest "Spectrum" had a cost of half a million and the personalized ones from 5 to 10 million, for the first time it made me want to rob someone, I let out a sigh, before Walk home.

when I entered the house, my mother was in the kitchen, when she saw me she told me ⁓"a young man came to look for you, he said he had a personal package, it will take about 30 minutes."⁓

that surprises me, fast deliveries are around 20 to 30 min. after making a mental note, I replied ⁓ "if I found it on the street. " ⁓

⁓"That's great, dinner will be ready in an hour or so"⁓ my mother tells me before returning to her work

⁓ "Okay", ⁓ I replied before going up to the room. She had schoolwork behind and needed to pass the time.

strangely I finished the task in less than 20 min. which was quite a record because my previously it would take an hour to finish. strangely. he remembered things more easily with strength and speed had also increased inexplicably.

Just by looking at my appearance, it was obvious that I had never done any kind of physical exercise, wait until dinner to take the supplement pill, because the directions specify to take it before eating

The call for dinner was at the appointed time and before going downstairs I take the pill and out of curiosity I wait a moment to find out if they had immediate effects and yes. yes they did.

when I got to the kitchen my hunger was unbearable, devouring, the whole dinner in a couple of minutes and I was still hungry, my mother had to stop eating dinner to prepare more food, due to the intense screaming of my stomach, while preparing the food mom He tells me ⁓"Jesus Christ Max, you must learn to moderate yourself or you will begin to gain weight uncontrollably"⁓

I only show a smile before ordering more food at home, I had a feeling that the food prepared by my mother would not be enough. ⁓"hello could you send two packages of pork ribs with everything and a couple of large hamburgers"⁓

My mother's surprise was so great that she had stopped cooking until she heard my stomach grumble again ⁓ "it seems, dog fight." ⁓ my mother says and then she bursts out laughing.

In the end, I finished everything I ordered at home and also used the additional food that my mother had prepared for dessert. The interesting thing is that I did not feel tired or sleepy, instead I was very active, beginning to perform a series of exercises from the list they gave me.

exercises that made my body sweat and before finishing them my mother tells me ⁓"remember to take a shower before bed"⁓ I just sit, while I do the last push-ups of a series of 10.

When I finished taking a shower, I received a notification of the daily mission [Perform a masturbation] to do it with more pleasure, send a message, [I need study material]

in a couple of minutes Deborah answers [what kind of material? ] this time I send a picture with my cock erect [night homework]

[oh, wait a minute] Deborah tells me, minutes later I receive a short two-minute video with Deborah's body totally naked and she lays on the bed constantly repeating ⁓"daddy I miss you, my little ass is asking for you."⁓ I I was so excited to hear her voice that I jerked off twice instead of one. having to clean up my mess with the closest t-shirt but this time I take it out of my bedroom and put it in the laundry basket.

after thanking Deborah I go to sleep peacefully I had won $20 USD.



tonight Ruth felt motivated, looking at Max's sweaty body exercising and wanted to replicate the same enthusiasm, wanting to do a little exercise, but the only thing she got was back pain, for that reason Ruth decided to exercising another day.

Before going to sleep Ruth decided to take a bath, when she went through the laundry room to leave her dirty clothes, Ruth noticed an intense smell of strawberries, the smell was so strong that Ruth licked her lips a couple of times, for the craving to taste those strawberries.

at first the craving was not so much but in a matter of minutes, that craving grew, the strange thing is that Ruth did not want to leave the laundry room and she began to look for the source of the abundant odor.

he found a shirt, with a fresh stain. Ruth grabbed the shirt. but before she smelled it she heard that someone had come home. causing Ruth to escape to the bathroom with the shirt in her hand.