Doing the right thing ?

⭐please, Take your time to read. ⭐


From the kitchen window, I watch the drama in the driveway and smile as I straighten my sporttpants.

I get the message from the App.

⚜ [I perform vaginal sex $1,000 USD x 4(⭐) x 2 = $8,000 USD.]


⁓"come on mom you have to hurry up. "⁓ Eliza yells from the van.

Ruth just rolls her eyes, while she keeps rubbing her hips. ( You bloody bastard, don't even think I'm going to let you into the bedroom tonight.) Ruth says in her mind. as she fakes a smile and responds to Eliza's cries. ⁓ "I'm coming... I'm coming Jesus Christ with this youth of today." ⁓

As time passes, Eliza becomes more nervous and comments. ⁓"Come on mom. They can cancel our appointment at the Spa"⁓

in response and to reassure this miss. Ruth shows the keys to the truck and answers. ⁓ "drives the truck, my hip hurts, I'm already old" ⁓

Eliza changes her attitude like the clouds in October, she grabs the keys and then responds with a smile on her lips. ⁓"of course mom"⁓


the two women with big smiles climb into the van and honk the horn before their departure. For my part, I only raise and wave my hand in farewell.

apparently I have the whole day off until the women come home, as a first step I go to my bedroom to read some study guides.

guides that by the way are somewhat scarce in their content, but too expensive, for students with economic problems.

each study guide is worth from $40 USD to $50 USD and there are 5 study guides that you must acquire if you want to be prepared for the university exams. Not counting the different fees you need to pay before or after each exam.

Out of curiosity, I begin to read and solve the communication sciences guide, making several annotations and summarizing the most important things that you must take into account, reducing the 80 pages into only 30 pages of content, perfectly explained and with some simple examples. .

to do this, it takes me only 30 to 40 min

the next thing was to review the calendar of school activities.

In the morning we have a review of the study guides for our final exams. That will take us between two to three hours. follow the lunch, in the second period I have sports activities and finally there are the artistic workshops (dance, music, sculpture or painting.)

I was ready to throw a tantrum, my electronic bracelet started to vibrate before going off with the melody. "Dua Lipa - Physical"

Just by looking at the number I had a severe headache, I let out a sigh before answering ⁓"what's up Cerberus"⁓

⁓"hey, hey, what's up with that tone....friend"⁓ answers Cerberos, but instead of answering the call. I end the call.

this is necessary. because this bastard begins to tell me his whole life and even if I told him 1000 times that doesn't matter to me. the idiot talks, talks and talks.



Before he played the next melody I connect the call, but this time I remain silent waiting for his answer.

with a crying voice, Cerberus tells me ⁓ "Friend, why are you doing this to me.... to me, your favorite Hacker. "⁓

I hold my head and sigh to try to calm down before answering ⁓"what's up Cerberus? "⁓

⁓"I have all the information you asked for is 1Gb....Mmm it will be $5000 USD for the two people. "⁓ answers Cerberus.

⁓"Okay send the data and avoid putting your Spyware or I will have to get someone else for these jobs. "⁓ I warn

⁓ "Don't worry my friend, the last time several pieces of equipment were burned without logic... my lesson has been learned, mate." Cerberus tells me with a nervous laugh..

I obviously don't believe anything this idiot spits out. Before hanging up the call, I deposit the money into a disposable account and say goodbye. ⁓"See you soon Cerberus"⁓ Having said this, I hang up the call. I didn't want to hear how he complains about how expensive life is.

money that it does not occupy, because Cerberos manages a Hackers organization dedicated to data theft that thanks to the App. my device is totally invulnerable to these Hackers.

Before opening the file, I scan the documents and moments later I get the alert. [ cleansed. ]

When opening the document, the photograph with full name [Catalina Rosell] in addition to several photos obviously stolen from her phone. It also has a very specific description of her marriage, business, family, property, bank statements and the purchases she made yesterday at the supermarket.

this is all the personal information of my aunt, older sister of Mom along with the information of my uncle [ Héctor Delmas ]

when comparing the information of both they were like day and night.

I was right, in my main prediction.

my uncle had a life of luxury based on fraud, the trick is very simple, for example: the business with the new nightclub they want to start up.

He wants a budget of $400,000 USD including the 8 partners, but the partners are told that the club is worth $800,000 and will earn between one and two million monthly.

After the investment, they work the club and in their first month they have losses, then they put all their shares up for sale, for an amount equal to or greater than the investment, in this case it would be 400 thousand USD. to 800 thousand USD.

As an ambitious person, you look at the profit and you buy the shares expecting a long-term profit, but that will never come to you. because you are not the only member and the club continues to generate losses.

magically all the partners sell you their shares, but the most interesting thing is that after buying these shares, those initial $50,000 USD became $800,000 USD or more and to get out of the problem, guess who buys the club from you for $50,000 USD.


this way my uncle earns $400 thousand USD. to 800 thousand USD. with only one idea and without putting a single penny. not only with discos there are also other businesses such as restaurants, bars, cinemas and shops.

obviously my aunt Catalina knows about this ....My cock hardens at the thought of my aunt moaning my name and a smile forms on my lips.

But before I make any moves, I need to take care of Eliza and humble my father.

mainly to her pride for playing with my girl's feelings. *cough cough* for hurting mom's feelings, because this is the right thing to do...

as a first step

I look for the main aphrodisiacs in the App and to obtain better results we are going to add our secret recipe that coast several drops of....

🎶 *melody*

🎶 *melody*

when I'm looking for aphrodisiac products, the bracelet vibrates a couple of times before resounding with that melody that I like so much that I even hum a little.

before he said anything.

a woman's voice tells me ⁓"Hello...are you Max ? "⁓

Not recognizing the voice, I ask ⁓"who's calling?"⁓ immediately a smile is heard from the woman and she asks me ⁓"can you receive a video call?"⁓

after thinking about it for a couple of seconds she mumbled ⁓ "Ajamm." ⁓ moments later the call was cut off and three seconds later the bracelet started ringing with an extra prompt saying {incoming video call]

When I accept the video call, I immediately recognize the lady and greet ⁓"Hello, Antony's mom"⁓ The lady smiles at me and corrects me ⁓" name is Charlotte. "⁓

⁓"Okay, Mrs. Charlotte, how can I help"⁓ I ask with a smile and I sit back in my chair, this causes Mrs. Charlotte to get distracted for a moment and involuntarily comment ⁓"Oh, what a big change Max, this surprises me. "⁓

⁓"Thank you, Mrs. Charlotte"⁓ I reply, moving my chest again, causing the lady's eyes to wander again.

Realizing I'm scoffing, Mrs. Charlotte's cheeks redden and she clears her throat ⁓"sorry for calling you, but my silly son seems to have no brain. because he doesn't retain anything he studies, not even by accident"⁓ Antony's annoyance is heard in the distance, this makes me laugh out loud.

When I finish laughing, I ask again ⁓"What are your plans?"⁓ The lady becomes serious and answers me ⁓"You can do a tutorial"⁓ I kept thinking for several minutes.

ruling out possible setbacks such as school schedules, transportation and mainly my source of income.

Seeing me somewhat pensive, Mrs. Charlotte suggests me. ⁓ "Antony doesn't need much care, just that you are indicating the right path"⁓

That made things a lot easier for me. With a smile accept the proposal. ⁓ "Okay" ⁓ my answer made the lady let out a sigh * Uhum * that makes her face change completely. ⁓ "Thanks Max. "⁓ but before they celebrate I had to clarify several points

I explain. ⁓"First you need to cut out all distractions and Antony needs to focus on studies if you want this to work. Because my tutoring will only add a small percentage to his learning. Bottom line Mrs. Charlotte. Your son needs to put a lot of dedication if he wants to get good results. "⁓

Soon Antony's complaints were immediate and the lady nodded a couple of times and immediately confirming it ⁓"you're right Max"⁓

then Mrs. Charlotte changes her attitude and countenance in 180° degrees and screams. ⁓"you shut up Brat or you will definitely force me to send you to that boarding school you hate so much.."⁓ that made Antony close his mouth completely.

at the end of the reprimand Mrs. Charlotte tries to make a smile and she tells me with embarrassment. ⁓"excuse my yelling Max"⁓

⁓ "No problem Charlotte" ⁓I answered and got a small smile from Mrs. Charlotte and continued. ⁓ "Okay, tomorrow I can take a couple of study guides." ⁓ But seeing the complicated face on Mrs. Charlotte's face she tells me that this would be quite a challenge.

I let out a sigh, I look at the time on the screen and say ⁓"I'll be by your house in a couple of hours what do you think?"⁓ Upon hearing my words, both the lady and Antony heaved a sigh of relief and without saying anything else they thank me. ⁓"Thank you Max for helping us, we'll be waiting for you here."⁓

When we finished agreeing, Mrs. Charlotte cut me off call.

While I'm looking for some clothes to go out, I call one of my girls.

🎶 *melody*

before finishing the first ring, the call was answered.

a sultry voice answers on the other end. ⁓"Mmm daddy how are you !! "⁓ Hearing that voice makes me have an erection instantly.

⁓ "Missing you baby and how are you" ⁓ I answered, while unconsciously rubbing my erection.

⁓ "Mmm. why do you want daddy, my pussy misses you too, do you want to see it?" ⁓ She asks me and before answering she sends me a picture. (Picture only shows from waist to toe, she is lying on the bed in a pair of thigh-high black stockings and white lace panties. a little above her knees. While a couple of fingers rub her crotch . ) the image has a text in black letters that tells me "do you see it? "....(¬‿¬)

That makes me smile wryly and I roll my eyes. ⁓"where is Deborah? "⁓ the girl immediately complains *Uhum* ⁓"me thinking of you and you thinking of someone else how bad you are. "⁓

*Aizz* I snort and answer with annoyance. ⁓"Keyla stop playing"⁓

Upon hearing my complaint, Keyla responds immediately. ⁓ "She went to buy the house you asked for" ⁓

⁓"Where are you? "⁓ I ask my first question again.

Keyla with a whimsical voice answers me. ⁓"I'm home alone, waiting for your call"⁓

Hearing that, she makes things a lot easier for me. ⁓"Okay bring the car, I have to go out and I don't want to travel by public transport. "⁓

⁓ "KYAAAA" ⁓ Keyla lets out a cry of emotion that left my ears ringing for a couple of seconds and then she tells me. ⁓ "I'll be right away, not better in 20. not in 30 min." ⁓

⁓ "Don't worry take your ti ....." ⁓ the damn girl cut me off call, without waiting for her to finish talking due to the excitement of coming home.

I let out a sigh and I keep looking for my clothes before going to take a bath.....


on top of the CR-V Ruth and Eliza are all smiles after their Spa appointment and before they arrive at the mall.

Eliza asks with a bit of curiosity ⁓"what are our next shopping plans mom"⁓ this was to prevent them from getting their hopes up and just going to look at the clothes without buying anything,

Ruth gives Eliza a smile and shows her account statement with $10,000 USD. In addition, that amount in the previous situation of the family would be like a month's groceries.

but the reality is cruel because if you want to wear elegant clothes or well-known brands, that amount is barely enough for a dress with a pair of high-heeled shoes.

noticing the amount, Eliza makes a grimace face.

Ruth noticed the gesture and asks ⁓"what?....what's up? It's not enough. "⁓

Eliza looks out the window and sadly replies ⁓"yes, you can buy yourself some clothes"⁓

noticing the sadness in her voice. Ruth tries to cheer her up ⁓"don't worry, you'll see that we'll find great things for both of us"⁓

Eliza just wrinkled her face again before replying reluctantly *Ajam-* the trip lasted another 15 min. before entering the mall parking lot.

when Ruth came down she had a big smile that contrasts with Eliza's face.

In the first store that entered the cheapest dress prices are $4,000 USD. while the high-heeled shoes that Ruth liked cost $3,000 USD.

obviously they looked at another store but the prices increased by $500 or $600 and that was the low quality stores.

⁓"what the hell is up with these damn exaggerated prices"⁓ comments Ruth annoyed after leaving the 4th store.

Eliza smiles sadly and comments. ⁓ "this is normal mom, prices have been increasing for a couple of months due to shortages of raw materials and especially the price of gasoline. "⁓

that got Ruth's attention and she asks incredulously ⁓" I did not know? " ⁓

⁓"Of course you don't know this. because we don't pay rent on the house or we had a car, we don't leave the house either or when was the last time you watched the news"⁓

Ruth just gives an apologetic smirk, because she knew Eliza was right and comments casually.l ⁓ "You're right baby, but a dollar or two isn't an excuse to raise prices through the roof." ⁓

Eliza was shocked to hear what Ruth said and immediately pulls out the smartphone that Max gave her ⁓"time this three months ago this device was worth between $750 USD or $800 much do you think it is now ? "⁓

Ruth thinks for a moment. ⁓"I don't know, maybe $2000 USD"⁓

Seeing that her mother had no idea about the prices, Eliza let out a sigh and immediately turned on the device.

in the internet search engine, she puts the model of the smartphone and shows it to him.

Ruth just opened her eyes as wide as she could at the ridiculous figure on the screen and she involuntarily says it out loud. ⁓"shit."⁓

Eliza grimaces again when she sees the price and comments ⁓"this isn't the only thing, there are other things that are more exaggerated. Why do you think I'm back home?."⁓ Eliza's comments left Ruth speechless.

Seeing her mother sad and silent, Eliza tries to change the subject. ⁓ "Let's go for the dress from the beginning, maybe Max wants to buy us something else next month. "⁓

that would be the most sensible thing to do at the moment, but Ruth didn't want to go home like this and after thinking for a moment she came up with a crazy idea for her age.

Ruth looks to the sides, finding a lingerie and swimwear store, she grabs Eliza's hand and says. ⁓"follow me"⁓


leaving the house I close the front door and walk a couple of meters before I feel my electronic bracelet vibrate a couple of times when receiving an image.

When I open the image I get a big surprise that makes me swallow a mouthful of saliva, after looking at the image from top to bottom a couple of times I read the message attached at the bottom of the image

[ what color ? ]

Since it is a serious topic, I immediately ask [what colors they have]

the answer came right away [there are only two, black and white but....]

Since I didn't want to be left with the intrigue, I asked [but what? ]

In response I got another image. this time it was a white micro swimsuit with the message [ but I like this one. it just wasn't enough for the dresses, lingerie, high-heeled shoes and handbag. Not counting makeup or jewelry. you must remember that we are 2 at home]

got me thinking for a moment before asking. [what's the deal. ? ]

[ what a deal .... what a deal, silly you still want more 😡 ] Ruth asks me annoyed.

[ fine, but I need a little more affection ] I answer and wait for the answer.

Ruth answers me several minutes later [done]

Before depositing the money, Keyla arrives in front of the house in a white BMW and she honks the horn a couple of times, in response. I raised my hand and salute

[Okay, buy something sexy for dinner tonight] after my answer I deposit the cash and walk to the car.

I open the car door and greet Keyla with a kiss on the lips. ⁓"how are you ? "⁓

⁓"hot"⁓ answers Keyla then kisses me back and asks me. ⁓"where are we going ? "⁓

⁓"I'm going to drop this"⁓ I show a couple of guides and continue ⁓"I also need to buy a suit and some recommendations for places to dinner"⁓

Keyla smiles at me and slides her hand to rub my crotch ⁓ "where are you planning to take me" ⁓ her question makes me smile but I don't answer.

Keyla huffs a few times and squeezes my cock. ⁓ "Who is she?" ⁓ Before answering I narrow my eyes, grab her chin and ask. ⁓"Since when does your owner need your permission. ? "⁓ Keyla immediately shakes her head silently...

⁓ "I thought so" ⁓ I push her chin away and lean back in the seat.

⁓ "Come on, let's not waste any more time, it's your fault for wearing pants" ⁓ I say with annoyance, before rubbing my cock, Keyla looks at her outfit and then looks at my erection before starting the car.


Ruth came out of the locker room with a smile and tells Eliza. ⁓"come on we need to buy a lot of things"⁓

Eliza was confused her mother had not understood how high the prices are. but before asking, her mother comments. ⁓"I need to buy something pretty or sexy. I have a date tonight and I'm not going to come home early."⁓

Eliza's mouth dropped open. Ruth smiles at Eliza's reaction and comments, ⁓ "If you help me I'll buy you some things, like that beautiful dress we saw at the beginning or the earrings you love so much, I only have one condition." ⁓ Ruth had raised her finger with a warning causing Eliza to pay attention to her words.

⁓ "No questions." ⁓ With that said, Ruth closes the topic and walks towards the checkout of the store, in her hands she is wearing several very provocative lingerie sets along with two or three micro bikinis.

remember add. library...(¬‿¬)