to sprit or swallow Pt'1

⭐please read carefully⭐

When we arrived at our destination Keyla was nervous, she could tell with her faster breathing or in her eyes, which move from side to side, her hands also tremble visibly.

with a serious and calm face I let out a snort before saying ⁓"I'll call you later Keyla."⁓ I say and look out the car window...I push my body threatening to get out of the car.

Keyla bowed her head sadly, as she nodded a few times in silent confirmation.

I go back to the seat and ask ⁓"And my kiss or do I also have to force you to.... "⁓ I don't finish speaking when Keyla throws herself on top of me, hugging my neck and pulling me hard towards her.


this causes our teeth to collide and a clicking sound is heard from the clash of our teeth. We both parted, grabbing our lips.

Keyla's eyes turn red and threaten to cry because of her clumsiness... I snort loudly... I warn loud and clear. ⁓"calm down"⁓

my voice makes Keyla's body tremble.

unconsciously Keyla lowers her head in shame and hunches her back putting her palms between her legs.... the poor girl tries to stop her hands from continuing to shake...

her at any moment she could break.

Keyla never answers me again and only nods again, confirming several times. Looking at her nervousness, he asked her seriously. ⁓"Keyla....what's the problem? "⁓ after asking my question, Keyla became more nervous and told me hysterically with her teary eyes to the point of tears. ⁓ "I'm sorry….I'm sorry…I'm really so sorry master." ⁓ I put my hand on her shoulder. before Keyla continues speaking.

⁓"Are you afraid of being replaced"⁓ I ask her and Keyla nods several more times...

⁓ "Keyla look at me" ⁓ after my words, Keyla lowers her face further, refusing to look at my face...

In response to her obvious refusal, I reply. ⁓"well, how do you refuse to obey me...… "⁓ before continuing speaking Keyla looks at me again scared saying ⁓"please...please....please don't walk away....don't move away..."⁓


I let go of the slap and immediately screamed out loud. ⁓ "Calm down" ⁓ causing Keyla to go into shock for a few seconds..but I take advantage of her state and don't let her react by yelling loudly again ⁓ "will you obey me" ⁓

Keyla answers me scared ⁓"YES, master. Yes, I will be obedient. "⁓

I ask out loud. ⁓"you will be faithful to me"⁓

Keyla answers me with a stronger voice. ⁓"Yes master. I will always be faithful to you until my last days"⁓

with a bright smile I ask. ⁓"So what is your fear Keyla"⁓

Keyla raises her face, looks forward and tells me. ⁓"I'm afraid of being replaced...afraid that you'll kick me out of your life forever...afraid of doing things wrong...afraid that some bitch will take you away from me....just seeing a hundred and hundreds of whores, trained and ready to fuck with just one call...they are whores who are dying to spread their legs in order to win your favor....I'm also afraid of those bitches who want to fuck the Master again...I'm afraid of all this."⁓ Having said this, Keyla sheds a couple of tears that she immediately wipes from her cheeks with the back of her hand. I was afraid of being scolded...

Venting all her fears Keyla was calmer... I lean over and with my right hand I take her chin again and force her to look me in the eyes... I ask. ⁓"And what does that have to do with me? "⁓

⁓"Nothing."⁓ Keyla barely andanswers

⁓"if I wanted to have a vase woman for the living room in my house... I could do an ad in the newspaper, don't look for problems Keyla, you must find solutions, there are more than 4 billion women in the world and I bet you that more than half would gladly spread their legs if I offer more than 10,000 USD per week... you will see that over time the number of women will only continue and continue to increase looking for that opportunity you have, leave your insecurities at home Keyla and every Whenever you think of nonsense, look at the mark you have on your hand and remember who you belong to.....I'm clear. "⁓ Releasing her chin...Keyla nods with a smile on her face...

I sigh deeply and say ⁓ "go home and wait for my call." ⁓ before getting out of the car Keyla calls me ⁓ "master...his kiss." ⁓ I turn to look and Keyla made her face forward, closing her eyes eyes.

⁓"Mnn...Sss-Ah master"⁓ Keyla moans making our kiss more intense. hugging my neck...before this gets any hotter, I pat her back and repeat. ⁓ "go Home" ⁓ Keyla's face begged for another round of kisses, but I walk away, point to her pants and shrug...

As I get out of the car...I walk to the three-story house facing the street and before I ring the bell...the front gate opens and Mrs. Charlotte greets me. ⁓"thank you for coming to our aid young man..."⁓

I understand her silence and reply ⁓ "James .... James Maxwell, you can call me Max if you like. Mrs. Charlotte" ⁓

Mrs. Charlotte smiles and in response comments ⁓"welcome Max"⁓ with a nod, Mrs. Charlotte checks Max's entire appearance from top to bottom, noticing two very striking things that make her smile discreetly.

As we walked around the house, the lady brought me up to date on the educational measures they had chosen with Antony,

from study schedules, cancellations of outings and different types of restrictions.

they already know zero game, internet or TV. I honestly don't care about that, but as the tutor I have to swallow that with chips… Mrs. Charlotte asked me about my point of view on several occasions.

Unfortunately for young Antony, I shared my experience with my sister and my solutions.

Entering the living room, Mrs. Charlotte tells me discreetly. ⁓"at the end of the corridor is the bathroom"⁓ that made me a little curious and when I look down I realize my remarkable erection in my crotch.

To my bad luck Mrs. Charlotte kept looking at my expressions, she clears her throat and points. ⁓ "I'm talking about the lipstick on her face." ⁓ I felt my blood on my cheeks and part of my neck.

I just walk towards the hall without looking at the lady, while I tell her. ⁓ "Excuse me, ma'am, I'll use her bathroom." ⁓ Mrs. Charlotte's laugh could be heard behind my back. that made me walk faster.

obviously it was Keyla's fault and I will fuck her ass in retaliation. entering the bathroom the first thing I do was pull down my pants and use a little water on my erect shaft.

He was barely holding water when the bathroom door bursts open and an astonished voice sounds. .⁓"Wow bro, what the fuck is that"⁓

⁓"what is that?"⁓ is heard as a girl asks behind Antony's back seconds later she leans out and confirms with a. ⁓"Wow"⁓ is Antony's girlfriend, a girl named Lizzy who looks at me with her emerald green eyes. like this wasn't enough to embarrass me. (something that honestly never crossed my mind)

moments later.... Mrs. Charlotte also joined the Gathering in front of the bathroom with one of the loudest voices she had ever heard. ⁓"Jesus Christ.....Antony what the hell are you thinking or are you dumb..... "⁓ My ears ring for several seconds hearing Mrs. Charlotte's screams.

but seconds after looking towards the bathroom, the powerful voice was replaced by a look of curiosity and astonishment.

Although Mrs. Charlotte was silent, the look on her face was quite obvious. Before, I would have run to the shower to try to cover myself. But of those times, now only memories remain.

I turned slowly so that my dragon moved like a bamboo stick in the wind...I walked with short, slow steps towards the door. because of the pants on my knees...which was funny because all three of them moved their eyes in unison with my footsteps.

Since the bathroom door opens inwards, it was easy to grab the frame and as I close it I say casually. ⁓"if you'll excuse me."⁓ the three forgot to say a word, as they look closer and take a shot of salvo ( X3 )


When Ruth and Eliza finished shopping, both women had big smiles on their lips as they walked out of the mall...Eliza proposes the next stop. ⁓"mom how about going to the beauty salon"⁓

⁓"That sounds great, but I don't know of any worth it, Ely."⁓ Ruth replies, wrinkling her mouth.

Eliza smiles triumphantly and then responds. ⁓"I have a beauty salon in mind that is magnificent. "⁓

⁓"which is it? "⁓ asks Ruth curiously.

⁓ "A business that belongs to one of my friends, is called Dayanne....The beauty salon is near here, on the main avenue" ⁓ answers Eliza as she gets into the van.

⁓ "Let's go to maintenance" ⁓ Ruth replies with a smile on her face.

several minutes later....

The van arrives at its destination and indeed the place was open. Upon entering the establishment, they found Dayanne's mother.

as they enter she greets them. ⁓ "Oh it's our little Ely if you're looking for Dayanne she left a long time ago with her boyfriend." ⁓

⁓ "Hello Mrs. Lourdes.... this time I'm not looking for her daughter. This time I'm here on business" ⁓ Eliza greets and answers. she then grabs Ruth by her shoulders and comments ⁓ "she needs a complete maintenance." ⁓

⁓"what the hell are you saying, damn brat I'm not a car"⁓ reprimands Ruth angrily.

Lourdes ignores Ruth's complaints and answers ⁓"Excellent"⁓ lets out a couple of applause *clap, clap* ⁓"attention"⁓ the couple of applause and the shout, make several workers come closer to receive the instructions.

as Eliza continues to push Ruth's back into one of the chairs. Eliza begins to give very important information for the workers. ⁓ "She has a date tonight... I want her to look beautiful." ⁓ Both Mrs. Lourdes and her workers nodded and commented in response. ⁓ "Leave it to us for the time being. you take the before picture." ⁓

⁓"what photo? "⁓ asks Ruth scared.

Eliza pulls out her smartphone and snaps a few photos and responds. ⁓"Don't worry, mom, you will notice the change... I promise you this."⁓

At the end of the pair of photographs, the workers surround Ruth and each one begins to work in a different area...

Eliza uploads her photos to her social network before going to Mrs. Lourdes to get some beauty treatments.


Across town in the western suburbs, in one of the newly built houses, two women discuss the latest fashionable dresses.

⁓"Gilbert promised me that this weekend he would buy me, the Ten-zun brand dress, a beautiful red Qipao and we will have dinner at the Marshal Restauran in an unforgettable evening. "⁓ says Paola with a smile on her lips, as she grabs and sip some tea.

the woman who was listening to her could not hide her envious gestures compared to those of a child and immediately she begins to beg. ⁓"Pao...we've been friends since childhood, I helped you have to help me find a good sponsor, please, I also want a house, cars and clothes."⁓ Vanessa says, with a puppy face...

Paola puts the cup of tea on the table, wipes her lips and with a smile on her face answers ⁓"you know it took me a lot of work and effort to get my wallet *coof* *coof* my husband, my husband. my point is ....friend you must have initiative, luck and a good bank contact, to know her savings and earnings. "⁓

Vanessa twists her mouth ⁓"I know that...but they are just old people, gangsters or arms dealers...people who don't touch their hearts to kill you. If they think you are using them for your benefit. "⁓

Paola lets Vanessa vent her frustrations for a moment.

until Vanessa convinces Paola and she comments. ⁓"okay...okay, I'll talk to my contact at the bank to find out who's making high transactions in the last month. "⁓

⁓ "Thank you, friend, thank you." ⁓ Vanessa replies happily, as she grabs Paula's hands.

the Meeting is interrupted by the maid. which she then clears her throat a couple of times to get her attention and says. ⁓ "Mrs. Paola, they call you on the phone. "⁓

Paola fakes her best smile and apologizes to her friend, while she gets up. ⁓"I'm sorry Vane...but I have an important call."⁓ takes the phone out of the maid's hands and orders ⁓" can take our guest out....Vane, I'll get back to you in a couple of days. See you soon."⁓ Having said that, Paola walks as fast as she can, while pretending to answer the phone outside the hall.

Leaving the hall, Paola quickly goes up the stairs to the second floor... being safer, Paola answers the call. ⁓"what's up Mr. Jarvis"⁓

The man put all the cotensias aside and says in an annoyed way. ⁓"What's going on? What's going on? Mrs. Paola, is your husband trying to kid me? They're 2 weeks behind on their mortgage payments and their loan expired 3 days ago. Not to mention home, car or credit card loans that's what's up, i just want an answer, before I take over everything"⁓

⁓ "Mr. Jarvis, don't bother, today I'll talk to Gilbert and he'll go to the bank before closing to deposit the money.... without fail. "⁓ answers Paola.

⁓ "I hope so, Mrs. Paola, or we will see the need to seize her assets." ⁓ Manager Jarvis responds.


Vanessa was taken by the maid to the exit of the house. before she left.. Vanessa hands over a phone number that the maid immediately keeps in her hands. ⁓"if you know anything else feel free to bookmark us."⁓ Vanessa says before putting on her sunglasses and looking down the street where a black BMW car was waiting for her.

⁓ "Sure miss, count me in." ⁓ answers the maid Gina before closing the door.

The BMW started the engine as Vanessa approached… she stopped right next to it, opened the door and Vanessa climbed into the passenger seat.

⁓"how did it go"⁓ asks Deborah.

⁓"everything went perfect, Miss Deborah....Paola will call me in a couple of days, to know the contact of the bank and I left the phone number with the maid. "⁓ comments Vanessa and returns to look at Paola's house

Seconds later... Vanessa's conversation continues... ⁓"Mrs. Deborah, I really don't understand why you want to get this doesn't have a pool, a parking lot, much less a backyard."⁓ says Vanessa as wrinkles his face expressing his contempt...

Deborah smiles as she drives the car and comments. ⁓ "the important thing is not the house, it is the message that we will send when we buy the house... enough talk, we have to go to the Penthouse for the possible visit of the master. "⁓

listening to Deborah's comment...Vanessa got nervous. ⁓ "Do you think the master... likes my body or my beauty.... good heavens... I have a nervous look like a high school girl.." ⁓ Vanessa unconsciously snaps her fingers.

⁓ "You should relax Vanessa, as long as you don't say or do anything silly. Believe me, you will never have any problem with the master... now let's go home, we have to prepare for tomorrow." ⁓ Deborah responds as she drives in the main avenue to the north of the city.

Vanessa opens and pulls out of the glove compartment of the car. a sheet of paper named "the master's commandments" where she describes the things that will be forbidden if the master accepts you.

Vanessa begins to learn by heart one by one ... although Vanessa had nothing to envy with respect to the body or the beauty of Deborah and Keyla. she knew perfectly well that she was far behind when it came to fidelity, obedience and commitment.

The journey of the two women inside the car lasted approximately 40 minutes.

the new apartment is located in the Imperial Tower. a building containing 30 floors.

In this same building is located the office for the recruitment of women with different ages between 18 and 55 years old...

Vanessa stopped reading as she entered the street where the Imperial Tower is.

Outside the office there were more than 200 women waiting for the next filter in this case, the interview.

after looking at these girls and ladies lining up, Vanessa began to read more seriously....this made Deborah laugh.

the women on the street looked at the black BMW approaching and started whispering amongst themselves, some women doing their best poses to get the car's attention.

In response Deborah just honked twice *Dii, Dii* After hearing the horn, some women stick out their hips or breasts. while the others sat back or went about their own business. In this way, Deborah and the team knew at first glance who are the women who are here for the first time and who has two or more visits.

In short, those who know how the company operates and save a lot of time in silly conversations.

⁓"for $1000 USD these sluts come too early."⁓ comments Vanessa with annoyance as she looks at all those women lining up.

the comments make Deborah laugh. because she loves discovering the diamond that hides among the crowd of these women.... so far she has only 2 people who are above average, in intelligence, ability and beauty.

Upon entering the parking lot of the Imperial tower, the girls get out of the car... without wasting time they walk and go up the elevator to the top floor.... when the elevator doors open there is a space that separates the elevator from the penthouse that It functions as a hall that is guarded by personnel and security cameras.

the women are greeted by two bodyguards.

⁓ "Hello guys!!!" ⁓ greets Deborah with a smile, but she doesn't stop her steps, she is followed by Vanessa.

the Bodyguards nod a couple of times in response to the greeting and raise their hands to stop Vanessa.

in response Vanessa stops and Deborah confirms ⁓ "she's coming with me" ⁓ the two bodyguards return to their places. and a sigh is heard from Vanessa.

Noticing Vanessa's nervousness before opening the penthouse door, Deborah tells her ⁓"calm down, nothing's wrong." ⁓ which makes Vanessa roll her eyes and say in her mind (Of course, since they won't hit you, there's no problem...right. )

opening the door was like entering a party, there were women everywhere, running, playing, talking, dancing, or swimming. they were mostly women from the Amazon....

Deborah doesn't stop, much less say hello. she just keeps walking until she enters the entrance hall of the Penthouse. you could tell the difference... on the terrace you could hear music, laughter and screams, but everything changes, when you enter the lobby because everything was clean and quiet.

Deborah and Vanessa are greeted by a couple of maids, as they drop off the car keys...Deborah asks ⁓"Is Keyla home?"⁓ The two maids nod and reply ⁓"Miss Keyla is taking a bath."⁓

⁓ "Thank can go back to your own business" ⁓ Deborah tells the maids....she goes back to Vanessa. ⁓"let's go upstairs"⁓ Vanessa nods a couple of times and follows she heads up the stairs Deborah is stopped by the sound of a message on her cell phone.

looking at the screen Deborah wrinkles her mouth and snaps her lips in annoyance...then lets out a sigh...Vanessa noticed the change in Deborah's attitude and cranes her neck a little to look at the screen...Vanessa's jaw dropped as she recognized the person on the screen, but the most surprising thing was the dress she was wearing...

the photo was of Ruth just out of the beauty salon that she is entitled "ready for battle" posted by Eliza.

Deborah let out a snort of annoyance at each step on the stairs .... upon reaching Keyla's bedroom she opens the door without knocking and finds Keyla putting on a tight beige dress highlighting her hourglass figure .. .

Without saying a word, Deborah just shows the phone screen to Keyla and after looking at her for a few moments, Keyla shows a smile and continues fixing her dress.

looking at Keyla's lack of interest.... Deborah gets desperate and says annoyed ⁓ "she keeps wasting her time and they will take it away from us forever, silly .." ⁓

Keyla looks at her friend who always loses her mind when things are about Max and smiles ⁓"if you want to join me you are welcome....but remember that the person who invites is served first."⁓ Hearing this, Deborah nods a couple of times to confirm the rule....

Vanessa interrupts saying ⁓ "what if we send this image to Paola" ⁓ The two women look at Vanessa again, somewhat confused.

then Vanessa explains. ⁓ "Paola wholeheartedly hates what she has to do with that lady....she is her nemesis....because she is Gilbert's former wife" ⁓

before either of the two women answered, they had to discuss the idea with the master. to avoid problems...

⁓"let's go see the master"⁓ says Keyla.

Deborah nods and Vanessa gets nervous, it was the first time that she would meet the owner of everything...


Max looked at the two young men reviewing the study guides and got up from the table ready to go home... at the end of the previously agreed two hours of tutoring. ⁓" and memorize everything you can."⁓ Saying this, Max just got up...turned around...opened the door and left Antony's bedroom...

Walking down the hall, he found himself face to face with Mrs. Charlotte... the lady was about to enter the bathroom or, on the contrary, she was waiting for Max in the hallway... the interesting thing was that the lady was entangled in a bath towel somewhat short....because it only covers half of her breasts at the level of the nipples, because you can see the dark skin of the circles on her white skin and her meaty thighs....

Max looked the lady up and down a couple of times and then looked at the bathroom doors and the master bedroom one was open and the other was closed.

Charlotte feels Max's hot gaze on her body and her cheeks redden in embarrassment... having to look down...

before making or saying any comment..... the door behind Max opens and before the young lady comes out she is stopped by Antony's voice ⁓ "wait...Lizzy....wait" ⁓

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